Al-Jahiz's Lost Books was a virtual representation of one of Basim Ibn Ishaq's genetic memories.
Basim met the famed author Al-Jahiz in the House of Wisdom.
Basim entered a room where he spoke to Al-Jahiz.
- Basim: That is a lot of books.
- Al-Jahiz: Do not think I am a librarian. I am a writer! Many of these are my own works. Though I do collect, it is true. This city hides ... other rare and ancient tomes. If you should find one, bring it here. I'll make it worth your time.
Later, Basim returned to Al-Jahiz.
- Al-Jahiz: Do you have something for me?
(If Basim have nothing to return)
- Basim: Not as yet.
- Al-Jahiz: Perhaps next time we will both find more than idle words and disturbance!
(If Basim have books to return) Basim returned some books to Al-Jahiz.
- Al-Jahiz: Wonderful! No need to tell anyone about all this. We wouldn't want any unfortunate accusations of plagiarism ... again.
Basim handed a book he found at the ruins of Seleucia-on-the-Tigris in the south.
- Basim: I found this stange book. Does it interest you?
- Al-Jahiz: Oh, do you know what that is? It has many names. I know it as Kitab Al-Azif, the Book of the Dead. It is death to all who read it! ...if you believe the stories. I myself do not. But it will remain on my shelves where it can do no harm ... just in case.
Basim helped Al-Jahiz to look for rare and lost books to add to his library.