I’m a Conner Kenway fan
I mean like 100% complete
If you have Nintendo go and get the Enzo collection it’s three games in one
Ancient Egypt because the maps are big and there are so many things you can do after the story is complete
Conner no doubt
You can go around and attack everyone
Brother hood is the first ac game I ever played that’s why it’s my favorite
How kenway he’s a pirate he can almost knock out any one
There is a ac game that is already called ac1
It is up in Norway then England
They are both related why would they kill there on family
How Conner he dose most of is work on land than water unlike his grandfather Edward who was a pirate and did most of his work in the water
Because most of assassins are related in a way in most assassins creed games
Brazil is huge what are you talking about
I think there should be one