Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki
For the achievements of other Assassin's Creed games, see Achievements.

The following are the badges or achievements that could be earned in Assassin's Creed: Initiates.


Icon Name How to obtain
MinervasDen Minerva's Den Completed the story in Assassin's Creed II.
RenaissanceMan Renaissance Man Synchronized 100% of Assassin's Creed II.
TheHandsOfFate The Hands of Fate Completed the story in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
TrueBromance True Bromance Synchronized 100% of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
JourneysEnd Journey's End Completed the story in Assassin's Creed: Revelations.
MyTwoMentors My Two Mentors Synchronized 100% of Assassin's Creed: Revelations.
EziosBiographer Ezio's Biographer Completed the story of Assassin's Creed II, Brotherhood, and Revelations.
AfterTheWar After the War Completed the story in Assassin's Creed III.
PureRevolution Pure Revolution Synchronized 100% of Assassin's Creed III.
ANewFamily A New Family Completed the story in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.
NoLootLeft No Loot Left Synchronized 100% of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.
AllCriedOut All Cried Out Completed the story of Assassin's Creed IV: Freedom Cry DLC.
TotalFreedom Total Freedom Synchronized 100% of Assassin's Creed IV: Freedom Cry DLC.
AbstergosAveline Abstergo's Aveline Completed the story in Assassin's Creed Liberation HD.
EruditosEdutainment Erudito's Edutainment Synchronized 100% of Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD.
18thCenturyTourist 18th Century Tourist Completed the story of Assassin's Creed III, Assassin's Creed Liberation HD, and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.
KnowThyEnemy Know Thy Enemy Completed the story in Assassin's Creed Rogue.
TheSonofUnderstanding The Son of Understanding Synchronized 100% of Assassin’s Creed Rogue.
ViveLaRevolution Vive La Révolution! Completed the story in Assassin's Creed Unity.
OfLoveandDuty Of Love and Duty Synchronized 100% of Assassin's Creed Unity.
AnimiTrainingFirstStage Animi Training First Stage Played 50 sessions in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood multiplayer
AnimiTrainingSecondStage Animi Training Second Stage Achieved Level 50 in Assassin's Creed: Revelations multiplayer
TheFutureIsRetro The Future is Retro Achieved Level 50 in Assassin's Creed III multiplayer
PoweredByAnimus Powered by Animus Achieved Level 50 in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag multiplayer
BloodandGuts Blood and Guts Completed all FIGHTING accomplishments.
FromTheShadows From the Shadows Completed all STEALTH accomplishments.
FleetOfFoot Fleet of Foot Completed all FREE RUNNING accomplishments.
HandsOff Hands Off Completed all TACTICS accomplishments.
FirstAmongEquals First Among Equals Completed the accomplishments in STEALTH, FIGHTING, FREE RUNNING, and TACTICS.
GiveMeLiberty Give Me Liberty Obtained one of the 3 McFarlane Assassin's Creed Series 2 Action Figures.
KenwayCollector Kenway Collector Obtained all Set 1 McFarlane figures for Assassin's Creed III.
PlasticPirates Plastic Pirates Obtained all Set 1 McFarlane figures for Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.

Defunct Badges[]

Following the site's redesign on 11 November 2014, these badges could no longer be earned or viewed on the site.

Icon Name How to obtain
ScurvyScholar Scurvy Scholar Completed Lost Memory Set 1: A Pirate's Life For Me
SharpMemory Sharp Memory Earned 90% of Eidetic Bonuses on Lost Memory Set 1: A Pirate's Life For Me
PieceOfMind Piece of Mind Completed Lost Memory Set 2: Eden, in Pieces
PiecesOfAWhole Pieces of a Whole Earned 90% of Eidetic Bonuses on Lost Memory Set 2: Eden, in Pieces
720p 720p Completed Lost Memory Set 3: Resolutiongate
1080p 1080p Earned 90% of Eidetic Bonuses on Lost Memory Set 3: Resolutiongate
MnemonicReproduction Mnemonic Reproduction Completed Lost Memory Set 4 : The Nativity
DigitalGenesis Digital Genesis Earned 90% of Eidetic Bonuses on Lost Memory Set 4 : The Nativity
NextStopEverywhere Next Stop Everywhere Completed Lost Memory Set 5: Chasing Time
AWalkThroughEternity A Walk Through Eternity Earned 90% of Eidetic Bonuses on Lost Memory Set 5: Chasing Time
GuerillaTactics Guerrilla Tactics Completed Mission: Guerrilla Tactics
FirstBlood First Blood Completed Mission: First Blood
HiddenNature Hidden Nature Completed Mission: Hidden Nature
BleedingEdge Bleeding Edge Completed Mission: Bleeding Edge
NewFrontier New Frontier Completed Mission: New Frontier
Packrat Packrat Completed Mission: Packrat
RisingStar Rising Star Completed Mission: Rising Star
WarGames War Games Completed Mission: War Games
Beachcomber Beachcomber Completed Mission: Beachcomber
CunningBilge Cunning Bilge Rat Completed Mission: Cunning Bilge Rat
EagleEyedLookout Eagle Eyed Lookout Completed Mission: Eagle Eyed Lookout
LifeScratcher Life Scratcher Completed Mission: Life Scratcher
PrivateerOfTheCrown Privateer of the Crown Completed Mission: Privateer of the Crown
SloppyBrawler Sloppy Brawler Completed Mission: Sloppy Brawler
BloodDonor Blood Donor Completed Mission: Blood Donor
CorsairOfTheSpanishMain Corsair of the Spanish Main Completed Mission: Corsair of the Spanish Main
DaringRaider Daring Raider Completed Mission: Daring Raider
DerelictSalvager Derelict Salvager Completed Mission: Derelict Salvager
FreedomFighter Freedom Fighter Completed Mission: Freedom Fighter
HeartlessScallywag Heartless Scallywag Completed Mission: Heartless Scallywag
TrustedNavigator Trusted Navigator Completed Mission: Trusted Navigator
MasterOfTheSea Master of the Sea Completed Mission: Master of the Sea
PirateLegend Pirate Legend Completed Mission: Pirate Legend
SpoilsOfWar Spoils of War Completed Mission: Spoils of War
StalwartCoxswain Stalwart Coxswain Completed Mission: Stalwart Coxswain
RenownedExplorer Renowned Explorer Complete Mission: Renowned Explorer
SilentBlade Silent Blade Completed Mission: Silent Blade
AdmiralOfTheBlack Admiral of The Black Completed Mission: Admiral of The Black
AgentProvocateur Agent Provocateur Completed Mission: Agent Provocateur
BayouGuide Bayou Guide Completed Mission: Bayou Guide
DeviousRapscallion Devious Rapscallion Completed Mission: Devious Rapscallion
IslandRunner Island Runner Completed Mission: Island Runner
LaceAndGold Lace and Gold Completed Mission: Lace and Gold
LibertyHero Liberty Hero Completed Mission: Liberty Hero
MayanExcavator Mayan Excavator Completed Mission: Mayan Excavator
RecklessDuelist Reckless Duelist Completed Mission: Reckless Duelist
ShrewdOpportunist Shrewd Opportunist Completed Mission: Shrewd Opportunist
Troublemaker Troublemaker Completed Mission: Troublemaker
EmployeeOfTheMonth Employee of the Month Completed Mission: Employee of the Month (This Badge could be won more than once)
25Karats 25 Karats Earned 25,000 points in C.TAG
50Karats 50 Karats Earned 50,000 points in C.TAG
Envoy Envoy Envoys are Initiates veterans here to guide new users
WhoWatches Who Watches? A member of The Watch
Watchtower Watchtower A high-ranking member of The Watch
IAmAlpha I am Alpha Participated in the Closed Alpha between 31 January and 16 October 2013
20121221 2012.12.21 Took part in the data recovery phase after the D.N.A. crashed
Harry H[a]rry Left no stone unturned
Pioneer Pioneer Broke New Ground

