59 Votes in Poll
59 Votes in Poll
45 Votes in Poll
41 Votes in Poll
I think that military people like Rōnins or Sōhei (Buddhist warrior monks) could be allies for Yasuke and Naoe alongside Mughal, Ming, Joseon, and Ottoman Assassins but also Catholic and Buddhist rebels.
I'm still wondering on If the Ikko-ikki and Rōnin were allies of the Assassins.
One of Assassin's Creed's lost opportunities
Yasuke was real (of course)! But there are few documents about him! And in Naoe, there were some female ninjas like Umemura Sawano or Mochizuki Chiyome.
So, there aren't woke problems!
48 Votes in Poll
100 Votes in Poll
47 Votes in Poll
In real life, the Anunnaki were a group of deities worshiped in Mesopotamia by the Sumerians and Akkadian-speaking people but their later name was related to conspiracy theories.
But I have seen this video:
This made me think that the Isu are the real-life Anunnakis!