Has anyone ever figured out what the map or whatever it is Daphnae is working on means or points to?
An old topic which I hope I'm not out of line commenting on, but Odyssey is annoys me in this regard because innocent exploration can frequently result in you completing some quests before you even get to them. For example, there's one character in a cave in Messenia that's a target in LotFB Episode 3 who's there and can be killed from the very beginning of the game (if you have the DLC, that is). Playing NG+, you can literally leave Kephalonia at the beginning, sail down to Messenia, and go kill him. And while Odyssey's actual timeline of events is practically non-existent (i.e., having events years apart taking place in close proximity, such as the battles of Pylos and Amphopolis), given a certain plot element introduced in LotFB Episode 2, there should be a minimum of a year and a half before the Order even arrives in Greece to begin with.
Nah, they're just ... soliciting donations for the cause.
Jabbing blades into people's necks is all well and good, but pick-pocketing is where you draw the line?
Has anyone ever figured out what the map or whatever it is Daphnae is working on means or points to?
While I couldn't really get into it myself and much prefer Origins and Odyssey, I liked Valhalla's for the gore aspect.
If it improves on the combat like its successors, then I'm all for it. Remaking it doesn't mean they'll retcon anything. Gameplay improvements wouldn't need any in-universe explanation and I'm not sure why the modern day segments would need to be changed to current day. If it were to happen and Ubisoft has common sense, they'll keep the story (including modern day) intact and improve on everything else.
And no unicorns, please.
It is disappointing that they didn't follow up on that sequel hook. Rome in this period is different enough from its Renaissance counterpart that exploring it would still be a fresh experience IMO and the more powerful consoles means we could also get a good chunk of Italia to explore, too.
Starring Dominicus Torreticus.
I play on PS4 and it's still there, though I completely emptied it out with Orichalcum. Take that with your monetization, Ubi. lol
Loved it, but not as much as Brotherhood. While Odyssey is my favorite game for the setting alone, I consider Brotherhood to be the pinnacle of the franchise.
And would I be able to pilot Noah's ark in it?
Okay to me. It's not "trash" because it is a well-made game from a development standpoint, but for me it boils down to X things:
The outdoor environments were way over-hyped to me.
Even as an American myself, the architecture was ... uninspiring.
Connor is just booooooring.
I honestly couldn't even finish the story because I was so indifferent to it.
In California, they would apologize for the inconvenience and blame the victims for his actions.
Watching Ezio throw Cesare to his death.
Kassandra and half of the Greek world.
My toilet brush.
Origins - Espasa, Golden Wolf, Ruler of the Storm
Odyssey - Drinker of Light, Sword of Kings, and Ceremonial Sword
Didn't play very far into Valhalla to have one. Didn't like the lack of one-handed swords.
Sounds like the Blade of Yumminess to me. I'm curious to know what mean by you "removed it," though.
Yeah, I couldn't bear him even long enough to finish the game.
Odyssey is my favorite AC title because I've loved Ancient Greek history and mythology ever since I was a teenager and it was a dream come true to explore Athens, Sparta, and Crete, among others. That's not to say I haven't played any of its predecessors, because I have. The only ones I didn't like were AC1 (clunky gameplay mechanics), AC3 (Connor was a real bore), and Syndicate (didn't like the setting). I even liked Unity.
So I'll say the same thing I told all the purists on the old Ubisoft forums: anyone who has a problem with me liking the games I like, Assassin's Creed or not, can go eat cow piles.