Archer Assassination was a virtual representation of one of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's genetic memories, relived by Desmond Miles in 2012 through the Animus.
Altaïr met with an informant who offered to share information about William of Montferrat, in exchange for eliminating several archers in the area.
Altaïr approached the informant.
- Informant: Safety and peace, brother. Although it seems I'll be receiving neither. Serves me right, I suppose. Got a bit careless, and now William sent his bowmen after me. I'd deal with them myself but, to be honest, I lack the skill. Would you be willing to seek them out and kill them? I might have something useful for you, were you to accept. But be careful not to let them see you.
Altaïr assassinated all the targets and returned to the informant.
- Informant: Thank you, Altaïr. I can once more move freely through the city. In exchange for your aid take this map I prepared. It shows where William has stationed his other archers. Most useful, should you find yourself inside his fortress.
Altaïr acquired a map which showed the position of William's archers inside the fortress.