Odyssey, although Valhalla is a close second.
Did you already reinstall..?
Just a quston - was it the fast press loot or the hold to loot one?
Ye, I just kill them all and then loot everything in peace, haven't had problems unless I'm using fire attacks and accidentally burn everything.
It might be that you had a quest on them without realizing it, like the Athens vs. Sparta weeklies, dailies or other side quests, which have you loot and burn the supply of the other side. On a side note, why would looting them make you die?
Tbf a lot of normal things seem to be a "slur" to the filter now, even when we have a full on page on the topic right in these fandoms so it's bound to be mentioned. :D
Happy Chrisis!
It's an upgrade in the skill tree, where those debuffs no longer use adrenaline. Same upgrade probs had the cooldown reduction as well, or then it's the later one.
^^ Homophobia? What did Lesb*s ever do to gamers, that's the best part of the game!
(Also I find it funny that I cannot write the name of the island here, kinda destroys my joke. :D)
Imo a bad series stays constantly the same, just reskinning the old games into new concepts with about the same plot, just inserted into a different timeline. It just gets old after one or two games, hence why I never really got into the brotherhood-syndicate part of the series. With the changes in Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla, it finally felt like something fresh and more immersive than ever (ofc graphics are a huge part of that), while still being relevant to the series itself, even if they took it to a different direction. The older games ofc weren't bad (although some were debatable), but I'd rather just skip playing a reskin of the same game 7 times in a row.
Eh let him be exited, some people always like the newest updated "versions" more.
Technically just terms that come from your language, but meaning is the same :D
They're two different things, with the first one meaning a sort of ritual and the latter just meaning "act of faith", although technically the latter could also be used to mean the ritual.
@A Western Omelette Our culture might differ from yours, but at least it's culture. :)
Eh, we don't here in Finland. :D Ppl always say "let's not bring this american stuff here"
We don't even have halloween here as it's a US party thing, but we have our own thing (which christians still "celebrate" with us pagans).
Whisky is the way
Uhm, that's also known as murder, which is illegal at least where I live...
Told from the pov of an Auditore, who lived in 1943 Italy as part of the PNF?
(spoilery warning Ig?) Layla "fixed" the next apocalypse at the end of Valhalla, but I mean it's not really fixed (IIRC) as she chose to stay behind with Desmond to try and figure out the reason why they were happening in the first place, in order to prevent it from happening all over again.