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PL ArtisanHQ 辛抱強く待て、兄弟よ。 Assassin's Creed: Uprisingに隠された秘密はすぐに明らかになる。


タカクラ・キヨシ陰摩羅鬼組 の構成員であり日本教団アサシン である。


Early life



2013年12月17日 陰摩羅鬼組の組長に会いに来たギャビン・バンクスとエマニュエル・バラッザが近づいてきた時は大阪教団の入口を守っていた。キヨシは彼らに痛い目を見る前に去るようにと警告したが、それを受けたギャビンはそのファッションセンスを侮辱して拒否した。キヨシはギャビンに殴りかかり、ギャビンは倒れる自分が瞬間蹴りで応戦した。他のアサシンたちはキヨシがギャビンにアサシンブレードを突き刺そうとするまでは事態を見守っていた。[2]


12月31日 キヨシはモチヅキ・サエコに同行し、アルタイル2号に次の旅のための物資を集め新年を祝うために乗船した。エマニュエルと数時間のスパーリングの後、エマニュエルとステファニー・チャウ 博士を地元のカラオケ屋へ誘った。[2]


2015年後半 キヨシは現地のアサシンを助けるため中国 へ赴いた。そこでエデンの布 を使いイス体を複製 する事を目標にしているアルヴァーロ・グラマティカ の秘密研究施設を探すように命じられた。[3]

2016年 キヨシとアレンド・シュトゥン・カニンガムはギャビンの命を受け、ガリナ・ヴォロニナ と彼女のチームをアルゼンチンエルディート の隠れ家を襲撃する騎士団のストライクチームから守るため派遣された。二人のアサシンは仲間のアサシンとエルディートを救出しヘリコプターで島から逃亡中、上位のテンプル騎士Ortega Sanchezを殺した[4]

2017年2月 キヨシとアンドレはガリナと彼女の弟子 My'Shellと共にロンドンに居た。訓練期間中にガリナはシャーロット・デラクルス から香港 での任務についての報告の電話を受けた。シャーロットはフェニックス・プロジェクト の情報を得るために襲撃したアブスターゴはもぬけの殻だったことと、Barindra Mitraの支部は未確認の第三者 による襲撃を受けたと報告した。[1]


一ヶ月後 キヨシ、アンドレ、ガリナはベルリンのアブスターゴ事務所の裏通りで、アブスターゴの科学者でキヨシのモグラだったHeinrich Hartを捕える。彼らは香港での失敗と襲撃の事を情報をもたらした彼に問い詰めた。 One month later, in a back alley outside of Abstergo offices in Berlin, Kiyoshi, Arend and Galina intercepted Heinrich Hart, a scientist and Kiyoshi's mole within Abstergo. The pair were seeking answers over their losses in Hong Kong and threatened the German because it was his informations that led the Assassins into the ambush. Hart swore that he knew nothing of what had lied in wait for them at the Hong Kong site and told them that the Templars didn't knew what happened too, with rumors that the feared Black Cross was investigating the matter. After demanding that Hart find answers or else they would come back for his blood, Galina and Arend left.[1]

In London, Kiyoshi and his fellow Assassins review the media, where a large explosion in Berlin dominates the headlines. Kiyoshi argues that killing 170 people in public doesn't really fit with the Templar ideals, and suggests another faction might be in play. My'Shell reveals that she has a list of Pieces of Eden retrieved from the Hong Kong Abstergo lab, and pulls up an image of the Koh-i-Noor. With My'Shell convinced that it is present in the Spanish Civil War, Charlotte straps herself into the makeshift Animus. The machine appears to malfunction, with Charlotte seemingly trapped inside a simulation and unable to be woken. An injured Guernica returns to find the team surrounding the stricken Animus. He is shocked to learn that My'Shell has repaired the machine with unvetted Abstergo parts, and fears that the machine is now compromised. She makes her apologies and leaves, whilst Guernica informs the others that they will need the assistance of Felix Oladele - an Abstergo/Erudito plant based in Montreal whom is familiar with Animus extractions.[1]

Kiyoshi and Arend make the flight immediately to Canada, and using a cargo plane perform a halo jump on to the roof of Abstergo Montreal. After working through the few guards present, they reach the office of Oladele - only to find him already slain by a high tech Assassin, the same individual from Hong Kong. The 'Assassin' wounds them both with throwing knives, and throws Arend out the nearest window which he just manages to hang onto. After a few shots from Kiyoshi's gun, the 'Assassin' jumps from the window. Kiyoshi and Arend both make their way back out, both heavily injured. The only way that the 'Assassin' could know where they were headed is if they have a leak either from the Animus or one of their own within the Brotherhood. They then decide to lay low in a safe house.[1]

Back at the safehouse, Kiyoshi and Arend arrived to find Guernica bound to a chair by Galina, whoexplained that she found Guernica attempting to slash Charlotte's throat. She believed that he also sent the both of them to Montreal to die and have been trying to obtain information but to no avail. Arend was unwilling to take part in the torture, so he left to recuperate. Kiyoshi, on the hand, had his doubts as he had experienced the torture before. He asked Galina what information she had obtained, to which she said someone was sifting through the memories of Charlotte in the Animus. Kiyoshi and Charlotte suspected that My'shell may be on the same side as Guernica since they both came from Erudito. After a short while, Charlotte woke up from the Animus, telling both of them that she knows who was attacking them and that they need to warn the Templars.[1]

Sometime later, Kiyoshi discovered Arend, who called the Abstergo Entertainment Customer Service to warn them about the Instruments, who had infiltrated their ranks. As they argue about Arend's actions, Charlotte cuts it to end the conversation. The Assassins were later surprised by My'shell, who had returned with the Templar agent Juhani Otso Berg. At a restaurant, Berg explained to the Kiyoshi and the Assassins about his mission in Geneva, where he met My'shell and was attacked by the Instruments. Kiyoshi told the group that Guernica may be a member of the faction, which My'shell refused to believe. Berg suggested that they work together which Charlotte accepts.[1]

Equipment and skills

Kiyoshi was quite skilled in hand-to-hand combat, being able to best Gavin rather easily, and also showed a proficiency with firearms. Kiyoshi is also credited as a master swordsman as shown as he always carries his sword on missions. When battling Gavin in Japan, Kiyoshi is shown to have a Hidden Blade under his sleeves.


  • Kiyoshi, 清 or 淳, is a Japanese name meaning "pure". Takakura, 高倉, is a Japanese surname meaning "high storehouse".
  • He is a fan of gastronomy and of the unique meals that are part of every culture.[3]
  • He has green dragons tattooed on his upper chest.[1]




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Assassin's Creed: Uprising
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Assassin's Creed: Initiates – Modern Times
  3. 3.0 3.1 Assassin's Creed: Syndicate
  4. Assassin's CreedVolume 3: Homecoming

テンプレート:ACComic テンプレート:ACUprising
