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Assassin's Creed Wiki

La Famiglia Kenway era una famiglia britannica che ebbe un ruolo importante nella guerra tra Assassini e Templari nel XVIII secolo, in particolare durante l'Età d'oro della pirateria, la Guerra dei sette anni e la Guerra rivoluzionaria americana. Essi fanno parte della linea materna degli antenati di Desmond Miles.


Le origini[]

The eldest known member of the Kenway family was Bernard Kenway, an English sheep farmer from Manchester at the end of the 17th century. He married a Welshwoman, Linette Hopkins, and settled in Swansea.

They had a daughter who died during infancy, and in 1693 they had a son, Edward. In 1703, the Kenway family moved to Hatherton, near Bristol. The Kenways had a reputation of honest farmers.


Edward e Caroline appena sposati

Bernard gave the sales part of his farm to his son, but Edward passed most of his time in taverns.

In 1712, Edward married Caroline Scott, the daughter of the wealthy tea merchant and Templar, Emmett Scott and his wife Elizabeth.

The young couple lived modestly in the Kenway's farm, as Emmett refused that his daughter had married Edward. Desiring to give to his wife a privileged life,

Edward decided to become a privateer to sail to the West Indies and when he returned when he would be rich.

Caroline, who was pregnant, refused his husband's decision and moved back to her father's home. To be sure that Caroline never returned to the Kenways, Emmett sent a group of Templars to burn the Kenway's farm. Edward saved his parents but his father disowned him. Trying to understand why his parent's home was burned, Edward was knocked out by Wilson and woke up on the Emperor which sailed to West Indies.
