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Project Legacy

Project Legacy

アサシンクリード:プロジェクトレガシー(Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy)フェイスブックのゲームである。最初の「イタリア戦争」メモリーセットから2010年09月30日から運営が開始された。



Assassin's Creed: Revelationsアブスターゴファイルでは遺産計画はセキュリティ上の問題で中止されたと記載されている。 更新停止により2013年5月15日にフェイスブックの利用規約に従いゲームは削除される。復旧されるかは不明である。


Chapter 1 - バルトロメオ・ダルヴィアーノ[]

主な記事: Chapter 1 - Bartolomeo d'Alviano


西暦1509年 アニャデッロの戦いではヴェネツィア軍に壊滅的被害を与えた。その隊長の1人、バルトロメオ・ドールアルヴィアーノのこの目を通して戦いと心理を追体験します。あなたが遭遇するいかなる異常も報告してください。

Chapter 2 - フランチェスコ・ヴェツェッリオ[]

{{Main|Italian Wars: Chapter 2 - Francesco Vecellio|Chapter 2 - Francesco Vecellio} シンクロ中に軽い不快感を感じることがありますが、正常です。あなたの集中を維持することが重要です。

西暦1510年 イタリア、ロニーゴでニッコロ・ディ・ピティリアーノが死亡しました。我々のデータはこれを裏付けていますが、彼の死の状況にはさらなる調査が必要です。ノートを取り調査結果を報告してください。

Chapter 3 - マリオ・アウディトーレ[]

主な記事: Chapter 3 - Mario Auditore



Chapter 4 - ペロット・カルデロン[]

主な記事: Chapter 4 - Perotto Calderon

我々がシンクロするために準備をしながら、以下の質問を聞いててください。あなたが答えたすべての問題を報告してください。 お名前は何ですか? どこに住んでいますか?今は何年ですか?



Chapter 1 - フィオラ・カヴァツァ[]

主な記事: Chapter 1 - Fiora Cavazza

我々が、DDSをシンクロいる間しばらくお待ちください。あなたは頻繁に白日夢を見たり、うたた寝をすることがあります。 これは、プログラムの正常な副作用です。


Chapter 2 - ジョヴァンニ・ボルジア[]

主な記事: Chapter 2 - Giovanni Borgia



Chapter 3 - フランチェスコ・ヴェツェッリオ[]

主な記事: Chapter 3 - Francesco Vecellio



Chapter 4 - ジョヴァンニ・ボルジア[]

主な記事: Chapter 4 - Giovanni Borgia

シンクロを準備中です。軽い耳鳴りを引き起こす可能性のある小さなシステム障害が起こります。注意してください。メモリーにアクセスするためには避けられません・ 新世界は15世紀に略奪されました。探検家は征服者となりました。ノチェ・トリステまたは悲しみの夜は蜂起したアステカ人とスペイン征服者との間に起こった流血の反乱だった。エルナン・コルテス自身テノチティトランを追われた。大虐殺の報告は相対する視点で提示されます。真実を見つけてください。



Chapter 1 - クリスマス過去の亡霊[]

主な記事: Chapter 1 - Ghosts of Christmas Past

Chapter 2 - データ・ダンプ S00.S02[]

主な記事: Chapter 2 - DATA-DUMP S00.S02



Chapter 1 - マリア・アミエル[]

主な記事: Chapter 1 - Maria Amiel

DDSとシンクロするまでお待ち下さい。 目を閉じてリラックスしてみてください。深く吸い込み、吐き出します。吸い込みは、再び息を吐きます。それでおしまい。

ルネッサンス  14世紀の早い時期からイタリアの学者たちは古典的な伝説の検証を始めました。それは、ヨーロッパ中で知識を復興させた。パラケルススの助手の1人マリア・アミエルのメモリーを調査します。

Chapter 2 - Kyros of Zarax[]

主な記事: Chapter 2 - Kyros of Zarax


Following the events we unlocked in the last sequence, you will now explore the origins of the Hermeticists' tradition. You will follow the exploits of Pythagoras of Samos, the Greek mathematician and scholar. You are one of his protégés, Kyros of Zarax.

Chapter 3 - Elizabeth Jane Weston[]

主な記事: Chapter 3 - Elizabeth Jane Weston

We're attempting to synchronize the DDS system. This will only take a moment. We are almost there. The DDS is now in sync. Thank you for your patience. We hope you'll enjoy your experience.

Rudolf II invited many notable figures to his court, making Prague the center of European culture. Among them were Englishmen Edward Kelley and his step-daughter Elizabeth Jane Weston. Observe her and report any alleged collusion.

Chapter 4 - Frater V.O.V.[]

主な記事: Chapter 4 - Frater V.O.V.

The DDS will synchronize with the memories of an aged man. You may feel you have less energy, poor hearing and eye sight and even experience wobbly legs. This is normal, if you feel pain in your left arm however, please stop and consult your physician.

The Victorian era is characterized by growth, prosperity, political reform and major technological and scientific progress. Interest in the occult also increased during this period. You are about to infiltrate the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.


  • Mnemonic sets
  • Territories
  • Crafting
  • Contracts
  • Emails

Promotional codes[]

ACPL promo code

Promotional code screen

‎Entering 7D05C12C under the Special Code section would reward the item "Erudito's Network" to the Lockbox, which was marked with the description "Work for Abstergo, report to us." It could not be bought or sold, and at random intervals, it would cause Erudito to "assist" with either an experience boost, a florin boost, an increased chance for chance items, an increased chance for mnemonics, or an increased item output during crafting.

By entering VGVTC8GX, the Abstergo Insider Badge was granted, with the description "Work those connections." The Insider Badge increased chances of winning in Skirmishes.


After linking Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood with a Uplay account, Assassin recruits could be trained from within Project Legacy, and doing so would also unlock certain events within Project Legacy itself.

Finding and combining the "Auditore Trail" mnemonic set would unlock Brotherhood content, in the form of the Venetian and Medici capes, and buying certain landmarks within both Project Legacy and Brotherhood (such as the Colosseo) would net florins in both games.

Unlockables in Brotherhood[]

Name How to obtain
Venetian Cape Complete the "Auditore Trail" mnemonic set.
Florentine Cape Complete the "Auditore Trail" mnemonic set.


As of 8 December 2010, Uplay actions and rewards became available for Project Legacy.

The Uplay connectivity of Project Legacy would presumably allow players to avail more of the Uplay rewards in Brotherhood, as Brotherhood had a greater number of rewards than it had in-game Units to be earned. However, there were an equal amount of points for rewards and actions for Project Legacy; though the points could still have been spent on rewards in Brotherhood instead, if one chose to.


Icon Name Description Reward
PL Action Initiation Initiation Access and execute an event of the 2nd chapter of the Italians Wars set, the memory of Francesco Vecellio. 5U
PL Action Evangelist Evangelist Add 5 new friends to your network. 10U
PL Action Mole Mole Access and execute a Contract triggered from the console game Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. 15U
PL Action Faithful Faithful Play Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy once a day for 10 consecutive days. 20U


Icon Name Description Cost
PL Reward Wallpaper Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy Artwork Download artwork for Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy. 5U
PL Reward Reboot Abstergo System Reboot Access the Abstergo System Reboot item on the Lockbox page. Good for 10 full AP regenerations. 10U
PL Reward Bianca Bianca Bianca, Bartolomeo d'Alviano's sword, was automatically added to the Lockbox page, and it increased the odds of a Skirmish win. 15U
PL Reward Brute Et Tu, Brute? Access this exclusive memory in the 2nd sequence of the "Rome" set. 20U

Profile page[]



The skills tab

Once leveled up, skill points (SP) could be spent in the following areas:

  • Conflict - Raised the maximum AP by 1, for each stack of 10 SP spent in Conflict.
  • Intrigue - Gave a bonus to the florins produced or gained from memories.
  • Shadow - Increased the chance of earning chance items or mnemonic drops.
  • Knowledge - Raised the amount of crafting spots by 1, for each stack of 10 SP spent in Knowledge, for a maximum of 10 slots.


The Stats tab showed the history and data for money, crafting, memories, mnemonic sets, social interaction, achievements, player-versus-player, and territories.


主な記事: Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy achievements

The Achievements tab listed certain criteria that had been met within the game, such as reaching a certain level, purchasing property, or completing a certain mission.



Screenshot of the DDS 2.0

In June 2011, Ubisoft stated that the Divine Science memory set and the DDS 2.0 would be released in the forthcoming weeks. It was suspected that this would be released alongside Assassin's Creed: Revelations, as the Rome set was alongside Brotherhood. The improvements of the new system were intended to be:

  • No longer needing to click through 500+ SP when reassigning.
  • Crafting to allow for multiple concurrent crafts of the same item.
  • Achievements should unlock instantly.
  • "Collect All" to collect income from all territories, across all packs.
  • Functional navigation across packs.
  • Inclusion of a Mastery level system.

In the Assassin's Creed Encyclopedia and Assassin's Creed: Revelations, it stated that "Due to security concerns, Project Legacy has been put on hold." The reason for these security concerns was that Anson Peake, the Manager of Project Legacy, mysteriously disappeared.


  • In Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, a still image from Project Legacy, set to the memory sequence for Mario Auditore, could be seen on Lucy Stillman's computer in the Sanctuary.
  • Almost all of the counterparts for the Animi Avatars from Brotherhood featured in Project Legacy memories, with several during Fiora Cavazza's memories and one from Francesco Vecellio's.

