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Assassin's Creed Wiki
DTAG - Amphora scene of Herakles and Amazons

Herakles in combat against Amazons, fighting to capture the belt of Hippolyta, the queen of Amazons

The Amazons were a tribe of warrior women in Greek mythology.


Living in the city of Themiskyra on the coast of the Black Sea, Hippolyta reigned as the Queen of the Amazons at some point in their history.[1]

During the Trojan War, the title belonged to Aegea. Those who followed her perished in a naval battle, while she survived by the grace of the Isu Poseidon, who led her to Elysium, ruled by Persephone.[2]


In the Valley of King Lelex in Megaris was located the Tomb of the Amazons, dedicated to Hippolyta. The tomb was visited by the Spartan mishios Kassandra during the Peloponnesian War.[3]

In the 5th century BCE, a cult rose around the goddess Artemis, consisting of warlike women like the Amazons of legends.[4]

In the late 9th century CE, viking Dag Nithisson of the Raven Clan would often tell stories of how he encountered the Amazons to the south of Scandinavia.[5]

During the Renaissance Caterina Sforza was dubbed the "Amazon of Forli" for her belligerent nature.[6][7]

The title was also given to Théroigne de Méricourt in 18th century for her part in the French Revolution.[8]


