Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki
For the achievements of other Assassin's Creed games, see Achievements.

The following are the achievements that can be earned in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.


Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag[]

Icon Name How to obtain Points Trophy
AC4T-PrizesPlunderAndAdventure Prizes, Plunder, and Adventure! Win every trophy. N/A PS3Platinum
AC4A-HeroesArentBorn Heroes Aren't Born Complete memory sequence 1. 10 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-GoodWhileItLasted Good While It Lasted Complete memory sequence 2. 20 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-APiratesLifeForMe A Pirate's Life For Me Complete memory sequence 3. 20 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-NoApologies No Apologies Complete memory sequence 4. 20 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-DeathOfASalesman Death Of A Salesman Complete memory sequence 5. 20 G PS3Silver
AC4A-MixingUpTheMedicines Mixing Up The Medicines Complete memory sequence 6. 20 G PS3Silver
AC4A-TheHammerFalls The Hammer Falls Complete memory sequence 7. 20 G PS3Silver
AC4A-Adrift Adrift Complete memory sequence 8. 20 G PS3Silver
AC4A-ANewHope A New Hope Complete memory sequence 9. 20 G PS3Silver
AC4A-MyElusiveFortune My Elusive Fortune Complete memory sequence 10. 20 G PS3Silver
AC4A-BeenDownSoLong Been Down So Long... Complete memory sequence 11. 20 G PS3Silver
AC4A-JustLikeStartingOver Just Like Starting Over Complete memory sequence 12. 20 G PS3Silver
AC4A-SawThatOneComing Saw That One Coming... Complete memory sequence 13. 50 G PS3Gold
AC4A-RoutineHacking Routine Hacking Complete present day mission 2. 20 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-GettingWeirdAroundHere Getting Weird Around Here Complete present day mission 3. 20 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-BunkerBuddies Bunker Buddies Complete present day mission 4. 20 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-ItsAllGood It's All Good Complete present day mission 5. 20 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-ByTheBook By The Book Complete 100% of all main mission constraints. 50 G PS3Silver
AC4A-Hungover Hungover Wake up in a haystack. 10 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-SilenceFool Silence, Fool! Kill a guard ringing a bell. 5 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-Owned Owned Complete every activity in a single location. 10 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-VaultRaider Vault Raider Unlock the secret door in Tulum. 30 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-KillerKiller Killer Killer Harpoon a killer whale. 10 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-HelpABrotherOut Help A Brother Out Complete a Templar Hunt Sequence. 20 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-SeaLegs Sea Legs Complete all naval contracts. 30 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-KingOfTheCastle King Of The Castle Capture all forts. 30 G PS3Silver
AC4A-EmployeeOfTheMonth Employee Of The Month Complete 25 Abstergo challenges. 30 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-BusinessAndPleasure Business And Pleasure Earn 50,000 reales. 20 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-Merman Mer-man Swim a total of 1 nmi. 10 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-RedingoteUp Redingote Up! Craft the Hunter outfit. 10 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-ThugLife Thug Life Plunder 30 ships. 30 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-DevilOfTheCaribbean Devil Of The Caribbean Defeat all 4 legendary ships. 40 G PS3Silver
AC4A-Destroyer Destroyer Fully upgrade the Jackdaw. 40 G PS3Silver
AC4A-SevenDeadlySeas Seven Deadly Seas Explore all underwater shipwrecks. 10 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-Barfly Barfly Unlock all taverns. 30 G PS3Silver
AC4A-CannonFodder Cannon Fodder Recruit 500 crew members. 5 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-FTFY FTFY Fully upgrade your hideout. 10 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-Cartographer Cartographer Visit every location of the game. 20 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-GhostInTheMachine Ghost In The Machine Hack 15 computers in Abstergo Entertainment. 10 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-RopedIn Roped In Perform 5 air assassinations from a swinging rope. 10 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-SharingIsCaring Sharing Is Caring Share each type of discovery with friends once. 10 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-AllAboard All Aboard! Board a ship without losing any crew members. 30 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-SirenSong Siren Song Rescue pirate hostages by distracting enemies with "dancers." 20 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-WildWestIndies Wild West Indies Kill 4 enemies in a row using multi-pistols. 20 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-Excavator Excavator Find a buried treasure. 10 G PS3Bronze


Icon Name How to obtain Points Trophy
AC4A-CommittedToTheCause Committed To The Cause Reach level 55 in Multiplayer. 20 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-PersonalBagOfTricks Personal Bag Of Tricks Finish a game session with an ability set that you customized in Multiplayer. 10 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-MasterOfTheCaribbean Master Of The Caribbean Complete the Discovery Mode of Wolfpack in Multiplayer. 20 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-LabTechnician Lab Technician Play and complete a game session of Game Lab in the Multiplayer Public playlist. 10 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-AllRounder All Rounder Play on every game mode, and use every ability and ranged weapon once in Multiplayer. 20 G PS3Bronze

Multiplayer: Blackbeard's Wrath[]

Icon Name How to obtain Points Trophy
AC4A-SacredLand Sacred Land Playing as The Jaguar, be the highest scoring player of a Domination game session. 20 G PS3Silver
AC4A-QueenAnnesRevenge Queen Anne's Revenge Playing as Blackbeard, perform an acrobatic kill and a gun kill in less than 10 seconds. 20 G PS3Silver
AC4A-PreemptiveStrike Preemptive Strike Playing as The Orchid, block 10 abilities from opponents with Sabotage. 20 G PS3Silver
AC4A-ElevatortotheGallows Elevator to the Gallows Kill a player using a lift that has been trapped with Booby Trap. 20 G PS3Bronze

Freedom Cry[]

Icon Name How to obtain Points Trophy
AC4A-LiberationDay Liberation Day Free your first slave. 15 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-Seedsofindependence Seeds of independence Liberate 500 slaves. 40 G PS3Silver
AC4A-Firepower Firepower Kill 5 guards at once with a blunderbuss. 15 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-HisOwnMedicine His Own Medicine Disarm the Gouverneur and kill him with the branding iron. 50 G PS3Bronze
AC4A-HisWordWasPerhaps His Word Was "Perhaps" Freedom Cry - Complete all missions 20 G PS3Silver
AC4A-HisFullAttention His Full Attention Freedom Cry - Achieve 100% synchronization 30 G PS3Gold

