75 Votes in Poll
75 Votes in Poll
Are they fighting each other or everyone else?
(I'm just confused)
Paris (AC Valhalla)
@LePhantomChick N I think you're right
It's from a superhero movie (marvel I think) and now on YouTube when someone rates AC games and characters they put that clip in the video
It was perfect, perfect, down to the last minute detail.
(Some of you guys may not recognize the reference I'm making)
@Lacrossedeamon ok thanks
I'm with you on this one
@Lacrossedeamon that's true, but what about the "imprint of the ancients"?
I think it would look something like that mark on king Harald's neck
This morning I was playing AC Valhalla and while hunting "the leach" I came across this document.
It mentioned one blue eye and one green eye, heterochromia?
And it also mentioned the "imprint of the ancient ones" that's something the reborn Isu from the Norse pantheon had.
Does this mean that Regna was a sage/re-born ISU?
@Jordan isle what makes you think that?
I play them in English because English is my first language
Baghdad no contest
@AMNK24 the blade is hard rubber but you can probably stab someone's eye out
Hasn't the AI voice thing been happening for years now?
@LePhantomChick N that makes sense
She helped bayek kill 4 ancients and bayek does the rest and she gets all the glory and attention?!
She definitely gets too much love
1st pic is my favorite
Forgive me as I'm terrible at taking pictures