Never liked “Kidd” that much. Go to lecturer is not a super fun role.
Oh, brotherhood always kills 2 as well. For me it’s the bottom of the three. Seems like only the major fanboys actually LIKE 1, ubisoft’s buried it for a reason.
Damn, surprised to see the Brotherhood consensus broken. I’m team Revelations, but we’ve always been in the minority.
Ubisoft knew what they were doing in terms of outrage marketing, it shouldn’t be a shock.
Shoutout to the time Ezio blew up a city full of refugee Greeks trying to avoid Turkish persecution so he could kill one Templar.
Considering they found out there was a real Ravensburg after releasing Valhalla and were blindsided by it, I wouldn’t take it too seriously.
That’s wild, I gotta hear this.
Damn, I like this guy. Fun to see people active here who aren’t either way overly favorable to the assassins or too used to being shat on and hyper-aggressive as a result.
What the hell
A majority of players of this series are under 30, and certainly trend progressive given they’ve been attacking modern day conservatives since AC2, most explicitly in Brotherhood with things like establishing Dick Cheney essentially created the Iraq war to make his Templar pals money. Arguing over the motivation to do anything is a discussion without conclusion, you can never know if it was purely cynical, purely honest, or a mix of people involved pushing for either reason. But the idea that this is risky for the game doesn’t hold water imo. They haven’t gotten this much press, and from most outlets, positive press, or this much discussion in a LONG time. It’s free marketing, and of a kind a majority of their target audience are supportive of. It will undoubtedly help this game move units, and likely bring in plenty of people who have been curious but never yet approached the series.
The thread focuses almost exclusively on if he was or wasn’t a samurai, a question I haven’t discussed here. Nice try though.
^^Homie I haven’t been discussing whether he was or wasn’t a samurai anywhere in this thread, I just said he certainly didn’t have a full set of armor as depicted. My point on his role was that as the weapon bearer for a daimyo, you aren’t exactly a front line combatant, which makes it likely he saw combat more rarely and with more organized support. As for that thread that everyone on the “stop criticizing ubisoft” side of this seems to treat as gospel, yes, I’ve read it, several weeks ago at this point. I’m unsure what grand revelation you think it’ll give me to undermine the myriad points I presented you haven’t addressed.
^Amen. Miss when media could stand on its own merits, feels like everything has to stand for something to sell now, and even if it doesn’t, somebody on the internet will claim it does. Exhausting.
He was a retainer, his primary job was to carry his daimyo’s weapons during battles. Yes, he may have seen limited combat during some of these battles, that is entirely possible. What he certainly didn’t do was freely travel on his own, taking glory missions. And while you’re completely right about the pattern of protagonists, I say again, this is why protagonists work better as fictional figures who, in universe, go mostly unrecorded.
I think he just listed the date of the first AC game, but that’s definitely wrong being after the great purge.
Few things. Firstly, while Yasuke was real, he served as a retainer (he carried weapons for Nobunaga) for only 15 months. He was captured, released, then went to defend Nobunaga’s son at his place. This is, notably, the only confirmed battle he directly fought in. They lost, and Yasuke was exiled into the custody of a Jesuit father in India. From there, he disappears from history. So, if this game is within that very tight timeframe, then his exploits as a warrior would just be drastically exaggerated, but if it goes longer, it is explicitly overruling the path his real life took. That’s the core of the lot of the frustration, he just isn’t an especially important historic figure, so Ubisoft’s decision to include him this way when we’ve never had a historic figure for a protagonist before is… confusing. Ultimately this is likely the exact desired result, free marketing in every drama article of either take. And while it’s splitting hairs a bit, we know from documents that he was gifted a single shortsword and no armor. He could have feasibly purchased other weapons with his own money in his short stay, but samurai armor was so insanely expensive that it would be passed down multiple generations with only a single suit remaining in the family, so the depiction of him in full traditional samurai armor is certainly incorrect.
As for female ninja, most of what I’ve seen shows that “ninjitsu of women” was predominately just spying under the guise of a civilian. Useful for sure, but, far from the rope swinging assassin we see in game. As for your examples, Chiyome may have never existed. According to some claims she was first mentioned in a 1971 book with no matching sources, and most of what’s been crafted around her image is largely just modern folklore. Sawana is mentioned as the founder of a ninja school… with no other information available about her whatsoever. Does that mean she funded it? That she developed its doctrines? That she was some master herself who trained the others? Impossible to say, so this is easily more questionable than the depiction of Yasuke.
All that said, after seeing how badly they bungled the history and identity of the Nabataeans in THO, how they used racist conspiracy theories around the Borgias as bases for characters, and a million other things, this isn’t unusually wrong for this series. But man, what really irks me is people who have never touched these games capitalizing on this shit for political ammo in either direction.
Oh man, I didn’t realize the map was gonna be such a tiny area of Japan. Interesting.
My god, the range you can assassinate from is crazy.
She’s a super reckless and angry character I didn’t vibe with at all, personally I got enough.
Not having fun in the game that leaves you almost no position options to assassinate from or the one that loads instant detection snipers around every corner in the dozens is a skill issue I see. As a relative newcomer to the franchise VB, people like this are the pretentious gatekeepers that keep the series from evolving or new players from being able to experience what’s good in it. Who attach some bizarre sense of self righteousness to enjoying badly designed missions and game structures. Who feel the need to attack anyone who doesn’t enjoy something they happen to be in the minority on. Some fandoms have these kinds of people split off, the fallout wiki is spectacular because they’re all quarantines on the cesspool that is No Mutants Allowed. Unfortunately AC isn’t so lucky, they’re here with the people who just like having fun as well. Obviously, a type of person best avoided and ignored.
The gameplay is exactly why I damn near smashed my unity disc. Cool ideas, comedically terrible execution. Also just gonna tell you straight up, ignore anyone recommending AC1.
Damn, no respect for Mirage.