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This article is about the French-Austrian Assassin. You may be looking for the Tuscan waterway.
"The Creed of the Assassin Brotherhood teaches us that nothing is forbidden to us. Once, I thought that meant we were free to do as we would. To pursue our ideals, no matter the cost. I understand now. Not a grant of permission. The Creed is a warning."
―Arno Dorian, reflecting on his perception of the Creed.[src]

Arno Victor Dorian (born 1768) was a member of the French Brotherhood of Assassins and a Master Assassin during the French Revolution. The only known son of Charles Dorian, an Assassin who was murdered by the Irish-American Templar Shay Cormac, Arno was then made a ward of François de la Serre, Grand Master of the French Rite of the Templar Order, and raised alongside his closest friend, Élise.

In May of 1789, Francois de la Serre was murdered at the Palace of Versailles as part of a coup within the French Templar Rite, and Arno was framed for the murder. While imprisoned at the Bastille, he met Master Assassin Pierre Bellec, who told Arno of his Assassin heritage. Wracked with guilt over his past failures, Arno joined the Assassin Brotherhood in the hopes of avenging his father and adoptive father, while also working to uncover the true instigators of the revolution.

Throughout his journey, Arno gained various allies, including Antoine Lavoisier, Marquis de Sade, Georges Danton, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Élise, who had recently been inducted to the Templar Order and sought revenge against her father's murderers. Arno and Élise soon discovered that François-Thomas Germain had orchestrated de la Serre's death in the hopes of reforming the Templar Order, and instigated the Revolution to this end. When the Assassin Mentor Honoré Mirabeau accepted an alliance with her on behalf of the Brotherhood, Bellec poisoned Mirabeau and tried to kill Élise as well, forcing Arno to assassinate his former teacher. 

After killing most of Germain's subordinates, Arno was exiled from the Assassin Brotherhood and shunned by Élise, causing him to retreat back to the now abandoned and dilapidated de la Serre estate in Versailles. Six months later, Élise found Arno in a drunken, depressed state at the Palace and apologized to him before they both returned to Paris. After eliminating the remainder of Germain's allies, they tracked him down at the Temple in July of 1794, where a final confrontation ensued. Germain killed Élise using the Sword of Eden, and Arno killed him in return.

Heartbroken over Élise's death, Arno sank into alcoholism and depression once more and ultimately resolved to leave France altogether. To this end, he accepted a mission from the Marquis de Sade in Franciade, where he met a young boy named Léon. Together, they discovered that Napoleon was planning to use an artifact buried beneath the town to take control of France. Initially hesitant to take action, Arno regained his sense of duty and put an end to Napoleon's plans, recovering the artifact–an Apple of Eden–in the process. Arno decided to remain in France and rejoin the Assassin Brotherhood, eventually rising to the rank of Master Assassin. He would sire a child at some point in the future and is an ancestor of Callum Lynch.[2]

By the year 2014, Arno's genetic memories had been studied by both Abstergo Entertainment and an unidentified member of the Initiates hacker group.


Early life

Youth in Versailles

Arno was born into a noble household in Versailles, France, the 26 August 1768, as the only child of Charles and Marie Dorian. Because of his upbringing, Arno was well-educated and had access to a wide selection of tutors and books from a young age. Some years later, Marie discovered her husband's allegiance to the Assassin Brotherhood and abandoned her family, leaving Charles to raise their son alone. Since then, Arno frequently traveled with his father, visiting places around Europe and North Africa.[3]

On 27 December 1776, Arno accompanied his father to the Palace of Versailles,[4] where he was scheduled to meet with his fellow Assassins and discuss with them the protection of the Precursor box, a First Civilization artifact that had been recovered from the Colonial Templars twenty-five years earlier.[5] Once inside the palace, Charles instructed Arno sit in a chair while he went to meet with his fellow Assassins. Arno wished to go with his father, who assured him that he would return shortly - even giving Arno his pocket watch to keep track of the time - and see fireworks with him. Before leaving, Charles asked Arno to stay put and not run off, to which Arno reluctantly agreed. However, a mysterious young noble girl appeared and enticed Arno into chasing her. As soon as he caught up to the young girl, she encouraged him to steal an apple from a nearby bowl, prompting several guards to chase him away. Arno then introduced himself to the girl, who then proceeded to introduce herself as Élise de la Serre. She claimed that her father was meeting with King Louis XVI.[4] As they continued playing, Charles Dorian was murdered by the Colonial Templar Shay Cormac.[5]

Memories of Versailles 2

Arno and his father

Arno and Élise overheard nearby commotion and, thinking the guards were still after them, confessed to stealing an apple; when the guards ignored him and continued onwards, Arno and Élise followed them (at her urging) to see what was going on. Seeing his father's deceased body, Arno could only stare in silent, horrified shock. He was brought out of his stupor by François de la Serre, Grand Master of the Parisian Rite of the Templar Order, who then adopted the young boy. Initially, de la Serre kept his allegiance to the Templars a secret from Arno, mainly out of respect for the boy's late father, but also because his wife Julie and daughter Élise asked him to do so, although he did tell Élise to try and influence him into joining their cause. From that point forward, Arno was raised alongside Élise, with whom he bonded with over the years.[4] However, Arno remained distraught over the loss of his father and often wrote letters to him on his adopted father's suggestion, in order to cope with his grief.[6]

When Julie fell ill, Élise stopped playing with Arno and spent more time at her mother's bedside. Arno, who barely knew Julie and was forbidden from entering her room, spent his days alone. François, distraught when his wife finally died, found comfort in being Arno's guardian. As he grew older, de la Serre began training Arno, sparring with him and teaching him how to hunt. The Grand Master was optimistic that Arno would one day join the Templar Order, and arranged his timetable so he could train with the governor. When Élise was sent to Maison Royale de Saint-Louis school at Saint-Cyr to continue her education, she wrote letters to Arno regarding her negative feelings towards the students and teachers.[7]

By 1788, Arno had moved out of the de la Serre household and lived in the slums of Paris. It was there that he spent his days and nights drinking, playing cards, and even entertaining women. But despite his distance, Arno remained in contact with his adopted family, especially François and Élise.[7]

De la Serre murder

On 5 May 1789, Arno lost his father's watch in a card game with two brothers, Hugo and Victor. Although Arno endeavored to steal the memento back, Victor caught him in the act. Enraged, the brothers chased him all the way back to the de la Serre household, where François attempted to mediate the situation by assigning Arno to assist his butler, Olivier, with chores. He was also informed that Élise would be in town for the night to attend a soirée (which was actually a Templar graduation ceremony), but that he was forbidden from attending.[4]

The Estates General 3

Arno agreeing to deliver the message

As François left, a Templar messenger, Perrault, attempted to deliver a letter from Chrétien Lafrenière, which Arno volunteered to deliver in his stead (as Perrault was already exhausted). Initially, he lost sight of de la Serre's carriage and mistook another carriage for his. The carriage he caught up with belonged to future Templar Grand Master Francois Thomas Germain, although Arno had no idea who he was at the time and would soon forget his face completely. He apologized to Germain and dashed off, climbing the spire of a nearby church in the hopes of locating de la Serre's carriage. Arno used Eagle Vision to spot the carriage, which had been parked in the courtyard of the Hôtel des Menus-Plaisirs. Arno then infiltrated the vast complex, where he witnessed King Louis XVI's ill-fated address to the Estates-General. But before Arno could catch up to François, he was attacked by Hugo and Victor, who had been tailing him. Arno bested the two brothers in combat only to be chased away by the guards.[8] Returning to the de la Serre household, Arno decided to slip the letter under the door to François' study, confident that he would find it upon his return.[9]

High Society 13

Arno with the deceased François

Later that evening, Arno infiltrated the Palace of Versailles to attend a party that was being held in Élise's honor, although it was really a ceremony for her induction to the Templar Order. Francois did not invite Arno to the ceremony, as he was not yet ready to reveal his Templar affiliations to the boy. Inside, Arno caught up with Élise and shared a romantic moment with her, although they were interrupted by the guards. She told Arno to exit through the window while she kept them occupied. Reaching the palace's courtyard, Arno came upon a mortally-wounded François, mistaking the state that he was in for public drunkenness. Arno rushed over to help him as he collapsed onto the ground. Unaware of what was going on, Arno heard one of de la Serre's attackers, Charles Gabriel Sivert, call out to the guards in an attempt to frame him for de la Serre's murder. The guards soon showed up and subdued Arno, who was then imprisoned in the Bastille.[9]


After his first night in prison, Arno woke up to discover that one of his cellmates, Pierre Bellec, had stolen his father's watch. Infuriated, Arno demanded that he give it back, but was challenged to a duel instead. Unbeknownst to Arno, this duel was merely a training exercise, as Bellec had already deduced Arno's Assassin heritage from the watch on his person. Arno once again demanded his watch back before telling Bellec to return to his "crazy drawings". Bellec instantly realized that Arno possessed Eagle Vision and grabbed him by the arm, dragging him over to the wall and telling him to concentrate. Although Arno initially thought these symbols were nothing more than senseless scribbles, Bellec told him that they had a much bigger meaning and that he had himself thrown into half the prisons in Paris in search of them. Arno introduced himself to Bellec, who then realized that Arno was Charles Dorian's son. Bellec then returned the watch to Arno and told him of his Assassin heritage before offering to train him. Arno accepted the offer, and for the next two months, Bellec trained him in combat. However, the Bastille soon came under attack from a civil uprising, allowing Arno and Bellec to make their escape. Bellec gave Arno a medallion that would lead him to the Assassin's hideout in Paris and then performed a Leap of Faith from the fortress's battlements. Arno, despite his initial reluctance, followed suit moments later.[10]

Imprisoned 12

Arno and Bellec escaping the Bastille

Escaping from the Bastille, Arno immediately made his way to Élise's residence but was greeted with accusations of involvement in her father's murder. Arno pleaded that he had nothing to do with it and told her of her father's Templar affiliations, only to learn that she was fully aware of it and a member of the Order herself. She then showed him the letter he was supposed to deliver the night François was murdered, which would have warned him of the impending assassination. Realizing that his negligence inadvertently caused François' death, Arno left the mansion.[10]

Joining the Assassins

Induction in the Brotherhood

"...The Assassins... They gave me a purpose. Something to believe in. To see that betrayed... I need to make it right myself. I need to know why."
―Arno Dorian, reflecting his thoughts to Élise, 1791.[src]

Wracked with guilt and blaming himself for de la Serre's death, Arno sought out the Assassins, discovering their headquarters underneath the Sainte-Chapelle. Meeting Bellec, Arno was brought before the Assassin Council of the Parisian Brotherhood composed of Mirabeau, Bellec, Sophie Trenet, Guillaume Beylier and Hervé Quemar. Before them, Arno expressed his desire to join the Brotherhood to redeem his mistakes.[11]

During the induction ceremony, Arno drank in a chalice containing a hallucinogenic brewage. Seeing visions of his life, Arno experienced once again the deaths of his father and François, who were killed by the same hooded figure. Arno tracked the killer and end his life. Seeing his own face on the corpse, Arno paid the last rites before waking from the hallucinations.[11]

Rebirth 29

Arno's induction to the Brotherhood

Opening his eyes, Arno was surrounded by the Council which recited the tenets of The Creed. Bellec gave to Arno the Hidden Blade, the signature weapon of the Brotherhood. Mirabeau stated that Arno was dead with his sins and failures and that he was reborn as a novice of the Assassin Brotherhood. Arno activated his Hidden Blade, officializing his induction.[11]

One of his earliest missions with the Brotherhood was to protect Théroigne de Méricourt during the Women's March on Versailles.[12] Arno planted journals to help the doctor and deputy Joseph-Ignace Guillotin to promote the use of the Guillotine for the death penalty.[13]

In 1790, Arno returned in the Bastille for Jean Henri Latude to recover the ladder he used during his escape.[14] When the former Minister of Finance Jacques Necker was about to flee France, Arno was sent by the Council to recover Necker's treasure. The Assassin succeeded and even paid the border officials to let Necker leave Paris.[15] Arno was later contacted by the poet André Chénier to recover the last verses of his poem "Le Jeu de Paume", which was stolen by Jacques-Louis David's henchmen as Chénier criticized the painter.[16]

As revolutionaries were against the Catholic Church and his wealth, many churches and orders were targeted by criminals and angry mobs in Paris. When thugs terrorized Convent of the Daughters of Calvary's nuns, the Council sent Arno to kill the criminals.[17] Arno also escorted with the National Guard a group of Carmelite nuns which was threatened by an angry mob.[18]

Even if Arno ended his relation with Élise, he continued to receive letters from her, especially warning him about joining the Brotherhood.[19]

First Blood

On 4 January 1791, Arno joined Bellec in tracking down Arpinon, an extortionist working for the Templars. Perhaps unexpectedly, Arpinon was accompanied by none other than Charles Gabriel Sivert, but Bellec chose to assassinate only the former, much to Arno's frustration. After acquiring a ledger of Templar records from Arpinon's corpse, Arno complained to Bellec about his decision to let Sivert live. In response, Bellec told Arno that Sivert was not on the list of targets for that day. When they reported back to the Council, Bellec criticized Mentor Mirabeau for his truce with the Templars, prompting Guillaume and Trenet to remind Mirabeau that the truce was with de la Serre, who had been dead for more than 2 years by that point. Arno then managed to gain Bellec and the Council's blessing to assassinate Sivert, after much persuasion.[20]

Before accomplishing his first assassination, Arno entered in the Café Théâtre, which was situated just above the Assassin sanctuary on Ile Saint Louis. There, he met Charlotte Gouze, an Assassin and the manager of the café which served as the intelligence gathering front for the Brotherhood. As the café fell in disrepair, Gouze chose Arno as the steward of the place. Taking the café as his residence, Arno renovated it to have a financial revenue and bought seven other cafés in Paris to serve as safehouses for the Brotherhood where he received order for the Council. In the Café Théâtre, Arno met the Assassin and fencing master Augustin Grisier who learnt to Arno more advanced technics in fight and stealth.[21]

Exploring the basement, Master Quémar explained to Arno that the Assassins formed clubs to accomplish difficult missions in the city. Arno associated with some of his brothers to accomplish heist missions to recover money and treasures from Templars and criminals. He also discovered the locked Armor of Thomas de Carneillon, a Mentor of the French Brotherhood who participated in the Persecution of the Templars during the 14th century. Quémar explained that to unlock it, Arno needed to recover the part of a seal by resolving enigmas of Nostradamus. Arno eventually completed the seal and collected the armor.[21]

When Arno entered in the police station of the Île de la Cité, he proposed his help to reduce crimes for Charles Cochon de Lapparent who firstly refused but was convinced by the inmate Eugène François Vidocq that Arno could solve the murders which happened in Paris. After receiving Vidocq's advice to lead a proper investigation, Arno solved a quadruple murder link to a prophecy of Nostradamus in a monastery. Succeeding in his first case, Arno continued to solve mysterious crimes.[22] Among them was the death of two actors of the Theatre Troupe of Amiens[23], the double murders linked to the death of the Grand Master Jacques de Molay[24], the mystery of the bag filled with bones[25], the poisoning of a La Voisin's descendant[26], the first-look accidental death of Professor Marcel[27], the decapitation of the Salpêtrière Hospital's warden[28], the suicide of a Director of Finance[29], the dismembered bodies of the Salpêtrière[30] and the poisoning of an apothecary.[31]

Arno followed Sivert to his meeting at Nôtre-Dame the next morning. From there, he proceeded to assassinate Sivert's accomplice Duchesneau and take his place in the confessional booth. Posing as Duchesneau, Arno learned all he could from Sivert before stabbing him in the cheek with his Hidden Blade, killing him instantly. In that moment, Arno saw Sivert's memories, discovering that the Templar felt underappreciated by de la Serre. Arno learned that Sivert had recruited a partner-in-crime on the night of François' murder, the Roi des Thunes, who struck the killing blow. The Templar and the Roi des Thunes met through the mediation of a man named la Touche.[32] Arno then returned to the Council and reported his findings. When he requested permission to hunt down Roi des Thunes, he was given the Phantom Blade, a mechanics which could shoot darts. Before leaving Beylier warned Arno that he sent his apprentice Brasseur against the Roi des Thunes but that he never returned.[33]

As the Templars looted Nôtre-Dame, Arno and another Assassin took back the religious artifact.[34]

The Cour des Miracles

The Kingdom of Beggars 13

The Marquis de Sade introducing himself to Arno Dorian

On 19 January 1791, Arno arrived at the Cour des Miracles to single out the Roi des Thunes ' lieutenant Aloys la Touche, who was in the process of amputating a young man's right foot. Before Arno could intervene, the Marquis de Sade casually introduced himself and advised Arno not to lash out so hastily, suggesting instead that he follow la Touche back to his master. Arno accepted this advice and tailed la Touche back to his residence. Once inside, he assaulted la Touche and shackled him to the wall. Arno demanded Le Roi des Thunes ' location from la Touche, threatening to kill him if he didn't comply. Terrified, la Touche told Arno that he could find the King of Beggars in the catacombs beneath the old church.[33]

While Arno infiltrated the catacombs, la Touche managed to free himself and warned Le Roi des Thunes before the Assassin could get to him. Nevertheless, Arno succeeded in assassinating Le Roi des Thunes, learning of his grudge against de la Serre from his memories. He also learned that both Le Roi des Thunes and Sivert were instructed by a hooded figure to kill François. On his body, Arno recovered the pistol of Brasseur.[35]

Returning to the surface, Arno discovered that the Marquis de Sade had become the new Roi des Thunes. As Arno turned to leave, de Sade produced the poisoned pin that killed de la Serre, identifying a silversmith named François-Thomas Germain as its creator.[35] After this Arno informed the Council about his investigation. Mirabeau allowed him to resume his mission. As Arno wanted to return Brasseur's pistol to Beylier, the Master Assassin granted the weapon to the young Assassin to honor the memory of his apprentice.[36]

Later, food-hoarders took farmers in hostage in the Cour des Miracles to receive their harvest. The Council sent Arno who saved the farmers.[37]

Rescuing Germain

While infiltrating Germain's shop Arno discovered that the place was heavily guarded by the Templars. As he reached Germain, the silversmith claimed that a man named Lafrenière commissioned him to create the pin, and confirmed Arno's statement of Lafrenière being a Templar. He also informed the Assassin that Lafrenière stocked weapons in the Halle aux Blés, preparing something.[36]

ACU La Halle aux Blés 1

Arno learning about Lafrenière

Infiltrating the Halles aux Blés, Arno found a ledger indicating that Lafrenière organized a meeting in the Holy Innocents' Cemetery. Fearing that Lafrenière prepared an attack against the Assassins, Arno burnt down the gunpowder stock, leaving in extremis the building in fire.[38]

Later, Arno went in the Holy Innocents' Cemetery before the reunion to plan his assassination. As Lafrenière discussed with other Templars coming from Europe, Arno killed the Templar only to learn that Lafrenière had penned the letter to François de la Serre, warning the former Grand Master of an eventual betrayal within the Templar Order. Arno also discovered that Lafrenière was planning an attack on the Hôtel de Beauvais.[39]

Reconnecting with Élise

Arno reported his findings to the Assassin Council, who were outraged that he had assassinated Lafrenière without their consent. However, when Arno mentioned that Lafrenière was planning on attacking the Hôtel de Beauvais, and not an Assassin base, the Council begrudgingly agreed to send him to investigate the meeting.[40]

After successfully infiltrating the hotel, Arno eavesdropped on the meeting of a group of Templars, led by an unknown figure plotting to eliminate Élise. After hearing this, Arno escaped the hotel and managed to save Élise from the Templar ambush at the Hôtel Voysin.[41] Following this, Arno then rendezvoused with her at the Café Théâtre, where he offered to help Élise avenge her father. To this end, he proceeded to bring a blindfolded Élise before the Assassin Council where despite the hostility from the Assassins—particularly Bellec—Mirabeau was more inclined to parlay with her.[42]

ACU A Cautious Alliance 2

Arno and Élise before the Assassin Council

While the Council debated over Élise's offer of alliance, Arno informed her of Germain and his last known location, prompting her to run off.[42] By the time she came to a stop, Élise informed Arno that Germain was exiled from the Templar Order for his radical views and heretical notions about Jacques de Molay. Investigating Germain's residence, they found its empty, as the man had anticipated that his deception would not hold up. Upon evading a Templar ambush, Élise found a ledger confirming that Germain had murdered her father. As they were shot at by snipers, Arno instructed Élise to go to Mirabeau's estate while he dealt with their attackers.[42]

Mirabeau murder

When Arno arrived at Mirabeau's estate, he found the Mentor dead with Élise next to the body. Suspecting someone was attempting to pin the blame on Élise, the two investigated the murder and discovered that Mirabeau was poisoned with aconite.[43]

Informing Master Quémar on the death of the Mentor, the Master accorded him one day to investigate on the matter before informing the Council. Quémar also gave him the address of an apothecary who sold aconite in great quantity. Arno and Élise tracked down the apothecary and had discovered that Mirabeau's murderer was an Assassin. The apothecary also revealed that he dropped off the second dose in a cache for the killer.[43]

Near the Sainte Chapelle, Arno used his Eagle Vision to follow the trace of aconite. Climbing on the chapel, Arno discovered that the traitor was Bellec. His master had done this because he strongly believed that no peace could be achieved between the two factions and that purging the Brotherhood to remake it into a stronger organization was a good thing. This approach had been similar to what Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, and Connor had done, but in Bellec's case, it backfired. Even though he tried to persuade Arno to join his cause, he refused and was forced to fight his former teacher.[44]

ACU Confrontation 2

Arno ending Bellec's life

Arno managed to gain the upper hand in the fight, having no choice but to kill Bellec when he tried to kill Élise. Before dying, Bellec commended Arno for defeating him, and urged Arno to finish him off, otherwise, he would never stop. While giving the killing blow, Arno saw the memories of his master, how Bellec saved his father Charles from an attack of a Templar, the day he took Arno's pocket watch and understood he was Charles' son before their fight. He also experienced the memory of Mirabeau's murder, how Bellec tried to dissuade his Mentor to help Élise before poisoning him. Arno paid him his final rites and left the Sainte-Chapelle with Élise.[44]

As a lesser punishment for allowing two Master Assassins to die, the Council assigned Arno to "fetch and carry work" and he was seized from Germain's case. The Council also refused the alliance with Élise.[45]

Change of Regime

However being sidelined, Arno continued to be active in Paris. The executioner Charles-Henri Sanson tasked Arno to recover the components of the guillotine which were stolen by henchmen of two Sanson's victims. [46]During Spring 1792, Théroigne de Méricourt contacted Arno to kill a Templar gunsmith and steal his blueprints for the Parisian militia.[47] Later, Arno recruited prostitutes to provide force for de Méricourt Women's Brigade.[48] During Summer 1792, Arno and three other Assassins aidedThéroigne de Méricourt against the Templar Flavigny's attempts to cause a food shortage in the city, recovering the food and killing Flavigny.[49]

The King's Correspondence 8

Arno meeting Napoleon Bonaparte

On 10 August 1792, as the Sans-culottes led a riot on the Palais des Tuileries, the Council ordered Arno to infiltrate the palace to destroy Mirabeau's letters to the King there which could compromise the Brotherhood. Entering in the King's office, Arno was caught off guard by an army officer who held him at gunpoint as Arno activated his Hidden Blade. The Assassin retracted his blade and the army officer release him. As they understand they weren't searching the same thing, Arno and the officer cooperate to find the King's hidden safe. Founding the letters, Arno burnt them in the fireplace while the officer took a specific key in the safe. As the palace became swarmed with extremists, the officer activated a secret passage while Arno defended him. The two escaped through a hidden elevator which led to the basement.[45]

When the extremists entered in the King's office, Arno recognized one of the Templars who were at the Jacobin Club. The officer informed Arno that it was Frédéric Rouille, a captain of the National Guard. During their fleeing through a sewer, the officer introduced himself as Napoleon Bonaparte, Second Lieutenant of Artillery. As they reached another room of the palace, a cannonball shot by Bonaparte's soldier blew a hole in the wall, creating an exit outside. As Arno wanted to resume the track of Germain, the Assassin asked Bonaparte to help him to find Rouille before parting away.[45]

On 2 September, Arno met Bonaparte who informed him that Rouille and his men will attack the Grand Châtelet prison. Arriving in the prison, Arno saw Rouille and his men killed the prisoners and the guards. The Assassin infiltrated the place and killed the Templar. In his memories, Arno saw that Germain recruited Rouille in the Order after he was rejected by Mirabeau during the Estate-General of 1789. The Assassin also accessed to the memory of the Hôtel de Beauvais ' meeting. He discovered that Germain wanted to starve Paris' population and that a woman named Marie organized this.[50]

As the French monarchy was abolished, Paris was threatened by an invasion of the Austrian Army. On the night of 2 September 1792, an Austrian spy ring tried to kill Georges Danton, one of the leader of the Revolution. Arno and another Assassin were sent to protect Danton and killed the Comte de Gambais, the leader of the spies ring.[51] The Chouans also operated in the city. The Council sent Arno to collect spy intelligence from the groups.[52] Later, Chouans burnt down a vineyard but Arno intervened and eliminated them.[53] When the Chouans stole cannons from the lieutenant Joachim Murat, the officer tasked Arno to sabotage the cannons before he could lead an attack on the royalists.[54] As the royalists used Chappe signal towers to send a message to the general of the Austrian Army, the Duke of Brunswick, the general and ally of the Brotherhood Thomas-Alexandre Dumas asked Arno to sabotage the towers, ending the threat.[55] As the royalist prepared a coup attempt, stocking their money and guns in the Hôtel des Ambassadeurs, Arno and a team of Assassins stole their stocks.[56]

Gouze informed Arno that the Café Théâtre was targeted by Les Actes des Apôtres, a pro-royalist journal that also led criminal activities. As they burned manuscripts on the Place Dauphine, Arno saved the writings and brought them in the Café Théâtre.[57] Later, one of Gouze's informant, Colette, had been compromised by Les Actes des Apôtres, Arno saved her and killed her Innkeeper.[58] When the Queen's dressmaker Rose Bertin decided to work for the Café Théâtre, Les Actes des Apôtres targeted her. Arno defended Bertin and recovered her costumes.[59] Later, the leader of Les Actes des Apôtres Renard stole the Sancy diamond in a raid on the royal treasury. Arno recovered the Sancy and gave it to a smuggler who sent it to Russia.[60] To end their actions, Arno tracked Renard and killed him, dissolving Les Actes des Apôtres.[61]

In the uproar of the Revolution, Arno tried to help anyone who was in danger. Arno escorted the Duchesse de Fremiet after her son was lynched at a lamppost by rioters.[62] Arno also trained the young Marianne as she sought revenge from her neighbor who made execute her parents.[63] Arno recovered for the Convention the diamonds stole during the raid on the royal treasury.[64]

The Council sent him stole Jean-Paul Marat's letter which protected gang members from arrestation.[65] Arno also killed the Duc de Barrois for the Brotherhood as his ent his rivals to the guillotine to take their properties.[66] When the collusion between the King and Mirabeau was discovered, Arno was sent to destroyed Templar propaganda against the late Mentor.[67] As the Templars used the Abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés as a warehouse, Arno and an Assassin stole their goods.[68] Later Arno and an Assassin organized a heist in the Palais-Royal as the Templars used the place to run their operations.[69]

Antoine Lavoisier, a chemist and ally of the Brotherhood, contacted Arno to save the mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace who was arrested. Laplace informed the Assassin that he tried to stop an ill-prepared flying boy experiment who could kill the human guinea pig. Arno received a Leyden jar and placed it during the experiment in the College of the Four Nations.[70] Later, Marie-Anne Paulze Lavoisier contacted Arno as her husband was kidnapped by Marat's henchmen. Arno saved him and recovered the formula of poisonous smoke bombs the chemist created for the Brotherhood.[71]

Arno was challenged by the Chevalier d'Éon, one of the best swordswoman in Europe, for a special mission. After the Assassin defeated all his adversaries in a duel, even Éon,[72] the Chevalier asked him to infiltrate the Crimson League, a group of aristocrats lead by the Crimson Rose or Sir Reginald who saved nobles from the guillotine. Arno saved the group who was ambushed at the Hôtel Fieubet and integrated their League.[73] Later Arno operated with the League to save Reginald's cousin, the Comte de Choisy.[74] Éon informed Arno that the Crimson Rose was in fact a British Templar and all the persons he saved were Templars. Arno eliminated all members of the League to stop their actions.[75]

Working with Élise

On 31 October, Arno met Élise who informed that the woman he saw in Rouille's memories was Marie Lévesque, one of the first Templar who joined Germain. Arno investigated on the docks of the Hôtel de Ville while Élise investigated on Lévesque's whereabouts. On the docks, Arno saw that the barge containing the grain hijacked by Lévesque's men. Following the barge, Arno arrived in Templar docks where Lévesque ordered that some of the grain bags needed to leak. Arno pickpocketed from the captain orders indicating that Lévesque sent the grain to Luxembourg Palace.[76]

Later, Arno met Élise at Luxembourg Palace. Reuniting their information, they understood that Lévesque's plot was hoarding grain in order to turn the middle and lower classes against the King. While Élise tried to get the grain out of the palace, Arno infiltrated the building as Lévesque hold a party and assassinate her. In her memories, he saw that during the Hôtel de Beauvais ' meeting, the member of the Convention Louis-Michel le Peletier schemed to make the King executed.[77]

ACU The Escape 2

Arno catching the hot-air balloon to escape

After he fled the palace, Arno arrived at the meeting place and saw that Élise was tracked by Templar extremists. The two withdrew in the Sorbonne and Élise managed to escape from their enemies using a hot air balloon while Arno followed her on the rooftops before catching the balloon in mid-air. As Arno and Élise reflected on the future of France and their relation, they shared a romantic moment. The morning after, Arno woke up in the crashed balloon where he found a note of his lover indicating that she needed to go.[78]

On 20 January 1793, Arno and Élise went to the Louvre to meet the Marquis de Sade to know le Peletier's whereabouts as he was also a member of the Convention. The Marquis informed Arno that le Pelletier was at the Palais-Royal for celebrating the upcoming King's execution. Arno snuck into the cafe le Peletier was dining in and substituted the Templar's wine with a poisoned bottle. Upon its consumption le Peletier was rendered paralyzed, allowing Arno to assassinate him, to which the Assassin learned that le Peletier had cast the tie-breaking vote for the execution of King, and that François-Thomas Germain would be present for the execution.[79]


On 21 January 1793, Arno confronted Germain as the execution was underway, with the latter proclaiming the rebirth of the Templar Order. Germain posited to Arno that the reason for de la Serre's murder was to rid the Templar Order of corruption and bigotry, while also stating that it served only the first phase of the Order's reformation, and that it would be truly reborn with the death of the King.[80]

ACU The Execution 2

Arno confronting Germain and the guards

Germain revealed his plans as Louis XVI was placed at the guillotine. By ridding France's upper class and aristocracy of power, it would be much easier for the Templars to gain control over France, by granting power to the people instead. Once the King was beheaded, François proclaimed that Jacques de Molay had been avenged, then made his escape, leaving Arno to deal with his subordinates. With Élise caught in the fighting, Arno focused more on defending her than pursuing Germain. This displeased Élise, who desired revenge and rejected any further aid from Arno.[80]

Arno met with the Assassin Council to discuss his lead on the Templar Grand Master, however he was directed to the ceremony chamber. Arno attempted to update the Council, but they silenced him and cast judgment on him instead. The Council did not approve of what they believed was a personal vendetta for revenge, brashly killing targets without permission from themselves. They declared that Arno was banished from the Brotherhood and he was no longer welcome, but that he was fortunate they would not punish him further.[81]


The drunkard of Versailles

Bottom of the Barrel 21

Élise returning Arno's watch

Arno left the Sanctuary and Paris to live at the de la Serre estate in Versailles, where he gained a reputation for being a drunkard. On 4 June 1793, in his stupor, he got into a bar fight, ending in his humiliating defeat and the loss of his father's watch to the gang leader. He tracked the gang to the Palais de Versailles, was forced to face the terrible memories of his past, and killed the entire gang, only for Élise to turn up with his watch in hand.[81]

Deducing that she wanted something from him, Arno furiously reopened old wounds from their last fight, stating that he cared more about her than killing Germain and that he wanted to assuage the guilt he felt for causing her father's death. When he allowed Élise to speak, she informed him that Paris had become more chaotic because of Germain's Reign of Terror. She encouraged him to be the man she loved and return with her to Paris. Arno agreed to come, but only after he assassinated Aloys la Touche, who had sown dissent and fear amongst the populace of Versailles.[82]

During this, he reconciled with and saved his former enemies Victor and Hugo, who were supposed to be sentenced to execution. Arno stole the key of their cage to enter in it and took their place at the execution. Approaching his target, Arno Killed la Touche. In his memories, Arno discovered that la Touche had a grudge against the monarchy after he was fired as a tax collector for discovering that an individual stole in the King's treasure. His recruitment in the Order was an opportunity to take his revenge. During the de Beauvais meeting's memory, Arno saw that Germain had place la Touche under the order of Maximilien de Robespierre, the leader of Committee of Public Safety and a Templar.[82]

Fighting the Terror

Returning with Élise in Paris, Arno joined forces with some of his former brothers, Arno helped the Assassins in undermining Robespierre's leadership of the Republic. On July 1793, one of his first mission was to rescue the Girondists who were imprisoned by Robespierre and François Hanriot, the Captain of the National guards.[83] The same months, with a team of Assassins, Arno participated to a tournament to approach the General Marcourt, a Templar who organized a coup against the Convention. Succeeding in the challenges, Arno and the Assassins killed the General and his associates.[84]

In November 1793, Arno and an Assassin recovered the notebook of Didier Paton, a spy of Robespierre who had discovered the identity of many Templars of Paris. They also saved Paton as his master ordered his execution. For preventing his execution, Paton decided to repay their action by joining the Brotherhood.[85]

On 10 February 1794, Arno and a team of Assassins were sent to the Salpêtrière Hospital to save another team of Assassins who were captured during their assassination mission against Jacques Roux, the leader of the Enragés who worked for the Templars. After liberating their brothers and sisters, the Assassins killed Roux as he prepared to further the Terror.[86] Later, Arno killed one of Roux's lieutenant as he incites a crowd to riot in the Hôtel de Cluny.[87]

On 5 April 1794, Arno and a team of Assassins attempted to rescue Georges Danton from the guillotine after his arrestation by Robespierre. Danton refused, proclaiming that with his death Robespierre's reputation will fall. He also tasked the Assassins to save his friends and recovered his letter from Robespierre.[88] The same day, Arno killed Andrés de Guzmán, who participated to the fall of Girondins.[89]

In May 1794, Arno and an Assassin prevented a raid on Mirabeau's tomb in the Panthéon as Robespierre wanted to expose the link between Mirabeau and the Brotherhood. The Assassins recovered his relics and placed them in the Café Théâtre.[90]

ACU The Supreme Being 5

Arno acquiring a list

On 8 June 1794, despite the anarchy, Paris was in the middle of a celebration. Élise revealed to Arno that the Festival of the Supreme Being was being hosted by Robespierre. Arno insisted on assassinating Robespierre, but Élise suggested a different approach since Robespierre was well-guarded.[91]

After discreetly infiltrating the celebration and locating Robespierre, Élise planned to discredit him in the eyes of the public, allowing her and Arno to kill him easily. Arno agreed and gathered incriminating evidence while Élise poisoned Robespierre's winery with powdered ergot.[91] After Arno planted the evidence on several people, the people turned against Robespierre and arrested him on 27 July, much to Arno and Élise's surprise.[92]

Despite this, Robespierre broke free of his imprisonment and sought shelter from the last vestiges of his allies in France. Tracking Robespierre down to the Hôtel de Ville, Arno and Élise infiltrated it and cornered him. As he refused to cooperate, Élise shot him in the jaw, to which Robespierre revealed that Germain was located in the Parisian Temple by writing it on parchment.[92]

Confrontation with Germain

ACU The Temple 1

Élise and Arno arriving to the Temple

Following this, Arno and Élise arrived at the Temple and infiltrated it, eventually locating Germain. Before Arno could assassinate him, however, Germain used the power of a Sword of Eden against him in combat, before using it to disappear from the chamber.[93]

Arno subsequently managed to find Élise again, and together they entered the Templar crypt in the catacombs, where they once again confronted Germain. While Élise was distracting Germain, Arno attempted to assassinate the Grand Master once more but failed due to a shield projected by the sword. After three more attempts, Arno managed to breakthrough, but the shock wave trapped him under rubble. Élise came to Arno's aid but noticed Germain attempting to escape. Despite Arno's protests, Élise left him behind to pursue Germain but failed to kill the Grand Master.[93]

ACU The Temple 7

Arno over his lover's dead body

Élise's sword was broken during the fight, while the Sword of Eden's power was rendered unstable. Arno managed to free himself and rushed to help Élise, but was too late as the Sword of Eden exploded, killing Élise and mortally wounding Germain in the process. In an act of grief, Arno slowly assassinated Germain by stabbing him in the throat with his Hidden Blade. In a vision following his death, Germain explained his struggle of being a Sage, and his beliefs in de Molay's and Élise's unfortunate deaths.[93]

As Germain finally succumbed to his wounds, Arno mournfully carried Élise's body out from the Temple, leaving behind Germain's lifeless body inside.[93]

Hiding in Franciade

Arno undertook another mission with his fellow Assassins and Théroigne de Méricourt, attacking the Jacobins' headquarters. Depressed following Élise's death, he took a sabbatical in Franciade, drinking away his sorrows in a local tavern. Eventually, on 3 August, he was contacted by de Sade, who asked him to find a manuscript made by Nicolas de Condorcet, hidden in the tomb of Louis IX inside the royal necropolis. During their meeting in the tavern, the Marquis paid Arno's drinking debts and promised him a place on a ship leaving France for Egypt four days later, in exchange for Condorcet's scientific studies.[94]

ACU The Book Thief 4

Léon giving Arno the manuscript

While searching for the manuscript in the undercity, Arno found out that the manuscript was not in the tomb and that a group of crypt raiders were searching for the entrance of a Temple. After more investigations, he discovered that the manuscript was stolen by a young thief named Léon, and while searching the necropolis for him, Arno found out that he had been captured by the raiders for spying on them.[95]

Hiding, Arno heard that the raiders were led by Philippe Rose and sponsored by Napoleon Bonaparte in order to open the Precursor temple under the Basilica and take the Piece of Eden stored within. Arno then saved the unruly orphan from the raiders and recovered the manuscript, though he was reluctant to involve himself in Bonaparte's affairs, wishing instead to leave France at the earliest opportunity. His resolve softened after visions of Élise and the boy's pleas, as well as the imperious need to save France. Arno eventually decided to stop the raiders from acquiring the artifact before leaving for Egypt.[96]

ACU Sphere of Eden

Arno holding the piece of Eden

Finding the location of the Temple and stealing the key from one of Napoleon's officers, Arno was able to open the door leading to it but was ambushed by Rose, who intended to take the artifact for himself.[97][98] Arno fell into the depths of the necropolis, but survived and managed to reach the Temple before the raiders' leader could take the Piece of Eden.[99]

Arno then killed Rose, recovered the Head of Saint Denis and used its power to repel the numerous raiders and escape the Temple. Later, as agreed, Arno met de Sade in the tavern and gave him Condorcet's manuscript. However, he repaid his drinking debt with a Louis d'or and left without a word, having decided to stay in France. Arno also contacted the Brotherhood, asking them to bring the Apple of Eden contained in the Head of Saint-Denis to Al Mualim in Egypt, beyond the reach of Bonaparte.[99]

Returning to the Brotherhood

Ruddock's betrayal

Now residing in Versailles, Arno was met in September 1794 by the outcast Assassin Bernard Ruddock, an acquaintance of Élise's who had contacted Arno at some point after Élise's death. Ruddock gave Arno a letter that Élise had written in the event of her death, explaining a number of her actions and directing him to find her chest of keepsakes. She only asked that Arno allow Ruddock to keep a pack of letters that she had been given by Jennifer Scott on her trip to London, which would allow Ruddock to gain favor with the Assassin Council and rejoin the Brotherhood.[7]

Arno agreed to honor her wishes, took Ruddock's address and told him he would be in touch once he had obtained the letters and Élise's chest. Arno also agreed that he would endorse any efforts he made to win favor with the Assassins. Arno traveled to the Maison Royale de Saint-Louis where he met Élise's teacher, Frederick Weatherall and was given the chest as promised.[7]

Ruddock had followed Arno and betrayed him, attempting to kill him on the order of the British Templars. However, Ruddock was killed by Weatherall before he could shoot Arno. Arno stayed with Élise's friends during the years following her death, having been invited to stay by her former maid out of respect to her mistress.[7]

Master Assassin

ACU The Temple 13

Arno as a Master Assassin

By October 1794, Arno had rejoined the Brotherhood and was working again with his brothers, when sixteen years after Rousseau's death, his remains were transferred to the Pantheon. As it passed through Franciade, the procession carrying the ashes of the philosopher to Paris was attacked by raiders hired by a mysterious benefactor, but the plot was foiled and the raiders eliminated by Arno and another Assassin. At some point, Arno earned the rank of Master Assassin.[93]

During the following years, while undergoing several missions for the Brotherhood, Arno also tried to honor Elise's last will of reducing the gap between the Templars and Assassins. He also frequently visited Élise's grave and proclaimed himself redeemed of his previous mistakes.[100]

ACU The Temple 15

Napoleon and Arno recovering Germain's corpse

On 24 December 1800, Arno prevented a Royalist assassination attempt on Napoleon involving snipers, as well as an explosive device known as the Machine Infernale. Arno managed to assassinate the snipers before they could fire at Napoleon's carriage, and the Machine Infernale was detonated too early, away from Napoleon's carriage. Arno then tracked down the Royalist leader behind the assassination attempt and eliminated him and his henchmen.[100]

In August 1808, Arno returned to the Temple, accompanied by Napoleon, then Emperor of the French. There, they discovered Germain's corpse which had long since decayed. They then buried his skeletal remains in the Parisian catacombs.[93]

In around 1822, Arno assisted the Egyptologist Jean-François Champollion in recovering a stolen rubbing of the Rosetta Stone, a missing portion of the stone written in Egyptian hieroglyphs contained sensitive information about the Brotherhood. Succeeding in his mission, he denied the Templars the opportunity to study the stone's information on the Assassins.[101]


ACM Arno Dorian

Arno Dorian appearing to Lynch

In 2014, centuries after his death, a DNA sample of one of Arno's descendants living in Montreal was acquired by Abstergo Entertainment. In order to find out what happened with Germain's remains, Robert Fraser was tasked with reliving his memories, however, he suffered a strong Bleeding Effect, believing himself to be Arno and eventually destroying all his work and burning his superior's hard drive in order to help the Assassins.[6]

Around the same time, the Assassins recruited the Helix Initiate to investigate Arno's memories on their behalf. By the end of that year, both the Assassins and Templars discovered that Germain's remains were useless for the purposes of the Phoenix Project.[102]

Two years later, in 2016, Abstergo kidnapped another of Arno's descendants, Callum Lynch, though this time it was to relive the memories of a separate individual, Aguilar de Nerha. Later, as Callum fully synchronized with Aguilar, Arno was present among a group of his Assassin ancestors that briefly appeared through the Animus.[103]

Personality and characteristics

"What is this, the sixth time? Seventh? Perhaps a new hobby might be better for your health."
―François de la Serre, regarding Arno's troublemaking habits, 1789.
Memories of Versailles 13

François de la Serre saving Arno from trouble

In his early life, Arno was witty and charismatic but also no-nonsense, which fed into his sharp sense of humor, falling back on it whenever he felt emotionally vulnerable. He was brash in nature, rushing into action over reason, which was a flaw seen by members of the Assassin Council. This often led him into trouble along with his adoptive sister Élise. Due to the fact that he was well-educated, Arno often quoted classical books, though his noble upbringing did not prevent him from cheating at card games.[100]

After the murder of his adoptive father, Arno set out on a quest to find redemption, using this goal to help others in the turbulent time of the French Revolution. As a newcomer to the Assassins, he was prone to questioning their typical approach and age-old beliefs but was aided in the field by his stealthy and ruthless nature. It was at this time that he began to mature and take his life more seriously. As he became more serious, his personality began to quickly change, and was able to focus on the task at hand; as a result of this, he wasn't as witty or brash as he once was.[100]

Arno, seeing the turmoil in France first-hand, desired to bring justice. He displayed dismay or even frustration when Bellec told him not to intervene when extremists were harassing citizens, or when de Sade discouraged him from saving a man getting his leg amputated by la Touche. This stemmed from the fact of his failure to save his adoptive father, and the desire to amend his mistakes.[100]

A Crown of Thorns 17

Arno and Léon embracing

Initially, Arno did not take his role as an Assassin seriously, seeing it as little more than an opportunity for revenge against De La Serre's murderers. But over time, Arno realized the true purpose of the Creed, and its flaws. He concluded that the Creed merely served as a guide and a warning, rather than a principle meant for one to follow, having witnessed first-hand how ideals led to dangerous fanaticism, as seen with Bellec and Germain. Or how Élise became obsessed with getting revenge, which cost her life in the end.[100]

Following Élise's death, Arno suffered from depression and sorrow, causing him to become more cynical in nature. This ultimately led to his abandonment of France, and unwillingness to involve himself in saving it from Napoleon's schemes, while also discouraging Léon from doing so. However, after witnessing the "dark magic" the Head of Saint-Denis possesses, he eventually came to terms with his past, and regained his resolve to be an Assassin again.[100]

By the time he became a Master Assassin, Arno had become extremely wise and analytical. He was able to understand that an idea, if pushed too far, would be detrimental to the person and those around him.

Arno was fiercely independent, as he questioned the Assassins' Creed and the ways of Altaïr, preferring to do things his own way. He also declined Napoleon's offer to join the French Army saying that he "wasn't much of one to take orders." Napoleon respected Arno for this, remarking at how they both had similar views that defined them differently to most other people. Arno also somewhat respected Napoleon's views to an extent as well.

Equipment and skills

"I am... no longer certain of Lafrenière's motivations. In his memories, I saw him writing the letter that would have warned (Mister) de la Serre of his betrayal. When he spoke of his impending attack, he mentioned a club in the Marais - not one of our safehouses."
―Arno Dorian describing his gift, 1791.[src]
Imprisoned 9

Bellec practicing Arno's swordfight

From his early childhood, Arno spent several days sword fighting with Élise, who proved to outrank him. He was later taught by François in terms of basic swordsmanship as well as hunting. By the time of his early adulthood, Arno had become a decent swordsman as proven where he was able to fend off Hugo and Victor. He perfected the art in which he could engage multiple opponents in battle and utilize the environment to his advantage. Eventually, it was honed to the point where Arno was able to defeat his mentor Bellec. He later passed these lessons on to a young girl named Marianne in the fight to reclaim her home.

Arno grew to become a skilled freerunner as he was able to scale buildings as well as natural elements with relative ease, his agile speed allowed him to traverse over and under several obstacles. In addition, he proved to be a capable swimmer, able to swim great distances with exceptional ease.

Upon joining the Brotherhood under the wing of Pierre Bellec, Arno eventually became a Master Assassin trained in the methods of stealth, swordsmanship, combat, firearms, pickpocketing and lockpicking. Arno was able to wield a variety of weaponry including swords, pistols, spears, heavy weapons, rifles as well as Guillotine Guns. As he journeyed through the Brotherhood, Arno also claimed several weapons from his targets as trophies, namely a round axe (from Charles Gabriel Sivert), an officer's pistol (from the Roi des Thunes), a light halberd (from Frédéric Rouille) and finally the Sword of Eden from François-Thomas Germain.


Arno aiming his Phantom Blade

Arno's stealthy and ruthless nature aided him. As a master of stealth, he could utilize various corners and hiding spots to silently assassinate his targets without being noticed. He proved to be proficient with his Hidden Blade utilizing it in both stealth assassinations as well as in open combat.

In terms of weaponry Arno wielded a Hidden Blade alongside a Phantom Blade, which was capable of firing normal and berserk darts; He carried a wide range of bombs in his arsenal including smoke, stun, cherry or poisonous gas variants, of which he could utilize them to either distract or cripple his enemies.

Imprisoned 18

Arno utilizing Eagle Vision

Arno possessed sharp observational skills as he was able to identify and pinpoint several opportunities that could aid him during his assignments; these deductive skills also helped Arno when solving numerous murder mysteries around Paris. Arno possessed the rare ability of Eagle Vision, as well as two sub-versions dubbed 'Eagle Pulse' which he used to perceive his enemies, allies and objects of interest – even through walls – but only for a limited time, and 'Communal Sense' which allowed his fellow Assassins to see what he saw, albeit within a limited range. Additionally, his First Civilization bloodline granted him the ability to see the memories of those whose lives he took.[7]

Romantic life

High Society 9

Élise and Arno sharing a passionate kiss

Taken in as an orphan into the de la Serre household, Arno grew up along with François de la Serre's boisterous daughter, Élise. Viewing her more as a friend than a sister, his feelings for Élise eventually changed into mutual love as they both matured, though they kept the romance a secret due to differences in social class.[100] Due to their own respective educations, the lovers had very little time together and could only meet up several times a year. Additionally, although Arno loved Élise he did break his tryst with several women during their long periods of separation; but still loved only her.[7]

Once Élise discovered Arno's failure to deliver a letter warning her father of the betrayal, their relationship became strained. Élise held Arno responsible for her father's death, and it was not until years later, coincidentally by which point Arno had joined the Assassins, that the two began to rebuild their friendship and quickly resumed their romance. After Élise died, Arno was thrown into depression and cynicism. However, he was eventually able to get his life back on track and have descendants at a later unknown point in his life.[100]


  • Arno's name is a derivative of German Arnold and French Arnaud. Its old German origin is Arenwald, meaning "eagle power", from aren "eagle" and wald "power" or "governing". Victor is Latin for "conqueror", while Dorian is a Greek name meaning "gifted".
  • Much like Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad before him, Arno was an Assassin that consorted and eventually became romantically involved with a Templar. However, Altaïr had been aware of Maria Thorpe's allegiance before entering into the relationship, while Arno was not aware of Élise's until after the murder of her father.
  • Arno was mentioned in Assassin's Creed: Rogue in a message from Melanie Lemay to one of the Abstergo Entertainment employees regarding research into Arno's genetic memories. He appeared in person during the final memory of Shay Cormac relived by the Helix research analyst. This appearance takes place when Arno meets Élise for the first time before Shay kills his father.
  • In all but one trailer, Arno is shown using the Hidden Blade on his right arm, but in the game, it is on his left arm. The only trailer to show the Hidden Blade on his left arm is the TV-spot trailer.
  • Arno's backstory is somewhat similar to Ezio Auditore's: Both men were of noble descent, carefree and trouble-making in their youth, both suffered familial losses at the hands of the Templars and both ended up humbled and wiser by the Assassin Brotherhood later in life.
  • Arno's birthday corresponds with the proclamation of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789.



  2. Reddit AMA with Aymar Azaïzia
  3. Assassin's Creed: Unity / Database: Arno Victor Dorian
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Assassin's Creed: UnityMemories of Versailles
  5. 5.0 5.1 Assassin's Creed: RogueQXNzYXNzaW5hdGlvbg0K
  6. 6.0 6.1 Assassin's Creed Unity: Abstergo Entertainment – Employee Handbook
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Assassin's Creed: Unity novel Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "Novel" defined multiple times with different content
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  61. Assassin's Creed: UnityFoxy Renard
  62. Assassin's Creed: UnityÀ la Lanterne!
  63. Assassin's Creed: UnityMarianne Returns Home
  64. Assassin's Creed: UnityFrench Crown Jewels
  65. Assassin's Creed: UnityMarat's Missive
  66. Assassin's Creed: UnityA Dramatic Exit
  67. Assassin's Creed: UnityStop the Presses!
  68. Assassin's Creed: UnityCatacomb Raider
  69. Assassin's Creed: UnityThe Party Palace
  70. Assassin's Creed: UnityFlying Boy
  71. Assassin's Creed: UnityThe Chemical Revolution
  72. Assassin's Creed: UnityA Fistful of Duelers
  73. Assassin's Creed: UnityThe League of the Crimson Rose
  74. Assassin's Creed: UnityReturn of the Crimson Rose
  75. Assassin's Creed: UnityCrimson Sunset
  76. Assassin's Creed: UnityStarving Times
  77. Assassin's Creed: UnityHoarders
  78. Assassin's Creed: UnityThe Escape
  79. Assassin's Creed: UnityA Dinner Engagement
  80. 80.0 80.1 Assassin's Creed: UnityThe Execution
  81. 81.0 81.1 Assassin's Creed: UnityBottom of the Barrel
  82. 82.0 82.1 Assassin's Creed: UnityRise of the Assassin
  83. Assassin's Creed: UnityPolitical Persecution
  84. Assassin's Creed: UnityThe Tournament
  85. Assassin's Creed: UnityHeads Will Roll
  86. Assassin's Creed: UnityLes Enragés
  87. Assassin's Creed: UnityRoux's Remains
  88. Assassin's Creed: UnityDanton's Sacrifice
  89. Assassin's Creed: UnityRetribution for a Rabble-Rouser
  90. Assassin's Creed: UnityMoving Mirabeau
  91. 91.0 91.1 Assassin's Creed: UnityThe Supreme Being
  92. 92.0 92.1 Assassin's Creed: UnityThe Fall of Robespierre
  93. 93.0 93.1 93.2 93.3 93.4 93.5 Assassin's Creed: UnityThe Temple
  94. Assassin's Creed: Unity - Dead KingsBuried Words
  95. Assassin's Creed: Unity - Dead KingsThe Book Thief
  96. Assassin's Creed: Unity - Dead KingsA Shadow from the Past
  97. Assassin's Creed: Unity - Dead KingsRaising the Dead
  98. Assassin's Creed: Unity - Dead KingsUnder Lock and Key
  99. 99.0 99.1 Assassin's Creed: Unity - Dead KingsA Crown of Thorns
  100. 100.0 100.1 100.2 100.3 100.4 100.5 100.6 100.7 100.8 Assassin's Creed: Unity
  101. Assassin's Creed: UnityAn Engaging Egyptologist
  102. Assassin's Creed: Unity – Modern Day
  103. Assassin's Creed: The Movie
