Apollo's Lyre was a virtual representation of one of Kassandra's genetic memories, relived by Layla Hassan through the Portable Animus HR-8.5.
One of Anaximander's maps led Kassandra to the ruins of Apollo Temple in Euboea, in search of the lyre of the god Apollo.
Kassandra arrived at the area marked on the map she'd acquired.
- Kassandra: Found it. Xenia's mapmaker is right on the mark again.
Four bandits guarded the area, but she killed them all. Behind Apollo's statue was the lyre sitting on one of the damaged building blocks.
- Kassandra: Here it is.
She took it.
- Kassandra: The golden lyre of Apollo! What Xenia won't give for this...
- According to Greek mythology, Apollo's lyre was made by his brother on his father's side, Hermes, and was given to him for compensation of the latter's theft of the former's cows.