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Assassin Interception was a virtual representation of one of Shay Cormac's genetic memories stored in the Helix, relived by a research analyst through the Animus.


Shay caught a pigeon and intercepted an assassination contract from the Assassins, targeting Rachel Plourde.


  • Plourde: Is this not beautiful? This view on the infinite ocean... No need to present yourself, I know who you are. Unfortunately, I will not be sharing the same fate as you...


Shay found the Assassins who sought to kill Rachel Plourde, and killed them in turn, saving Plourde's life.


Assassin's Creed: Rogue memories
Main memories
Sequence 1
The Way the Wind Blows - Lessons and Revelations - Tinker Sailor Soldier Spy - By Invitation Only
Sequence 2
One Little Victory - We the People - Fiat Lux - Kyrie Eleison - Freewill
Sequence 3
The Color of Right - A Long Walk and a Short Drop - Circumstances - Keep Your Friends Close
Sequence 4
Honour and Loyalty - Armour and Sword - Scars
Sequence 5
Men o' War - Bravado
Sequence 6
The Heist - Caress of Steel - No Laws But Our Own - Cold Fire - Non Nobis Domine
Incomplete memories
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Assassin interceptions
Scott Lawson - Kelly Snider - Lewis Johnson - Franklin Greear - Maria Gurley - Michael Crawley - Randall Gordon - Rachel Plourde - David Borgen - Philippe Beaubien - Conan Brown - Marla Capps
Legendary battles
The Battle of Labrador - The Battle of Quiberon Bay - Pirates of a Lost Age - The Storm Fortress