Hi. I'm new to FANDOM. It's a pleasure to meet all of you.
Is Ezio able to use in game mechanics? If he is, I'd only last maybe 2 minutes.
That guy is like 800 pounds, kind of slow (in real life) and has to stab someone to kill them. Meanwhile, with me, I have to get behind him, jump on him, and break his neck. It'd be relatively easy.
All I have to really do is deliver a few hits to the solar plexus, jump and smack him in the head, grab his shins and pull him off balance, and squish his nose. :)
I'd probably be able to beat that guy down pretty hard.
Haytham killed Birch? I'm sorry, it's been a long time since I've played AC3, but I don't remember that happening.
Thanks Jordan!
Howdy Mate!