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PL ArtisanHQ 辛抱強く待て、兄弟よ。 Assassin's Creed: Identityに隠された秘密はすぐに明らかになる。


"私は懸命に自分の人生を生きてきた。その目的も知らずあたかも運命につき動かされているかのようにだ。 … そして今、不思議な事実を知るに至った。私は自分でも理解できぬメッセージを伝える使者にすぎなかったのだ。"

エツィオ・アウディトーレ・ダ・フィレンツェ(1459 - 1524)は、ルネッサンス期を生きたフィレンツェの貴族である。多くの歴史家や哲学者には知られていないが1503年から1513年のアサシンイタリア支部導師であった。 ウィリア厶デズモンド・マイルズクレイ・カズマルクの祖先でもある。









マリア: "息子が見ています。"
ジョバンニ: "知っている。"
マリア: "あの子とも話して。"
ジョバンニ: "そうだな。"




ACL ezio federico








Friend 3 v






Heirloom 2 v







LMS 6 v










JJE 3 v







RA 4 v



街に近づくと3人はヴィエリ・デ・パッツィとその仲間に道を阻まれたが、エツィオの叔父であるマリオ・アウディトーレとその傭兵のタイムリーな到着によって救われる。[1] マリオはエツィオにアサシンの存在を教え、教団に入団させようとした。エツィオに剣術を教えつつ、ジョヴァンニを含む先祖の多くがアサシン教団の一員であることを伝える。



WGA 14 v


街の郊外でエツィオはマリオと傭兵団に加わり、夜まで待ってから町を襲った。 ロドリゴ・ボルジア、ヤコポ・デ・パッツィフランチェスコ・デ・パッツィ、ヴィエリの簡単な会合を見た後、エツィオはヴィエリの元に向かった。




Best Man 1








WiSC 11



ロレンツォの士官であるポリツィアーノは、フランチェスコをシニョーリア宮で見つけたと語った。 パッツィとメディチの兵が通りで戦っている中、ヤコポ・デ・パッツィと何人かの共謀者は逃がしてしまったものの、フランチェスコを追って暗殺した。[1]




With Friends 10 v



ロドリゴはフィレンツェを掌握できなかったヤコポを刺し、エツィオの存在に気付いている事を明かす。 ロドリゴとエミリオが立ち去る間、エツィオはテンプル騎士団の番兵によって捕らえられるが、番兵達を圧倒し、死が迫るヤコポを苦しみから救い出した。[1]


カルロ・グリマルディ: "連中などいい!厄介なのはアサシンだろうに!"
エミリオ・バルバリーゴ: "なに?や、奴がここに?"
RH 1 v







That's Gonna Leave a Mark 6







IF 4






HaB 7






Two birds 11






"父上と兄弟が処刑されてからもう10年もたつのか。その間、ずっと犯人たちを追ってきた。復讐の旅もあと少しだ。だが、真実は今も闇の中だよ 。"
Play along 8






Play along 9






ニッコロ: "君が行くとすぐに攻撃が再開されチェッコ・オルシに〈リンゴ〉を!"
エツィオ: "何!? くそ! どこにいる!?"
Leo work 1






Godfather 2






Checcomate 7






エツィオ: "Do you know who betrayed us to the Inquisitors?"
Raphael: "Not yet, but we know the name of the Inquisitor Prosecutor responsible for their arrests."


サヴォナローラの居場所を探している間、エツィオは知り合いから、ヴェネツィアの盗賊ギルドでアントニオに会うように言われる。そこへ行くとエツィオは別の男、Luis de Santángelと共にいるアントニオを見つける。Luisは友人クリストファー・コロンブスが参加する会合を監視できる良い "暗殺者"を探していたが、エツィオは興味がなかった。[7]






下水道から脱出した後、エツィオはRaphael Sánchezと会い、アサシンであることを明らかにした。Raphaelはエツィオに最初に捕らえられたアサシンの居場所を教え、エツィオは彼を救うために急いだ。アサシンが異端審問所長官に火炙りに処される直前に、エツィオはすべての番兵を倒して彼を解放した。[7]

エツィオが戻った後、Raquelはトルケマダによってアサシン達を拘束することを命じられたのはGaspar Martínezであると伝える。 エツィオはGasparとトルケマダ、捕まえられたアサシンを取り囲む番兵を見つけた。[7]



ファイル:Ezio others.jpg

Luis、 Raphael、クリストファー、そしてエツィオ

かつてサラゴサにいたRaphaelはエツィオに、審問官のPedro Llorenteを探すように言う。到着したエツィオはトルケマダもいることに気づく。アサシンの一人が裁かれていたが、改宗して罪を告白することを拒否したため殺されてしまう。[7]

その後の会話を盗聴したエツィオは、残り5人のアサシンの所在を突き止める。そのうち4人はいくつかの地下墓地の中に拘束され、最後の一人は教会の中で拘束されていた。彼らの安全を確保した後、エツィオはPedro Llorenteを暗殺する。

Raphaelの所へ戻り、エツィオはイタリアに帰っても良いか尋ねた。しかし、Raphaelは依然としてグラナダにいる審問官について何らかの助けを必要としていた。 了解したエツィオは街にいるテンプル騎士であるスパイの暗殺に協力し、Luis Santangelもまたアサシンであったことに気づく。[7]







Florentine Fiasco 2












Love's Labour 3


エツィオはサヴォナローラの手下に襲われて瀕死の状態になっているマンフレード・ソデリーニと遭遇する。 急いでクリスティーナの居場所を尋ねるエツィオにマンフレードは男達に追われていると答えた。[5]


エツィオがサヴォナローラの信者を暗殺するとすぐに、激怒した市民が暴動を起こしてピッティ宮を襲い、弾圧の終わりを要求した。 サヴォナローラは暴動を鎮圧するためにリンゴを利用しようとしたが、エツィオがその手を目掛けてナイフを投げた。[8]


Mob justice 3





















マリオ: "無理はせんさ。民が無事に避難するまで、城壁を守りぬかねばいかん。我らの手に勝利を!"
エツィオ: "勝利を!伯父上、気をつけて。"
Reunion 2 v


叔父との帰りの間、エツィオはミネルヴァから教わった未来に起こる悲劇をマリオに話すが、自分自身の戦いは終わったということで納得した。 その夕方、エツィオは宝物庫での出来事を今度はニッコロ、妹、そして母親に再度伝えた。

ニッコロは、ロドリゴ・ボルジアを殺さなかったエツィオを批判し、怒ってローマに向かった。 その夜ニッコロが激怒したことを気にせずに、エツィオは寝室に戻り、カテリーナ・スフォルツァと楽しい夜を過ごす。そしてエツィオはボルジアの脅威が消え去っていなかったことを思い知る。[5]

Vilified 2






EExit 7






As Good As New 1






Roman Underground 3










ACB-Out of Orbit 5



安全を確認すると、コペルニクスは仲間の学者たちも危険にさらされていることに気づき、エツィオに警告の手紙を送るよう頼んだ。 エツィオはコペルニクスが信用できる人物かどうか不確かであるにも関わらず、この頼みを引き受けた。[10]



ACB Close the Book 7


コペルニクスの考えに賛成したエツィオは身の危険を警告するが、コペルニクスは月食を観測したいと思い、警告を無視した。 正殿長を暗殺するため、エツィオはもう一度立ち上がった。[10]






Burdens 2






People 5


エツィオは一年以内に大勢のローマ市民をアサシン見習い にし、[5]自分のギルドにFrancesco Vecellio(彼の元導師は教団を裏切った)のような元々いた教団の数人のメンバーを指名した。[11]




BHPlan 2





Follow money 1





In Rome 4







エツィオ: "中にさえ入れれば、歩哨を制圧することは可能だ。"
バルトロメオ: "ああ、だが...。"
エツィオ: "それが完全な奇襲ときたらなおさら簡単だろ?"
Trojan 7


銀行家の死後、エツィオはバルトロメオ・ダルヴィアーノの兵舎へ行き、バルトロメオの妻パンタシレア・バリオーニがチェーザレの息がかかったヴァロワ男爵率いるフランス軍に誘拐されたことを知る。兵舎では勇ましい防衛をしたにもかかわらず、バルトロメオは妻を助ける実現可能な方法を思いつかなかった。 しかし、エツィオは別のアイデアを持っていた。[5]








Intervention 4





Ascension 5





エツィオ: "これからもお前の思ったとおりに言ってくれ。俺には全幅の信頼を置く相談役の意見が必要だ。"
ニッコロ: "全ての片をつけましょう、敵を消しなさい。"
エツィオ: "いい助言だ。"
Apple a day 7




Roads lead to 3




Roads lead to 6





番兵長: "チェーザレが逃げました!"
エツィオ: "いつだ?"
番兵長: "いまから三十分ほど前、番兵たちが交代したときかと思われます。"


The docks were extremely busy when he arrived, and as such, Ezio was forced to use the Apple to learn of Cesare's location. Pointed to a red-sailed caravel on pier six, Ezio made his way there, only to find that it had already set sail. Ezio headed to the nearest boat and offered to pay the boat-master handsomely if he pursued the caravel. Ezio was surprised to see that it was Claudio who captained the boat, having been given money to do so by La Volpe previously.[9]

The ships were already nearing Ostia by the time Claudio's scoop caught up. Locking sails, Claudio gave Ezio the order to jump aboard and together Ezio and Claudio quickly overpowered the ship's crew, while Cesare watched helplessly from the secure wooden crate he had been hidden in. Upon docking in Ostia, Cesare was securely sent back to Rome.[9]

Councilor to the Pope[]

Julius II: "Cesare Borgia has been safely delivered into one of their strongest and most secure rocca!"
Ezio: "Where?"
Julius II: "Ah, that's classified information, even to you. I can't take any chances with Cesare."
—Pope Julius II speaking with Ezio.[src]

By 1504, Ezio had become councilor to Pope Julius II, and was with him when the Pope received word that Cesare Borgia had been successfully handed over to King Ferdinand II of Aragon, and his wife Queen Isabella I of Castile. When Ezio inquired as to where he was being held, Julius politely refused to answer, perhaps cautious of any attempts Ezio might make on the Templar leader's life. Later in the conversation, a tired Ezio nonchalantly suggested the name "Swiss Guard" for the contingent of Swiss mercenaries Julius II was thinking of hiring as his personal bodyguards.[9]

The following day, Ezio called a meeting with La Volpe, Bartolomeo, Niccolò, and Claudia to discuss rooting out the Borgia diehards who still pocketed Italy. Together, they formulated a plan that would keep control of the Borgia loyalists until the time to strike presented itself.[9]

Following the meeting, Ezio and Niccolò met with a number of Rodrigo's former lovers and associates, including Vannozza dei Cattanei and Giulia Farnese, as well as Cesare's wife, Charlotte d'Albret. On their way to meet Giulia, Ezio and Niccolò noticed they were being followed by someone, and had been since leaving Vanozza's palazzo. After making their way onto the rooftops, the Assassins were eventually able to lose their pursuer, although it took a lot of effort on their part.[9]

During this mission, Niccolò repeatedly asked Ezio to use the Apple to more easily locate Cesare; Ezio consistently refused, not wishing to become dependent on its power at the expense of his own skill and experiences.[9]

Dealing with the Borgia diehards[]

Bruno: "The Borgia diehards! They sent someone to follow you and Maestro Ezio-"
Niccolò: "And?"
Bruno: "Sure that you were out of the way, they have taken Claudia!"
—Ezio and Niccolò discovering Claudia's capture.[src]

After leaving Charlotte's palazzo, Ezio and Niccolò were approached by Bruno, one of Niccolò's spies, who informed the two that the Borgia had had them followed, so as to ensure they were not present when they kidnapped Claudia Auditore. Upon learning her location, the two quickly made their way to liberate her from her captors, only to discover they had been led into a trap; Bruno had been working for the Borgia for at least a year.[9]

Upon reaching the Borgia diehards' facility, Ezio saw Claudia tied to a chair, half-dressed and bruised. The leader of the diehards held a knife to Claudia's throat and threatened to kill her if Ezio did not leave Rome once and for all. Ezio refused and, together with Niccolò, quickly overpowered and eliminated the diehards.[9]

After rescuing Claudia, Ezio learned that Micheletto had holed up in the Ludus Magnus in Zagarolo, east of Rome. Bringing together a force of one-hundred apprentices and thieves, Ezio's forces quickly surrounded and overpowered the two-hundred and fifty strong force commanded by Micheletto.[9]

Micheletto was taken to Florence, and was incarcerated in the cell atop the Palazzo della Signoria; the same cell that had held Ezio's father twenty-eight years earlier. There, he was tortured by Niccolò, Amerigo Vespucci and Piero Soderini, the Gonfaloniere of Florence and Niccolò's "master". Despite learning nothing from Micheletto, Niccolò promised to continue in his attempts to prise any information from him, and parted ways with Ezio warmly when the latter was forced to return to Rome.[9]

Locking away the Apple[]

"I have more than played my part in your career and you must now return me."
―The Apple to Ezio.[src]

Days later, Ezio was awoken in the early hours of the morning by Niccolò, who informed him that Micheletto had managed to escape from the Palazzo della Signoria with the aid of a Borgia-friendly priest and the diehards. Ezio quickly realized that this could work to their advantage: if they could track Micheletto down, they could follow him to Cesare.[9]

Convening an emergency meeting, Ezio organized a manhunt for Micheletto that focused on the area surrounding Rome and Ostia. Later, Ezio was effectively ordered by Niccolò to use the Apple to locate Micheletto, but was only provided with a vague image of a Spanish castle.[9]

A Seed 2

Ezio walking out of the Vault

Ezio was confused by this, and expressed his feelings to Niccolò, who recommended he ask the Apple why it wasn't showing him what he wanted. The Piece of Eden told Ezio that the time had come for him to relinquish it, so that future generations might make use of it, and also indicated where it should be hidden. As a parting gift, the Apple informed the Assassin that Micheletto was making his way to Spain via the port in Naples.[9]

Before making their way to Naples, Ezio and Niccolò decided to abandon the Apple just at it had requested. Entering the Colosseum, the two Assassins made their way through the old lair of Romulus, marking the way as they went, until they reached the entrance to the Vault.[9]

Ezio entered the Vault, placed the Apple on the central pedestal, and exited. As the door closed behind him, both Ezio and Niccolò noticed that the door seemed to vanish, instead taking the appearance of the surrounding wall.[9]

Rescuing Da Vinci[]

Leonardo: "Salaì? Is that you? Ezio! I must be getting lazy in my old age. I did not know you had returned to Roma."
Ezio: "Unfortunately, I cannot stay. I am here to charter a ship."
―Leonardo and Ezio, shortly after the latter's return.[src]
A Roll of the Dice 3

Ezio and Leonardo looking at the unfinished Mona Lisa

With the Apple safely hidden away, Ezio met with Leonardo in 1506 to discuss his need of chartering a ship to Navarre. Leonardo interjected that he knew the name of a friendly ship captain, but was unable to remember it at the time. As the artist searched for his records, Ezio and Leonardo briefly discussed the ancient Greek scholar Pythagoras, whom Leonardo was researching.[12]

However, Ezio suggested he instead focus on his painting, and complimented a portrait of a smiling lady Leonardo was working on. Eventually, though he could not find the captain's name, Leonardo offered to accompany Ezio to the docks, though he was unable to leave the studio unaccompanied. As such, Ezio offered to bring back Leonardo's apprentice, Salaì.[12]

A Roll of the Dice 4

Ezio meeting Salaì in La Volpe Addormentata

Ezio found Salaì in La Volpe Addormentata, enjoying a game of dice. Despite some initial resistance, Salaì eventually agreed to return to his Master's workshop with Ezio, much to the chagrin of three cloaked individuals who had been playing against Salaì.[12]

Once outside, the three individuals and several of their comrades, who were all revealed to be Hermeticists, attacked Ezio and Salaì. The two manage to defeat them, and Salaì remarked that only one individual could fight with such skill, correctly guessing Ezio's name. Ezio simply suggested that they continue on to Leonardo's workshop.[12]

Avoiding the throngs of Hermeticists between them and their destination, Ezio and Salaì returned to find the workshop wrecked and Leonardo missing. Salaì regretfully informed Ezio that he did not know the location of the Temple of Pythagoras, which was likely where Leonardo had been taken.[12]

Looking down to the floor in sadness, Salaì spotted some writing on the floor, which suggested that Leonardo's artwork that had hung in the Villa Auditore had held clues to the location of the temple. At first Ezio was dismissive, commenting that all the paintings had been destroyed in the attack, though Salaì quickly responded that only two had been destroyed, and one had been sold (by Salaì himself to buy a "now out of fashion" doublet), leaving five more to find. These five, he said, were currently in the hands of Lucrezia Borgia, Duchess of Ferrara.[12]

Recovering the paintings[]

"I count five Leonardo da Vinci paintings you have stolen, and I want them returned."
―Ezio to Lucrezia, Duchess of Ferrara.[src]
The One Who Got Away 8

Ezio seducing Lucrezia inside Delizia di Belriguardo

Ezio made his way to Delizia di Belriguardo, climbing over the palazzo's outer walls and overhearing a paranoid Lucrezia ordering the guards into high alert. Infiltrating the palazzo through the attached stables, Ezio confronted Lucrezia on the stolen paintings, clarifying that he had not come to take her life.[12]

Willingly, Lucrezia revealed that she only had one of the paintings left, as the rest had been taken after the fall of her family. Ordering her men to place the Annunciation painting in a cart outside the palazzo's walls, Lucrezia was then thrust against the wall by Ezio, who began to kiss her neck intimately.[12]

At this, Lucrezia told Ezio that three of the paintings had been sold to Francesco Colonna, while the fifth went to an old flame of Lucrezia's named Patrizio. Ezio apologized to Lucrezia and then pulled back, revealing that he had tied her to the hanging drape. Lucrezia angrily called for her husband's personal guard, who pursued Ezio through the palazzo until he escaped out of a window, and into a bale of hay near the cart containing the painting.[12]

Returning to Rome, Ezio made his way to the Vaticano district, where he followed Patrizio, who was hoping to sell Portrait of a Musician to the Hermeticists. Ezio watched as Ercole Massimo belittled Patrizio for his racist views on Lucrezia's Spanish heritage, and then had him murdered when he tried to destroy the painting out of anger. Ezio pursued the Hermeticist Ercole had tasked with transporting the painting, and eventually retrieved it.[12]

Bon Voyage 5

Ezio interrogating Duccio

Ezio then traveled to the home of Francesco Colonna, only to find that the house had been seized by the bank. He was told that the da Vinci paintings had been sold to an art merchant from Florence, who was waiting at the docks outside the Mausoleo di Augusto.[12]

Making his way there, Ezio was surprised to see that the art merchant was his sister's former love interest Duccio de Luca. Duccio immediately set about insulting Ezio for living in a "third-rate city" such as Rome, and then again for his sister being the Madame of the Rosa in Fiore. For his troubles, Duccio received a short, stout punch to the face from a now angered Ezio.[12]

Duccio ordered his entourage to attack Ezio, though the Assassin was able to easily hold off his attackers. He eventually gained the information he wanted from Duccio, but the merchant pushed his insults even further against Claudia, resulting in a final blow, which knocked him unconscious.[12]

After knocking Duccio out, Ezio made his way to the merchant's boat, which had been occupied by Hermeticists, to retrieve the third painting. Ezio swiftly eliminated them without being seen, and claimed the painting as his own. He then made his way to the Rosa in Fiore in order to ascertain a means of obtaining the last two paintings, which had been bought by a cardinal and put on display inside the Castel Sant'Angelo.[12]

Infiltrating the art exhibition[]

"There is a viewing at the Castel Sant'Angelo later today. You will need an invitation. Fortunately, I know where you can procure one."
―Claudia helping Ezio.[src]
The Ezio Auditore Affair 2

Ezio entering the art exhibition

Upon reaching the Rosa in Fiore, Ezio spoke of the art exhibition with his sister Claudia, who directed him to the docks, from where one invitation was meant to be delivered. Ezio intercepted the courier carrying the invitation, and met up with a group of courtesans on the Ponte Sant'Angelo, instructing them to steal the paintings he would mark.[12]

Ezio marked the frame of the first painting, St Jerome in the Wilderness, after distracting the guards on duty, then proceeded into the Castel for the second, backtracking along the same path he had used to escape with Caterina years previously. After marking the second painting, Adoration of the Magi, in the upper chambers, he quickly left the Castel as cries over the theft rang out around him.[12]

Decoding Da Vinci 4

Ezio and Salaì looking at the map leading to the Pythagorean temple

Ezio returned to Leonardo's workshop, where the five paintings had been stored. Inside, he found Salaì already working to find any clues for the location of the temple, though he had found nothing. Salaì was on the verge of giving up, when Ezio prompted him to think of ways Leonardo might have concealed his work. Salaì remembered that Leonardo taken to working with invisible inks, and suggested that Ezio he use his gift of Eagle Vision to find any clues. Despite his annoyance at Leonardo for telling Salaì about his gift, Ezio did as was asked, and found small diagrams in each painting.[12]

After inspecting all the paintings, Ezio drew out each diagram and laid them on the table. Salaì immediately worked out it was a map, although there were probably pieces missing from the two paintings destroyed during the Siege of Monteriggioni. Nonetheless, Ezio managed the piece together the map, and located the entrance to the catacombs containing the Temple of Pythagoras.[12]

Temple of Pythagoras[]

Leonardo: "Those are not Pythagorean symbols. 43 39 19 N 75 27 42 W. Nothing. The Cult of Hermes is wrong, the number is meaningless."
Ezio: "It is not intended for us."
―Leonardo and Ezio in the Pythagorean Vault.[src]
TToP 9

Ezio and Leonardo exploring the catacombs

Ezio entered the catacombs and made his way towards the temple. As he did so, he could hear Ercole Massimo beating Leonardo, demanding he open the door to the temple. Ezio ordered the Hermeticist to stop, and after a brief exchange of words, he was attacked by Ercole's allies. He dealt with them swiftly, before climbing up to Ercole and assassinating him with his Hidden Blade.[12]

Though Ezio suggested that they leave as Leonardo was injured, the other protested, saying that the "number" the Hermeticists had been seeking must be destroyed, lest another go searching for it. Reluctantly, Ezio agreed.[12]

In each room of the temple, Ezio and Leonardo found themselves confronted by a complex puzzle. The first room required Ezio to redirect beams of light, while the second had him redirect the flow of air into a large, fan-dominated, locking mechanism. In the final room, Ezio had to activate several switches, which directed streams of burning oil into a central plate. Once activated, the central plate lowered, revealing a large circular pedestal.[12]

Ezio and Leonardo recognized the symbols upon the pedestal as those shown to them by the Apple, albeit in the wrong order. Ezio watched as Leonardo rotated the pillars so the images fit, opening the door into the temple's final chamber.[12]

TToP 8

Ezio and Leonardo in the Vault

Entering the vault, Ezio recognized the architecture as matching that of the Vatican and Colosseum Vaults. He approached the central pedestal and placed his hand above it. A bright light activated above him and soon enough, the entire chamber was cloaked in a dim green light. Before them, six numbers and two letters repeated themselves: 43 39 19 N 75 27 42 W.[12]

Although Leonardo totally dismissed the numbers as nonsense, Ezio remarked that the numbers were not meant for their eyes. To distract him from the numbers, Ezio asked Leonardo of his other projects as he led him from the room.[12]

Finishing the Borgia[]

Travelling to Spain[]

Ezio: "Where is he now?"
Captain: "Gone! I know he was in the town, asking questions, but he’s well-known here, and he has many friends, believe it or not."
―Ezio and the captain discussing Michelleto's whereabouts.[src]

Arriving in Naples on Midsummers Day, 1506, Ezio, Leonardo and Niccolò were met with a wall of silence from the local population when they questioned them about Micheletto. They persevered, fortunately happening upon a courtesan named Camilla, who claimed to have spent the previous night with a man matching their description of Micheletto. She pointed them to the docks and to Valencia.[9]

Ezio, Niccolò, and Leonardo booked passage to Valencia, though the crossing took five days, as the sea was particularly rough, which lost the three any chance of catching up with Micheletto. Once they arrived however, they quickly learned that Micheletto had headed to the Lone Wolf Inn, a place being described as "not for gentlemen".[9]

Nonetheless, the three made their way to the inn and entered, only to be immediately set upon by ten men whose eyes were already accustomed to the darkness. Ezio and Niccolò fought off the ambushers, as Leonardo hid behind the bar. Ezio was then approached from behind and garroted by Micheletto himself, though a well placed strike to the stomach from Niccolò's blade forced Micheletto to let go and flee.[9]

Although Micheletto had fled, one of his underlings had survived the Assassins' onslaught, and reluctantly surrendered his master's destination: the Castillo de la Mota. The next day, after a short rest, the three continued on to the Castillo.[9]

They arrived too late though, and Ezio learned from a lieutenant that Cesare had escaped, although they were not yet sure how exactly he had managed it. Ezio immediately demanded a fresh horse, but Leonardo's exhaustion and Niccolò's counsel convinced him to stay a while and rest.[9]

Within the month, they were back in Valencia, and found the city in the grip of Cesare's diehards. Disheartened by the turn of events, the Assassins contemplated their next move. Leonardo piped up with a suggestion, asking them to gather sulphur, charcoal and potassium nitrate, as well as thin sheets of malleable steel.[9]

They complied, and in a short time, Leonardo managed to construct twenty small, hand-held bombs, which could be thrown onto enemy positions after lighting the fuse. Leonardo then revealed to Ezio and Niccolò that he was returning to Italy on the next ship, as he was becoming homesick.[9]

Attack on Valencia[]

"Well, we don’t need the Apple to tell us what our old friend Cesare is planning."
―Niccolò, on Cesare's plans.[src]

Despite this setback, Ezio and Niccolò were determined to destroy Cesare's new army, and together formulated a plan. While Niccolò made his way to the diehards' camp, Ezio headed to the docks. Approaching the first ship, Ezio lit the fuse and threw it into the vessel, dismissive of what destructive power such a small device could possible contain. He was shocked when the device exploded, cracking the warship's mast and felling it, with splintered wood flying high into the air.[9]

Ezio continued to target Cesare's vessels, and in several cases, the initial bomb's explosion was followed by the detonation of the vessel gunpowder reserve; at one point, the explosion of one ship brought down the two on either side of it. All in all, Ezio managed to destroy twelve vessels with his ten hand-held bombs. He then met up with Niccolò on the corner of the street where the Lone Wolf Inn was located.[9]

Climbing onto the roof of the building, Ezio and Niccolò peered over the open skylight onto Cesare and Micheletto, who were discussing the recent turn of events. Cesare angrily belittled Micheletto, blaming him for what had happened and driving him to launch himself across the table at his Master.[9]

Cesare quickly pulled one of his pistols from his belt and shot at Micheletto, destroying his face completely. Ezio pulled back, hoping to catch Cesare as he left the building, though Niccolò, who had craned forward to get a better look, kicked down a tile in the process, and caught Cesare's attention. Drawing his second pistol just as rapidly as he had his first, Cesare shot at the Assassin, hitting Niccolò in the shoulder.[9]

Ezio briefly thought of pursuit, but Niccolò's injury was severe and required immediate medical attention. Finding a doctor, they learned the bullet had gone straight through, and that Niccolò would be sufficiently healed for travel in two weeks. Before Ezio left to pursue Cesare, Niccolò wished him good luck.[9]

Siege of Viana[]

Cesare: "How did you find me?"
Ezio Auditore: "The Apple you stole from Mario Auditore led me here."
―Cesare Borgia and Ezio Auditore[src]

In 1507, Ezio finally located Cesare Borgia, who was leading the forces of his brother-in-law, John III of Navarre, in a siege of the city of Viana.[5]

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Ezio fighting Cesare in Viana

Ezio engaged Cesare on the battlefield, initially making an unsuccessful attempt to kill him with his Hidden Blade. Cesare made his escape towards Viana Castle, and Ezio was almost overwhelmed by Cesare's guards. Narrowly surviving an artillery strike, Ezio chased after Cesare, and followed him through the village.[5]

Fighting past the battling guards, and climbing two burning siege towers, Ezio eventually reached the ramparts of Viana Castle. He made his way through another small group of guards, and engaged Cesare in combat atop the city walls.[5]

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Ezio letting Cesare fall to his death

Despite a continual stream of soldiers attacking him, Ezio was able to whittle away Cesare's armor and overpower him. When Cesare angrily repeated his claim that no man could kill him, Ezio coldly replied he would leave him in the hands of Fate, and threw Cesare from the city walls to his death.[5]

Later, a much older Ezio returned to the Sanctuary beneath the Villa Auditore to leave a clue to the password that protected the Vault's entrance, as suggested by Leonardo years previously. The clue was visible only to those who possessed Eagle Vision.[5]

Search for the Masyaf Keys[]

Discovering a new purpose[]

"There, over two centuries ago, our then Mentor, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, greatest of our Order, established a library deep beneath the fortress."
―Excerpt from the letter of Giovanni Auditore.[src]

With Cesare's death, the Borgia and their plans for Italy were finished. Ezio focused himself on internal matters, forming stronger ways of communication for the Assassins from Sicily to Venice, and creating more standard training methods for new Assassin recruits.[2]

In 1509, Ezio happened upon some of his uncle Mario's documents, finding a letter written by his father Giovanni a year before Ezio was born, which mentioned a sealed library beneath the old Assassin fortress of Masyaf; the home of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, who had been Ezio's spiritual mentor during his early years as an Assassin.[1] Driven by a will to find out more about the Order, Ezio decided to leave Italy in 1510 and set sail for Syria.[2]

Pilgrimage to Masyaf[]

"None of you leave until the Assassin is dead. Do you understand?"
―Leandros sending his men after Ezio.[src]

In May 1510, Ezio set out from Rome on horseback, accompanied by Bartolomeo d'Alviano and fifteen of the general's mercenaries. After fifteen days, they arrived at Bari, on the eastern coast of Italy. At Bari, Ezio chartered a ship, a freighter called the Anaan, and set sail for Corfu, located between Bari and Athens.[13]

Along the way, the freighter was attacked by pirates, as it was carrying a valuable cargo of spices. Ezio joined the crew in fighting off the pirates, and assisted in capturing the pirates' captain, a man Ezio would later come to know as Al-Scarab. The Anaan arrived safely in Corfu, and Ezio promptly made arrangements to sail to Athens, and from there to Crete, and then Cyprus. Not long after departing from Crete, Ezio's ship ran into a storm, and was forced to dock at Chios for minor repairs.[13]

Finally, Ezio arrived at Cyprus, where he spent some time exploring the island, including the Templar's archive. However, as he experienced more delays, it became apparent that the Venetian authorities stationed in Cyprus were intervening with his journey. Finally, Ezio took matters into his own hands and attempted to "acquire" a small ship of his own, so he could continue on to Masyaf.[13]

No sooner had he found a seaworthy vessel was he attacked by a mysterious man, whom Ezio thought he recognized. The commotion caused by their fighting attracted several members of the island's Night Watchmen, and Ezio, along with his mysterious assailant-turned-ally, fought off the guards. As the last man fell, Ezio was stabbed in the side and fell unconscious. When he awoke, Ezio found himself on a ship headed for Acre, manned by none other than the pirate captain he had defeated some months earlier.[13]

Ezio arrived in the city of Acre ten months after leaving Rome. After spending a week there, Ezio was informed that the road to Masyaf was filled with foreign bandits and mercenaries. He also wrote a letter to Claudia, informing her of his journey so far and that, should he not survive, she should not seek vengeance. Shortly thereafter, he continued his journey to Masyaf.[14]

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Templars leading Ezio to a plank

Ezio arrived at Masyaf in March 1511, and found the town to be crumbled and largely abandoned. Upon making his way to the fortress, Ezio was ambushed by the town's Byzantine Templar garrison, under the command of their captain, Leandros. Outnumbered, Ezio nonetheless attempted to fight his attackers, but was distracted by visions of Altaïr and captured. The Templars took the defeated Assassin and lead him onto a plank to be hung from the fortress' watchtower. However, as Leandros put the noose around Ezio's neck, Ezio attacked Leandros, threw the noose about Leandros' neck, and eventually escaped along the outside of the tower.[14]

Ezio quickly made his way back to the battlements, where he retrieved his weapons. He then made his way beneath the castle, to the doors of Altaïr's library, where he learned from a worker that Leandros had the journal of Niccolò Polo in his possession, which supposedly led to the keys needed to open the library's door. Ezio left the fortress, and pursued the Templar Captain, who had escaped by carriage.[14]

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Ezio assassinating Leandros

Ezio managed to hold onto a rope trailing from the carriage, and dragged himself up to the carriage itself. Leandros escaped onto the carriage of one of his men, and the chase continued, with each carriage jostling for space on a narrow cliff path.[14]

Eventually, a well-placed bomb sent Ezio's carriage over the edge, severely injuring him, though he persistently continued to follow Leandros. Fighting his way through a nearby village, Ezio eventually confronted and assassinated Leandros. After learning that the Templars were searching for the Masyaf Keys to open Altaïr's library, Ezio rather brusquely gave Leandros his last rites, before claiming the journal for himself.[14]

Settling into Constantinople[]

"Welcome to Galata district. For centuries it has been a home to orphans from Europa and Asia alike. You won't find more diversity anywhere else in the city. And for that reason, Assassins make it their home."
―Yusuf welcoming Ezio.[src]

Having obtained the journal, Ezio made his way to Constantinople by ship, where he hoped to find those Masyaf Keys the Templars had not already obtained. As they neared the port, Ezio briefly spoke with a fellow passenger, a young man who claimed to be a student. Ezio spoke to him of how he spent his own youth, until a woman on the ship caught his attention. Disembarking the ship, Ezio was greeted by the leader of the local Assassin guild, Yusuf Tazim.[14]

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Yusuf welcoming Ezio

Yusuf informed Ezio of the state of affairs in the city and of how the Byzantine remnants fought with the Ottomans for control of the city. Later, Ezio was introduced to some of Yusuf's men, and was advised to get new equipment.

When the two met again, Ezio was provided with an Ottoman hookblade and was taught on its use by Yusuf. The two then aided in the defense and reclamation of two of the Assassin dens in the city. Ezio additionally met with Piri Reis, another Master Assassin in the city. Together with Piri, Ezio found Niccolò Polo's old trading post, which was inhabited by the Venetian bookseller Sofia Sartor; the woman who had caught Ezio's eye on the ship into the city.[14]

Locating a secret passageway beneath the trading post, Ezio flirtingly suggested they both investigate, but was politely rebuked. He then entered the underground cavern, successfully obtaining his first Masyaf Key, as well as an encrypted map, which he eventually managed to decode with Sofia's help. Over time, Ezio started to develop feelings for Sofia, but could not bear to tell her about his Assassin affiliations.[14]

Working with Prince Suleiman[]

"For now, keep an eye on Tarik and his Janissaries. They spend much of their free time in and around the Bazaar."
―Suleiman instructing Ezio.[src]

Ezio continued to aid the Assassins in the city while Sofia worked to uncover the location of the remaining Keys. At one point, Ezio disguised himself as a minstrel, and prevented an attack on the young Prince Suleiman at Topkapı Palace; whom he recognized as the "student" from the ship he had entered the city on. After becoming acquainted with Suleiman, Ezio helped to uncover those behind the attempted assassination.[14]

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Suleiman conversing with Ezio

Their investigations led them to Tarik Barleti, Captain of the Janissaries responsible for Suleiman's protection, and supporter of his father, Selim I. After observing an exchange of weapons between Tarik and Manuel Palaiologos, heir apparent of the now-defunct Byzantine throne and member of the Templar Order, Ezio was tasked to kill Tarik by Suleiman.[14]

Ezio carried out the assassination, only to discover Tarik had been working to apprehend Manuel and his associate - Shahkulu - "where they felt safest". Remorsefully, Ezio asked for Tarik's forgiveness, before delivering the news to Suleiman.[14]

Journey to Cappadocia[]

"There he is. The monster I came to kill."
―Ezio when confronting Manuel.[src]
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Ezio leaving Constantinople with Piri Reis

After obtaining the four Keys still within Constantinople, Ezio traveled to Cappadocia, the location given to him by Tarik, to confront Manuel Palaiologos. Before he could depart however, he was intercepted by Yusuf, who informed him that the Janissaries had raised the Great Chain across the mouth of the Golden Horn to prevent him from leaving the city. Yusuf provided Ezio with a sizable bomb, claiming that it was significantly more dangerous than their usual explosives.[14]

Ezio proceeded to the port, where he destroyed the Great Chain with Yusuf's special bomb, and burned the numerous Templar ships that guarded the harbor using Greek Fire.[14]

Arriving in Cappadocia aboard Piri Reis' ship, Ezio sought to make contact with Tarik's spies, who were already in the city. However, he soon learned that many of Tarik's men had already been discovered, apprehended, and executed by the Byzantines. He arrived just in time to prevent the execution of the remaining spies, engaging and eliminating Shahkulu in open combat.[14]

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Ezio facing Manuel Palaiologos

With the spies safe, Ezio proceeded to detonate the city's ordinance supply and, in the ensuing panic, gave chase to Palaiologos. Confronting him at one of the city's docks, Ezio killed him and claimed the fifth and final Key. Before he could leave however, he found himself confronted by Suleiman's uncle and heir-apparent to the Ottoman throne, Ahmet.

Revealing his own Templar allegiance, Ahmet demanded Ezio to hand over the Key, lest harm fall upon Sofia Sartor. Angrily, Ezio pledged vengeance should any harm come to her, then made his way back through the now smoke-filled city to his ship, and to Constantinople.[14]

Fight with Prince Ahmet[]

"Now should be a time for remembrance and mourning, I know... but our enemies do not permit us that luxury."
―Ezio before confronting Ahmet.[src]
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Ezio rallying the Assassins against Ahmet

After arriving in Constantinople, Ezio hurriedly made his way to Sofia's bookshop. He found that the place had been ransacked and Yusuf, whom Ezio had asked to look after Sofia during his time in Cappadocia, had been killed. Upon discovering Yusuf's dead body, Ezio gave him a final blessing before shutting his eyes. Declaring a renewed vengeance against all those who dared to cross the Assassins, Ezio collected the remaining Keys and prepared to ambush Ahmet during the exchange.[14]

However, Ahmet held Sofia hostage atop Galata Tower, and Ezio was forced to give him the Keys in order to rescue her. The hostage turned out to be Azize, one of Ezio's fellow Assassins, and Ezio saw Sofia was being hung in a courtyard.[14]

After parachuting down towards her, and after ensuring that she was fine, Ezio boarded a carriage with to pursue Ahmet, who had already hurried off towards Syria to find the library and unlock its contents.[14]

After a lengthy ride through the country, which left Ezio essentially parasailing to hang onto their carriage, he managed to grab Ahmet and the two struggled as they both went flying off a cliff. Ezio subdued the prince and opened a parachute to save them both.[14]

As they both recovered from their rough landing, Ezio and Ahmet saw an army arrive with Selim at its head. Selim explained that the Sultan had chosen him over Ahmet, and proceeded to strangle his brother and throw him off a cliff. Selim spared Ezio, having heard good things about him from his son Suleiman, but ordered him to stay out of Constantinople.[14]

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Ezio speaking to Desmond

After traveling to Masyaf with Sofia, Ezio used the five Keys to open the door to Altaïr's library. Ezio discovered there were no books, only the body of the former Mentor, with a memory seal in his hand. The seal revealed Altaïr's final moments, and the location of his Apple at the back of the library.[14]

Ezio moved towards the Apple, but refused to take it, believing he had seen enough for one life. The Apple emanated a wave of light, and Ezio began speaking to Desmond. Acknowledging he was a conduit for a message, Ezio removed his bracers and sword to declare the end of his life as an Assassin. He then encouraged Desmond to make his life's sufferings worth it, and told him to listen.[14]

Return to Constantinople[]

"Prince Suleiman knows of your return and has provided you with a safe-conduct. But his father is adamant that you should not remain long."
―Azize to Ezio.[src]

After their visit to Masyaf, Ezio and Sofia returned to Constantinople to set their affairs in the city to rest. Despite Selim ordering Ezio never to return, Suleiman managed to secure Ezio a brief visit, as long as he behaved himself.[13]

Ezio made sure that Dogan, the new leader of the Turkish Assassins, was able to competently command the Assassins' Guild there. Ezio also oversaw the selling of Sofia's bookshop to Azize, the Assassin who had been kidnapped by Ahmet and held at the top of Galata Tower as a decoy for Sofia. The bookshop was used as an outpost for the Assassins, and Ezio stored the Masyaf Keys in the chamber where he had found the first key, underneath the bookshop.[13]

Later life[]

Settling down[]

"I knew I would not have enough time to do everything. Now I worry I do not have enough time to do anything."
―Ezio Auditore during his later years.[src]

Ezio and Sofia married in Venice. In late 1512, the pair returned to Rome, with Claudia congratulating them on their union. She also informed Ezio that Giovanni Lorenzo de' Medici, son of the late Lorenzo de' Medici, had close ties to the Papacy, which she considered good news.

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A retired Ezio in 1515

Ezio, having decided to resign from the Brotherhood, chose Lodovico Ariosto as his successor, against which Claudia protested, citing Ariosto's relation to Alfonso d'Este and his wife Lucrezia Borgia.[13]Ezio and Sofia later retired to a villa in the Tuscan countryside and had two children together, Flavia and Marcello. At his new residence, Ezio tended to a vineyard, and often spent time in his study, writing his memoirs.[15]

Despite his retirement from active service, the former Mentor continued to be involved with the Brotherhood affairs for some time after resigning. By 1515, Ezio was supervising the training of two young apprentices, Hiram Stoddard and Giovanni Borgia. While being impressed with the skills and spirit of Stoddard, Ezio tried to share his wisdom with the prideful and envious Borgia.

That same year, Ezio received a letter from his friend Michelangelo, informing him of a new Templar plot in the city. The old master then sent his two apprentices, under the leadership of Stoddard, to meet with Michelangelo and to deal with the Templars but they failed to recover the artifact in possession of Dei Petrucci.[16]

Final visits to Leonardo[]

"I’ll tell you a secret. All my life—while I thought I was learning to live, I have simply been learning how to die."
―Leonardo's words on dying.[src]

Old Ezio tending to his vineyard

By 1519, Ezio had suffered a chest infection, and as a result developed a serious cough.[15] A visit from Machiavelli revealed that their mutual friend Leonardo was dying. The pair traveled to Amboise in France to the manor Clos Luce, where Leonardo was staying.[13]

Ezio learned that his friend wished to travel outside of the manor to places like England or even back to Venice where he hoped to sell his submarine idea, seeing as he was disappointed with his patron's last creation, a giant mechanical lion.[13]

The pair stayed in France for another week, and visited Leonardo often. They were with him the moment he died. Upon their departure, rumors began to spread that King Francis was with Leonardo until he died, and had cradled his head. Ezio was disgusted by this rumor and believed that anyone, even a king, would do anything for publicity.[13]

Teaching Shao Jun[]

"So I spent many years teaching men and women to think and act for themselves. First in Rome, then among our Brotherhood in Constantinople."
―Ezio expaining his deeds to Shao Jun.[src]

One day in 1524, Sofia left with Marcello to visit Claudia, leaving Ezio to watch over Flavia. As Ezio started harvesting the crops, he called for Flavia to stay where he could see her. However, as he worked, he saw a mysterious cloaked figure approach Flavia. Panicking, he sprinted over to them, seizing the stranger by the collar, but pausing as he noticed the Assassin insignia on the necklace she wore.[15]

Afterwards, the Assassin introduced herself as Shao Jun, a Chinese Assassin, who had traveled to Italy with her Mentor to learn of methods to unite the Assassins of her homeland. However, Ezio refused to be involved, though he allowed her to stay in the villa for the night on Sofia's insistence.[15]

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Ezio and Jun in Florence

The following day, Ezio found Jun sitting in his private study, reading a letter he had been writing. Infuriated, he ordered her out of the room, and insisted that she leave the villa.[15]

However, Jun thoughtfully recited to him the words that he had written, wishing to understand their meaning. Ezio finally consented and invited her to accompany him into Florence while he ran errands. On the journey there and back, he finally spoke to her of the importance of love in the Assassin Order, saying that if she could support that which inspired hope in her people, she would succeed.[15]

However, the two of them were ambushed by a Chinese Imperial soldier in Florence. Jun explained that she was a concubine who had escaped by joining the Assassin Order, and the soldier who attacked the two worked for the Chinese Emperor. Correctly expecting another attack at the villa, Ezio had his family evacuate to Niccolò Machiavelli's home, while he and Jun stayed behind.[15]

During this time, Ezio taught Shao Jun various combat and stealth techniques that she would later use in exacting her revenge on the Templar eunuchs known as the Eight Tigers.[17]

Ezio and Jun were able to defend against the attack later that night, and in the morning, Ezio gave Jun a small chest before her departure, telling her only to open it if she lost her way.[15] He had known from the start that the chest – which happened to be of Precursor origin – was always empty, to teach Jun to accept the responsibility that only she could decide which path to follow, the same path of blood that Ezio had taken. Although he had seen the rage and anger behind her eyes and tears, he could not encourage Jun to seek revenge, for it was her that would fulfill her own destiny.[17]


"I am home."
―Ezio to Sofia in Florence.[src]
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Ezio passing away on the bench

In his final hours, Ezio chose to go to Florence with Sofia and Flavia while they went shopping. Ezio sat down on a bench, feeling ill, and shrugging off Sofia's concerns that he should have stayed home, stating "I am home."[15]

While Sofia and Flavia went to buy groceries, a young man approached Ezio, thoughtfully berating the women of Florence. Ezio wearily responded by implying the man was the problem, not the city. Immediately afterward, Ezio began panting and holding his chest in pain.[15]

The young man quickly grabbed Ezio's hand and told Ezio to have courage. He told Ezio to "get some rest", and then left. Ezio looked back at him angrily, but calmed down just as quickly. Breathing heavily, Ezio looked over at Sofia and Flavia, smiling, before resting his head against the back of the bench, and passing away peacefully.[15]


"Who are we, who have been so blessed to share our stories like this? To speak across centuries? Maybe you will answer all the questions I have asked. Maybe you will be the one to make all this suffering worth something in the end."
―Ezio reflecting on Desmond being able to witness his life.
Ezio statue

A statue of Ezio in the Mentor's Dubai office

Ezio's actions had a profound effect on the Order. Due to his efforts, many cities around Europe came under Assassin control and influence, ushering in something of a Golden Age in Europe. His descendants continued to take a leading role in the running of the Order for almost five-hundred years after his death.[5]

At some point in his life, Ezio wrote a codex detailing the events of his life; including those that transpired in the Vatican Vault, which was named the Prophet's Codex. By 2002, it was located in the library of Ivan the Terrible underneath the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, protected by the Assassins, though it was eventually retrieved by the Templar agent Daniel Cross, who handed it over to Abstergo Industries.[18]

In the year 2000, a statue of Ezio could be found in "the Mentor's" Dubai facility, alongside statues of other prominent Assassins.[19]

By 2012, one of Ezio's descendants, Clay Kaczmarek, relived his memories through the Animus, and hid several data files in his recorded sessions. Desmond Miles, another descendant of Ezio from a later relationship, also relived his ancestor's memories in order to exploit the Bleeding Effect and inherit Ezio's skills as an Assassin. Concurrently, Desmond's sessions also allowed the modern-day Assassins to learn about the oncoming disaster, Minerva and the First Civilization,[1] the location of Ezio's Apple of Eden,[5] and the location of the Grand Temple.[14] Desmond would eventuality sacrifice himself to protect Earth from the oncoming disaster.

In 2013, Abstergo Entertainment recovered Desmond's genetic material, and considered using Ezio's memories in one of their productions, seeing his charisma, looks, and youthful spirit as strong points; however, the company's marketing analysts also saw his "downward spiral of revenge" as a drawback, and interpreted his mission to spread his "corrupted Creed" throughout the world as a contradiction of the idea of free thought that he fought for. As a result, the company rejected any forthcoming production using Ezio as the main character, claiming it to be a risky investment.[20] Further, in 2014, Abstergo Entertainment's CCO, Melanie Lemay, advised against using Ezio in their products, although she noted that he would be a perfect candidate for a series focusing on notable serial killers throughout history.[21]

Personality and characteristics[]

"Ezio's learning fast. He reminds me of you."
―Maria to Giovanni.[src]

Ezio was raised as a young Florentine nobleman, living during the 15th and 16th century. He was brought up without knowing of the Assassins' existence, or of his heritage. A seducer of women and a playful man, Ezio possessed acrobatic skills far beyond those of his peers, barring his brother.[1]

He also came from an affluent background and had many friends, until the deaths of his father and brothers drove him out of Florence. Forced to protect his mother and sister, Ezio became an Assassin, exacting revenge on the conspirators who had betrayed his family and plotted to seize both Florence and Venice.[1]

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Ezio naming himself as Uberto Alberti's killer

Initially, Ezio allowed his emotions to get the best of him, going so far as to disrespect the corpse of Vieri de' Pazzi just after his death. However, Ezio did manage to gain control of his anger and, by the time he had become a Master Assassin, could control it almost completely.[1] That said, Ezio was still prone to losing control of his emotions at the right trigger; in 1506, he beat up Duccio de Luca in a fist-fight, after the latter had insulted Ezio's sister, Claudia, for her position as the Madame of the Rosa in Fiore.[12]

However, by the time Ezio confronted Rodrigo Borgia, he had become more dedicated to his role as an Assassin, ceasing to use revenge as a motivation. He became more focused on instilling a sense of fraternity among his apprentices, and a love of the cultures they would defend from the Templars.[15] He also spared the lives of any targets that he concluded had no need to die, such as Micheletto Corella.[5]

Ezio was also passionately loyal to his family, and was pained for the rest of his life after the Auditore execution. While he was able to lay the bodies of his fallen family to rest, he continued collecting feathers during his time in Italy, as a remembrance of his youngest brother. The feather collection was part of what helped his mother recover from her depression at the loss of her sons and husband.[1]

Ezio always put protecting his mother and sister above his safety and his allegiance to the Assassins, quick to defend his sister's honor from Duccio, and always ready to help his mother, even when she was helping her daughter lead the courtesans in Rome. Claudia thought Ezio a bit overbearing at times, as shown by her journal, but knew that he was trying to help regardless, and stood by her brother with the Assassins.[5]

Ezio became more quiet and distant during his late 40s, reluctant to share information regarding his early life with associates such as Salaì, but also being more open with those he knew better and cared for.[5]

Near the end of his life, although he was still as loving and passionate when talking to his family, Ezio was far more gruff towards strangers such as Shao Jun. Although Ezio eventually warmed up to the Chinese Assassin, he explained that he wanted nothing more to do with the Assassin Order out of fear that the Templars would endanger his wife and children, presumably stemming from the deaths of his father and brothers.[15]

It could even be said that Ezio had grown paranoid of strangers since, in comparison to previous seasons, he had not hired any help for his vineyard's grape harvest despite his worsening condition. In addition, Ezio was shown to have grown somewhat forgetful, possibly increasing his uneasiness with unknown people.[15]

Ezio also seemed to be aware, or at least have a feeling, that his time was growing short, evidenced by his confession to Sofia, "I knew I would not have time to do everything, now I worry that I don't have time to do anything," as well as his preparation of a final letter in the event of his death.[15]

Equipment and skills[]

"Despite its age, its construction is rather advanced."
―Leonardo da Vinci, commenting on Ezio's Hidden Blade.[src]
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Ezio in his Roman robes

Ezio was both a highly skilled Assassin and an adept Mentor. He learned and developed a vast array of skills, such as picking pockets, blending into crowds, armed and unarmed combat, alternative or multiple weapon attacks, stealth and public assassination techniques, freerunning and long-range combat.[1]

He was also able to use a variety of weapons and gadgets, including two Hidden Blades, a sword, throwing knives, smoke bombs, short blade and many more. Born with the ability to use Eagle Vision, Ezio could instinctively differentiate friend from foe and be warned about any oncoming danger or attacks, allowing him to dodge it upon realization. After talking to his captive father, he later inherited his father's Assassin robes, which he would upgrade with various armor and dyes throughout his life.[1]

An explorer, throughout his quests, Ezio scoured the cities he visited in search of Codex pages and seals from the six Assassin's tombs spread across northern Italy. The Codex pages allowed Leonardo da Vinci to upgrade his weaponry, including the addition of a wheellock firearm and poison needle concealed beneath his left Hidden Blade.[1]

By collecting the six tomb seals, Ezio gained access to the armor Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad created, which was later lost during the Fall of Monteriggioni. He also collected capes that had helped him stay incognito to city guards. The only exception to this was the cape bearing the Auditore family crest, which made him easily recognizable, due to his family's history.[1]

In 1500, during the Siege of Monteriggioni, Ezio lost most of his equipment, but was able to keep his original Hidden Blade. His blade also underwent some alterations anonymously by Niccolò Machiavelli, though he merely replaced the former leather and metal bracer with a new, fully plated version bearing a different design. Also, the former blade was replaced with a newer one that bore a black tribal design running down the center of the blade.[5]

During his time in Rome, Ezio's usual attire would be replaced by a new outfit based on elements from both his father's clothing and Altaïr's robes. He became an adept user of the crossbow, and also obtained the Armor of Brutus after stealing all the scrolls from the Followers of Romulus. In addition, Ezio also acquired poison darts and parachutes, courtesy of Leonardo da Vinci.[5]

ACB Ezio Freerun

Ezio freerunning over the Tiber

Ezio had been a very skilled freerunner from a young age. He learned how to freerun under the tutelage of either his father or older brother, and was able to move quickly and efficiently in sprinting, climbing, and jumping. In addition, he was also an extremely enduring and strong athlete, being able to perform all these actions without being encumbered by his large variety of weapons and armor at all.[1] Another proof of his higher-than-average strength is when he was seen to lift heavy objects or sometimes pull them with moderate-to-little effort and brutally murder men much larger and stronger than him with ease.

Despite his advancing years, Ezio Auditore's skill and speed as a freerunner increased significantly, being aware of all of his surroundings as well as planning his next move very quickly and carefully, as observed by younger Assassins such as Francesco Vecellio.[11]

Ezio's speed and abilities gave him a legendary status among the Roman Thieves Guild, so far as going to convince some of the members to believe that Ezio's freerunning skills were exaggerated, and blatantly impossible for someone his age.[5]

Ezio was also capable of tolerating and suppressing his own pain to a point where they would not prevent him from engaging in head-to-head combat if really needed. In 1500, during the siege of Monteriggioni, even after being shot by multiple arquebusiers in the chest area, Ezio was still able to fight guards with ease later on and even climb the Auditore Crypt walls without exhausting himself.

Ezio's overall durability was extremely high for a man like himself, as he has survived being stabbed in the stomach by Checco Orsi and Rodrigo Borgia in 1488 and 1499 respectively, getting shot multiple times by arquebusiers during the Siege of Monteriggioni, getting shot down by a cannon and falling off a cliff while severely injuring his arm and still managed to fight as if they had no effect on him at all.

Ezio was also capable of healing his injuries most of the time without any medical aid at an accelerated rate, but when severely injured, he required the aid of medicine to help them heal. When he had the Apple of Eden in his position, Ezio was capable of healing from all kinds of injury regardless of the attack inflicted on him.

By 1511, at age 52, Ezio still retained his athletic abilities and skill in combat. His Eagle Vision had evolved into Eagle Sense, enabling him to track enemies, determine targets, diagnose the injured, detect scent vapors of poisons, detect imminent threats more precisely and faster, as seen when he was about to be attacked by stalkers, and find lost books around Constantinople. He acquired the hookblade from his fellow Master Assassin and close friend, Yusuf Tazim, and quickly mastered its utility in freerunning and combat.[14]

He also made use of bomb-crafting after it had been introduced to him by Yusuf and Piri Reis. After discovering the ten memoir pages of Ishak Pasha scattered across Constantinople, Ezio explored the Hagia Sophia and recovered his armor.[14]

After he retired, Ezio's physique degraded significantly.[15] By 1524, Ezio's stamina and agility had decreased to the point where he could barely run across his own grape field, whereas before he could sprint for three-hundred meters uninterrupted. If not for neglecting his training, then Ezio's drastic physical deterioration was due to old age and illness, though he retained his heightened sense of awareness, even at his death.[15]

Even with his severe handicaps, Ezio was still able to overpower three Chinese swordsmen with only his fireplace poker. He was even able to use the poker as an improvised hookblade, using it to throw an attacker across the room before hurling it into his skull. However, Ezio was completely outmatched by the last enemy in terms of strength due to old age, and would have definitely been killed had the attacker not succumbed to the injuries inflicted by both Ezio and Shao Jun.[15]

Ezio took quite a beating for a man his age during the assault on his Villa, and this may have contributed to his passing not long after Jun's departure, though it is more likely that his heart simply could not handle the amount of stress he had gone through.[15]

Romantic life[]

"A minute is all I need! [...] Wait... that came out wrong."
―Ezio to Cristina Vespucci, 1476.[src]

Ezio was known for his good looks, flirtatious nature and predisposition for womanizing.[1][3][4] Though the latter part of his life was centered around his hunt for Rodrigo Borgia, Ezio shared multiple romantic relationships with a number of different women.[4]

Nightcap 4

Ezio and Cristina kissing in her room

By 1476, Ezio had had many encounters with various unnamed Florentine girls and courtesans before the execution of his family, insulting Vieri de' Pazzi by suggesting that his sister seemed quite satisfied with the "handling" he had given her earlier.[1]

That year, Ezio was in a permanent relationship of sorts with Cristina Vespucci, though against the wishes of her father. Following his street brawl with Vieri de' Pazzi on the Ponte Vecchio, Ezio visited Cristina during the night, despite his brother's request otherwise. He was chased out by Cristina's father the next morning, and subsequently had to flee the city guards.[1]

Two years later, when Ezio returned to Florence, Cristina was engaged to Manfredo Soderini, though she admitted to still loving Ezio. Eight years later, when Cristina and Manfredo traveled to Venice for Carnevale, Ezio, posing as her husband, wrote to her asking her to come to meet him, to which Cristina complied. As both wore Carnevale masks, she did not recognize him until he kissed her.[5]

Cristina then removed his mask and asked Ezio how he dared kiss her like that, telling him she never wanted to see him again. When Ezio tried to stop her, she explained that if he really loved her, he would not simply have let Manfredo marry her.[5]

When Ezio returned to Florence again in 1497, he learned from a wounded Manfredo that he and Cristina had been attacked by Savonarola's men. Ezio tracked down Cristina and killed her assailants. As he proceeded to take Cristina to a doctor, she died in his arms, after telling him that she wished that they could have had a second chance together.[5] Ezio wrote years later that he felt something "withered" in him after her death.[14]

Tutti a Bordo 5

Ezio helping Caterina onto the gondola

Before meeting with Cristina during Carnevale, and while trying to find a way to Venice, Ezio accompanied his friend, Leonardo da Vinci, to Forlì. He was initially refused passage aboard the ship to Venice, but his fortunes changed after encountering Caterina Sforza, who had become stranded on a small island with no means of escape.[1]

Ezio rescued her, and she repaid the favor by granting him passage to Venice. She also told him that the next time he returned to Forlì, it would "be her pleasure" to entertain him. Moments later, after Ezio revealed to his close friend that Caterina was a future conquest and his type of woman, Leonardo informed Ezio of the lady's identity and that she was married to the Count of the city.[1]

Also, at some point during his time in Forlì, Ezio encountered a girl named Amelia. During this encounter, Amelia and two of her friends were discussing whether anyone could beat their record in a horseback riding race. Ezio took on the challenge in return for a "private riding lesson" with Amelia should he prove successful, which he was.[1]


Ezio flirting with Rosa

When Ezio arrived in Venice for the first time, an unknown young woman attempted to pickpocket him. Later the same day, Ezio witnessed the woman and a group of thieves attempting to scale the Palazzo della Seta. The attempt ended in failure, and the girl was shot in the leg by an archer.[1]

Ezio intervened, defending her from Emilio Barbarigo's thugs. Upon helping her to get to safety, he learned that her name was Rosa, and that she was a member of the city's Thieves Guild. At first, Rosa's attitude towards Ezio was very aggressive and unfriendly, but after he saved her, she became much more amiable.[1]

While trying to acquire the Golden Mask, Ezio was seen flirting with many of Sister Teodora's courtesans. After the Carnevale challenges, when Ezio went up to accept the Golden Mask as his prize for victory, he was accompanied by a courtesan. After assassinating Marco Barbarigo and seeking sanctuary in the brothel, Ezio flirted with Sister Teodora, who invited several of her girls to "comfort" Ezio.[1]

Vilified 1 v

Ezio and Caterina Sforza together in bed

Since their first meeting in Forlì, Ezio's feelings for Caterina Sforza developed, and in January 1500, Ezio had an intimate encounter with her, sleeping with her in the Villa Auditore before it was besieged by Cesare Borgia and his army.[5]

After her capture, Ezio sank into a state of near depression, where his feelings for Caterina conflicted with his suspicion that she was merely using him. Despite this impression, Ezio was determined to rescue her from the Castel Sant'Angelo, disregarding the insistence of Niccolò that Cesare and Rodrigo Borgia should be the focus of his attention.[9]

During their escape, Caterina hesitantly explained to Ezio that the night they had shared had only been in the name of politics, as she had needed his help in defending Forlì. Ezio continued to hope that his feelings for Caterina were reciprocated, though she soon informed him otherwise. Despite his subsequent decision to no longer pursue Caterina's affections, the two remained close allies for the sake of the Brotherhood.[9]

Homecoming 3

Ezio with Sofia Sartor

While on a ship arriving in Constantinople, Ezio briefly saw Sofia Sartor, who was traveling from Rhodes and returning to her bookstore. He attempted to talk to her, but she was too distracted to pay attention to him. Later, Ezio met Sofia again at her store while searching for the Masyaf Keys. The two worked out a bargain: if she helped Ezio track down the keys, he would retrieve and give her some of the books the Polos had hidden.[14]

In an attempt to keep Sofia away from the Assassin and Templar fight, Ezio kept Sofia in the dark about the purpose of his search, and attempted to keep his relationship with her platonic. However, as time went on, Ezio grew to admire Sofia more, and would often linger at her shop to be with her. Sofia also came to adore Ezio as well, asking him to be her escort to Adrianople (which Ezio had to reluctantly decline due to his search). She also arranged a picnic for the two of them in a park near Hagia Sophia.[14]

When Ezio left Constantinople to assassinate Manuel Palaiologos, he asked Yusuf Tazim to keep Sofia safe. However, the Templar Ahmet, knowing of their relationship, dispatched a group of soldiers to kidnap her. While Yusuf managed to hold back many of the soldiers, he was eventually killed, and Sofia was captured.[14]

Upon learning this, Ezio flew into a rage and attacked the Arsenal in great force with the local Assassins. He eventually submitted to Ahmet's demands however, as he still held Sofia, and gave up the Masyaf Keys. However, after being rescued, Sofia helped Ezio chase after Ahmet and retrieve what had been taken.[14]

Ezio and Sofia eventually traveled to Altaïr's library in May 1512.[14] Once Ezio decided to retire as an Assassin, the two left Masyaf and wed each other, before the couple moved to a villa outside Florence, where they would eventually raise their son and daughter. In 1524, Ezio died of a heart attack, and his final words were in a letter addressed to Sofia, where he commented that the love he had for her and their children was what had kept him going in his old age.[15]


Assassin's Creed II

  • The names "Ezio" and "Altaïr" have similar meanings and origins. "Altaïr" means "the flying one", while "Ezio" means "eagle". "Altaïr" also comes from the name of the brightest star in the constellation Aquila, which also translates to "eagle".
  • According to the game manual, Ezio is 6' 0" (1.83 m) tall and weighs 165 lbs (75 kg).
  • Ezio's Animus database only details his life before he became an Assassin, holding no information on his life within the Order, unlike his later ones in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Assassin's Creed: Revelations.
  • Throughout Italy, Ezio will only remove his hood during cutscenes if he was wearing his father's Assassin robes.
  • If players choose to play Sequence 13 before Sequence 12, by clearing the DLC cache, Ezio's beard will disappear until he kills Checco Orsi. This is impossible to do so in the PC version however, as they are incorporated into the main storyline.
  • In a very rare glitch, after completing the blending mission for Paola, Ezio's hood may appear down when it is supposed to be up. This shows that the character model for Ezio is the same as Desmond.
  • While wearing the Florentine Noble Attire, Ezio had the same movement animations as Desmond, before switching to animations similar to Altaïr's after acquiring his father's robes.
  • In Assassin's Creed II, during the brawl against Vieri de' Pazzi, Ezio receives a deep gash on his lip from a thrown rock. However, in Assassin's Creed: Renaissance, the wound is situated on his forehead instead.
  • In Assassin's Creed: Renaissance, it is stated that Ezio was gray-eyed. Despite that, in Assassin's Creed II, Brotherhood, Revelations and Embers, Ezio is depicted with amber-colored eyes.

Assassin's Creed II: Discovery

  • In his biography, Ezio's title was misspelled, listing him as "Ezio Auditore de Firenze" instead of "Ezio Auditore da Firenze".

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

  • Although Ezio received the brand on his left hand's ring finger when he was inducted into the Order, it was never shown in Brotherhood or any media since.
  • It was revealed that Ezio could speak some French, as there were "a couple of French girls in Firenze".
    • During his infiltration of the Baron de Valois' camp, Ezio was demanded by a guard (due to his peculiar French accent) as to what part of France he was from. He replied with "Montréal", which is a reference to Ubisoft Montreal, the company mainly responsible for the Assassin's Creed series.
  • In promotional art for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Ezio is shown with two identical bracers for his Hidden Blades. However, it is not possible in Rome to obtain a bracer for Ezio's right arm that matches the first one.
    • As well as this, Ezio is shown with only the left Plate Armor pauldron, while the other was missing. However, it is not possible to manage Ezio's pauldrons in such a way.
  • In the Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood novel, Ezio loses all his Codex inventions (the Hidden Gun, the Poison Blade, and the second Hidden Blade) during the Villa attack; whereas in the game, Ezio only loses the Armor of Altaïr, the Metal Cestus and the second Hidden Blade, despite mentioning that he had lost every one of the Codex inventions.
  • Ezio's storyline, emphasizing his loneliness, was inspired by George Clooney's character in the film Up in the Air.[22]

Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade

  • Ezio is briefly mentioned in the novel Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade. At the beginning of the book, he is stated to be standing on the deck of the ship to Constantinople, before returning to his quarters to read Niccolò Polo's journal, "La crociata segreta".

Assassin's Creed: Revelations

  • Ezio does not wear a cape on his left shoulder as he did in previous installments, though he did have one prior to being captured by the Templars at Masyaf. He also wore a cape when he arrived at Cappadocia.
    • A cape does show when he wore the Armor of Brutus outfit, however, and it retained the animation for it from Brotherhood.
  • Revelations was the only installment in which Ezio wore an outfit where the default appearance of his robes was not white.
  • Ezio's second Hidden Blade, which was broken, could still be seen if he activated them casually in the loading screen of the Animus.
  • Ezio sometimes used Turkish terms when speaking to citizens, contacts and his apprentices.
    • It was noted however that Ezio's knowledge of the Turkish language was somewhat lacking, commenting that it was "absurd", and that his Greek was "nonexistent". Though, he may have been joking, as most of his songs were intended to be taken humorously.
  • It was revealed that Ezio had some experience in playing the lute when he was younger, as he said that he "learned a few chords".
    • When singing at the party, Ezio spoke of several notable people from his past, including Rodrigo, Cesare, and Lucrezia Borgia, Vieri and Francesco de' Pazzi, Duccio, and Caterina Sforza.
  • Even if Ezio dyed his robes a different color and upgraded his armor, the robes would return to the original grey and were shown without any upgrades during the cutscenes that showed him writing letters to Claudia.
  • Upon their first meeting, Piri Reis incorrectly assumed that Ezio's name was Lothario; a lothario has come to mean a man whose main interest is seducing women. The colloquialism was fitting to Ezio's personality during his younger days, when he would often flirt with the women he met during his travels.
  • Ezio was noticeably less likely to regain balance and continue running after tumbling to the ground, most likely due to his age.

Assassin's Creed III

  • Ezio's robes are available to purchase through Uplay for Assassin's Creed III for 30 Uplay points. The robes are his Roman ones. However, the underside of the cape and the interior of the hood are white instead of the red that appears in the game. The robe also includes a leather shoulder spaulder and one Hidden Blade bracer, despite the fact that Connor was able to wield two blades.
  • Achilles Davenport mentioned Ezio during a conversation with Connor about the history of the Assassins.
  • In the visions shown to Desmond by Juno in the Grand Temple, in which Ezio spoke to Minerva, Juno showed Ezio wearing his Roman robes, despite the fact he wore the Armor of Altaïr at the time. A similar error appears in the opening cinematic, in which Ezio is displayed wearing his Pilgrimage robes while talking to Minerva.

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China

  • Roger Craig Smith did not reprise the role of Ezio for Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China, to the disappointment of some fans. In response, Loomer, a member of the online Assassin's Creed community, contacted Smith and collaborated with him to make a short fanmade video titled "The Training of Shao Jun".

Soulcalibur V

  • Ezio appears in the fighting game Soulcalibur V as a guest fighter. He wears his Roman robes, and uses all weapon types at his disposal in said game. His alternate costume is a minor color alteration of his robes (from red and white to yellow and gray), and he cannot be further customized.
  • In his Soulcalibur V appearance, Ezio is seen wearing identical Hidden Blade bracers, similar to pre-release images of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
  • Interestingly, Ezio has a Roman Longsword and a Stiletto dagger instead of his more powerful weapons. Also unlike other characters, Ezio has only one set of weapons, and they are exclusive to him.
  • Ezio's Soulcalibur V character art is taken from a promotional picture for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, which features Ezio attacking Cesare Borgia.
  • His profile image is likewise taken from his stance on the cover of Assassin's Creed II.
  • Ezio shares his voice actor, Roger Craig Smith, with one of the series' main characters, Siegfried Schtauffen.
  • Ezio's story in the Soulcalibur world states that he intercepted a Templar raid on Queen Isabella's boat, and after touching an unknown artifact, jumped through time to a period near to the end of the 16th century.


  • Darby McDevitt, Lead Writer of Assassin's Creed: Revelations, said that it was probable that Ezio had fathered children outside of his marriage to Sofia. Indeed, one unidentified child's bloodline would eventually lead to Clay Kaczmarek.
  • Ezio's Assassin's Creed II outfit can be unlocked in Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands via Uplay for 30 points.
  • A Sackboy version of Ezio's outfit from Assassin's Creed II and Assassin's Creed: Revelations can be purchased for LittleBigPlanet via the PlayStation Store.
  • In PlayStation Home, Ezio's Assassin robes from Assassin's Creed II are an outfit that could be bought.
  • Ezio was featured in the "Michael" live action commercial, part of the Long Live Play advertisement of Sony. There, he gave tribute to the gamer Michael for playing his part when "the Templars murdered his family", then chanted Michael's name in unison with the rest of the characters.
  • So far, Neca has manufactured highly detailed figures of Ezio. The White Edition includes Ezio in his default robes with two Hidden Blades, though only the right arm one is removable. The Black Edition includes Ezio with a single Hidden Blade, along with his robes dyed in the Wetlands Ebony fashion and wearing the Missaglias armor. Later, they fashioned a figure that resembles Ezio in his default robes in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, though it is never included in any game version, and can only be bought separately.
    • Hot Toys has also made a 1/6 figure of Ezio in his primary robes from Assassin's Creed II with real cloth and multiple points of articulation. This figure features removable dual Hidden Blades, the Sword of Altaïr, a Notched Cinquedea, six throwing knives, a removable hood, a removable ponytail and four extra hands.
      • The throwing knives, however, are not eagle-themed like in the game, and the Notched Cinquedea uses a seperate sheath, which is much unlike in the game.
    • Square Enix's Play Arts Kai department has also made an Ezio figure, albeit in the Misaglias Armor and the Bonus Dye skin. Although not featuring real cloth, the cinquedea, the removable throwing knives or the removable hood, the Sword of Altaïr is much more durable than the Hot Toys version, the throwing knives are game accurate and the Notched Cinquedea can be sheathed alongside the Sword of Altaïr. This version also features removable dual Hidden Blades and interchangable hands.
  • On the Xbox 360, it is possible to purchase Ezio's Robes from Assassin's Creed II, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, and Assassin's Creed: Revelations as avatar outfits, costing 400 Microsoft points each.
  • It has been confirmed by writer Darby McDevitt that Ezio and Altaïr were not related, but came from two different sides of Desmond's family.
  • Ezio Auditore was featured in the Spike Video Game Awards of 2010 as part of his nomination for Character of the Year. When he was mentioned among the nominees, he addressed the crowd about his nomination, and how they should be cautious about the Templars.
    • Another vignette was made in case he won, and was shown during the end credits of the show due to another winner being declared. Holding the Spike trophy, Ezio was named Best Dressed Assassin. Ezio then thanked the crowd and his associates during his time in Rome, and dedicated the award to Mario Auditore.
  • Ezio appeared in a short TV advertisement for Assassin's Creed: Revelations, along with athletes Adrian Peterson, BJ Penn, and Derrick Rose, from the NFL, UFC, and NBA respectively. Ezio was shown last, putting on his hood. During Ezio's interval, it stated that he had done 90,793 hits.
  • Ezio's Revelations outfit appears as a DLC outfit for Noel Kreiss in Final Fantasy XIII-2.


アブスターゴのロゴ An image gallery is available for
Ezio Auditore da Firenze
  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.51 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.63 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.71 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 1.76 1.77 1.78 1.79 Assassin's Creed II
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Assassin's Creed Encyclopedia
  3. 3.0 3.1 Assassin's Creed: Lineage
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 Assassin's Creed: Renaissance
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.26 5.27 5.28 5.29 5.30 5.31 5.32 5.33 5.34 5.35 5.36 5.37 5.38 5.39 5.40 5.41 5.42 5.43 5.44 5.45 5.46 5.47 5.48 5.49 5.50 5.51 5.52 5.53 5.54 5.55 5.56 5.57 5.58 5.59 5.60 5.61 5.62 5.63 5.64 5.65 5.66 5.67 5.68 5.69 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 Assassin's Creed II - Battle of Forlì
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 Assassin's Creed II: Discovery
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Assassin's Creed II - Bonfire of the Vanities
  9. 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 9.18 9.19 9.20 9.21 9.22 9.23 9.24 9.25 9.26 9.27 9.28 9.29 9.30 アサシンクリード: 血盟
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Copernicus Conspiracy
  11. 11.0 11.1 Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy
  12. 12.00 12.01 12.02 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.06 12.07 12.08 12.09 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 12.14 12.15 12.16 12.17 12.18 12.19 12.20 12.21 12.22 12.23 12.24 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - The Da Vinci Disappearance
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 Assassin's Creed: Revelations (novel)
  14. 14.00 14.01 14.02 14.03 14.04 14.05 14.06 14.07 14.08 14.09 14.10 14.11 14.12 14.13 14.14 14.15 14.16 14.17 14.18 14.19 14.20 14.21 14.22 14.23 14.24 14.25 14.26 14.27 14.28 14.29 14.30 Assassin's Creed: Revelations
  15. 15.00 15.01 15.02 15.03 15.04 15.05 15.06 15.07 15.08 15.09 15.10 15.11 15.12 15.13 15.14 15.15 15.16 15.17 15.18 15.19 Assassin's Creed: Embers
  16. Assassin's Creed
  17. 17.0 17.1 Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China
  18. Assassin's Creed: The Chain
  19. Assassin's Creed: The Fall - Issue #3
  20. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
  21. Assassin's Creed: Rogue
  22. CVG: Assassin's Creed Brotherhood: What does Ezio have in common with George Clooney?

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