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Recently, I saw that AC Rogue was made in 8 months while Unity was put in work between 2010 and 2014. As the character of Shay was created in 2014, it means that Unity's writers had someone else in their head for the killer.
So I tried to think who in the game could have been the murderer (all Unity story was thought as a murder mystery: Who killed Monsieur de la Serre? Who killed Mirabeau ? The Murders mysteries. Arno is some kind of Detective Assassin)
In the Bastille, Bellec said that there was no witnesses and only remembered it was in December. During his induction, Arno dreamed that the murderer was hooded like the Assassins.
Reading the letters of Arno to his deceased father, we learned that Charles was for the peace with the Templars. In the Historic Personage sheet, we learned that Charles trusted Mirabeau. In 1776, Mirabeau would be 27, so I don't think he would be a Mentor but maybe he was influenced by Charles' goal to bring peace.
As François de la Serre was at Versailles when he died, maybe he wanted to meet him and establish a truce (no precursor box in this scenario). It explained also why Arno was raised by de la Serre.
In Mirabeau's death, Elise said that the Templars preferred to use poison to kill someone unseen, like her father. But Charles was stabbed and there was blood on the floor.
So, we had for clues: someone who wanted to make a truce with the Templars, killed by a blade, with no witnesses, Arno dreamed that he looked like an Assassin. For me, the original murderer of Charles Dorian was none other than his own master Pierre Bellec. He wanted to prevent a truce with the Templars as he did with Mirabeau years later.
70 Votes in Poll
74 Votes in Poll
I read that some people don't understand why Shay didn't appear during the story of Unity. I find a logical explanation. For the writer of Unity, Shay didn't exist.
Let's rewind time: In late 2009, AC2 is released. Big success.
-Early 2010: the development of AC3 is launched but also Unity for the next-gen (which was at the beginning a story about an artifact through different periods in Paris). Ubisoft also launched the development of Brotherhood to keep the fans waiting and using the Roman part that was cut from AC2.
-Late 2010: Brotherhood release. We have a hint about a period
(I think that the French Revolution was maybe thought of as the next installment but they changed their minds later).
-Early 2011: Revelations begins its development as a DS game and later as a main title. AC 4 also begins its development. (I think the writing of Forsaken was made during this time as a way to coordinate the writing teams of AC3 and 4 on the lore of the Kenway family.
-Late 2011: Revelations released
-Early 2012: Quebec begins the development of Syndicate (this is why we have reference to the Kenways)
-Late 2012: Both AC3 by Montreal and Liberation by Sofia are released.
-Early 2013: Sofia begins the development of Rogue. They wanted to use Haytham, but they wanted to decanonize Forsaken, so Shay is created and Rogue needs to be linked to Unity. So Unity was in its third year of development, too late to record dialogues or scenes about Shay. Maybe Charles Dorian's murderer was someone else in the scenario or he was meant to be a mystery for Arno, a lesson you could have answers to sometimes.
It explains also why the present was more disconnected, Unity begins at the same time that 3 and adds the Sage that was created for AC4 (but Aita was referred to in AC3 so maybe it was part of the connection)
I know that many want some sort of confrontation between the two but it seems that Shay lived to an advanced age as he trained his grandson Cudgel who lived in 1863 (even if Cudgel is in his 40s, it means that Shay lived at least until the 1820s, so it would be 90 years old). If Shay was an important target, the Assassins would kill him sooner.
My theory is that Shay and Connor already fought and it ended in a stalemate.
-Shay returned to America after recovering the precursor box in late 1776. By the time he arrived in the USA, Fort Arsenal burnt during the Great Fire of New York and the city would be under British control. I think he would go to the Haytham plantation in Virginia to give the box. As the number of Templars diminished (Church betrayed the Order and Lee is in prison) Haytham would need the help of Shay, maybe as an agent in the British Navy because of his actions in the Seven Years' War (Siege of Louisbourg, his fleet through the naval campaign). The Philadelphia campaign could be when Connor and Shay fought.
-Connor seemed to have lost the trust in Achilles before going to Valley Forge "On whose watch did the brotherhood falter? Whose inaction allowed the Templar Order to grow so large that it now controls an entire nation!". Maybe he met Shay who explained to him what happened during the Purge (a way for Haytham to bring his son to the Templars).
-Why did anybody die? Personally, I think that Shay won the fight, he knows all the techniques that Achilles taught Connor. He could spare him as Haytham ordered him to keep him alive. If it is Connor who wins, he is always concerned about the necessity to kill a target like Johnson or Biddle. Maybe Shay's story could make him question about the Brotherhood.
Haytham being revealed a templar and not a assassin in his sequence was shocking for who played AC3 and learned more of the reasons of aligning himslef with Ziio and her tribe, Kanien'kehá:ka.
Considering an the cut idea of Rogue to have more one of two sequences with Shay still as an assassin, say by the director in a interview, one of the possibilities i could imagine would be being a mission after 13 July 1755, Edward Braddock death date, and before Shay being send to Lisbon. A mission with Kesegowaase to certify a report from the Kanien'kehá:ka, who were allied with the Assassins, denuncing Ziio or just Ziio herself about the templar expedition group led by Haytham, saying how she unwittingly helped this new templar cell from Boston cause they pretended to be from the Brotherhood of Achilles.
Why River Valley map doesn’t show neither Fort William Henry or Fort Edward ? It was there Monro surrended to the French troops and Fort Edward, which is where they retreated to. Why the mission where Shay rescued Monro from Kesegowaase happened in the middle of woods ?
70 Votes in Poll
From the north pole to the south pole
March 8, 1780, Forest of Dean, England
Inside the house, the woman guided Ian to a room – You know what to do – said that woman, Ian opened the door, inside there was a library and a desk, on the desk there was a man, Ian headed there – Ian, We have been alerted about the large number of Templars in London, you are going to have to go - said that man, Ian complained - how are we going to go without a ship! - William said - that is why we have one, an Assassin at that. There he sold us his boat and now yours, he will accompany you along with three more murderers, not counting your daughter - The young man left the house - Eliza, Aiden, Sofia and Eleanor come - Ian said, after a while they arrived and Eleanor He asked, "What happened?" Ian thought for a while about what to say, then finally said, "We're going to London, along with a murderer from there on my own boat." They walked for a long time, they found the boat, it was very big and of black color, it had a wolf figurehead, there were also some red sails with the pattern of a wolf, it had 4 Puckle cannons, one on each side, it had 2 mortars, 34 overboard cannons and 4 carronades. Suddenly, someone spoke to them - Welcome , I'm Liam Cormac, you probably know my grandfather Shay Cormac, the Templar and assassin hunter, Suban - they went up and Ian went with Liam - I guess you're the new captain - Liam said, Ian responded - apparently I am - I look at the rudder with wolf engravings - Why is everything with wolves? - asked Liam, he answered - in honor of the goddess and my grandfather's ship: Morrigan, one of her forms was precisely the wolf - there was silence for a while, Ian He said - So will you be the deck officer? - The other responded quickly - That's right, what will you call the ship - Ian immediately responded - The shadow of the sea - and they began the journey.
127 Votes in Poll
What happened to Shay his parents? I didnt see or hear anything about them (im at sequence 3)
Im trying to upgrade my ship now so much as possible and renovate and free as much locations. Whats the best way to free locations and get upgrade resources?
First off. I’m sitting here staring at unskippable credits. They’ve been going on so long (six song changes already, and a fucking repeat) I actually googled if there was a way to skip them. None, and if I exit now it’ll make me restart them. Fun stuff!
As for story, while Shay’s development felt a bit rushed, I really enjoyed it, and the ambition. Particularly in the tying together of characters from Liberation, Black Flag, 3, and Unity with the cast of this game. The notes gave the world a connectivity and continuity that I don’t remember having felt to nearly the same extent in other games. The missions themselves were fun. I like how Gist seems relatively harmless, but is revealed in the background info to be a stone cold motherfucker possibly on par with Shay in skill. Monro, manipulative or not, was a very well done character. And even though it shouldn’t have been surprising, Haytham’s appearance was a spectacular moment. But obviously, Shay was rushed. Initially he feels he just owes Monro, and wants to fight the gang alone. Then Monro dies and suddenly he’s formally joining the order. And then it’s not too long after that Shay watches Haytham murder a man who gave up information and doesn’t even comment. I liked the story of this game, but if it was a touch longer and more thorough, I could have loved it. Shame it was a bit of a rush job to hold 360 players over until Unity, and the whole Paris segment just feels like awkward teasing.
Gameplay wise… spectacular area design, I’d say much better than black flag. The big new weapon (since the air gun is essentially just the blowpipe) are the grenades. I’m not a big tool guy, so I didn’t use them often, but they were fun enough. The ship gameplay’s obviously very similar to black flag, but to me at least the legendary ship battles seemed WAY harder. The storm fortress fight in particular almost made me give up. But it was more the meta gameplay that was frustrating. There’s SO much exploration content in this game that it seems they were planning for a longer story. You can’t realistically complete everything on the side without spending 3-4x as long on it as the missions themselves. I got real sick of whaling and collecting uncharted animus fragments. While it probably goes without saying, the gameplay side of the MD story sucks, because it’s exactly the same as black flag. Finally. WHY THE HELL ARE THE LAST FIVE FLEET MISSIONS, INCLUDING THE ONE THAT GIVES YOU ALTAIR’S SWORD, UNAVAILABLE UNTIL AFTER YOU ALREADY BEAT THE DAMN GAME?!
Also, credits finally finished. Xbox actually idled, total run time was 25 minutes. Xbox achievements stats are fun for this, 29.83% of players have finished the Versailles memory, last of the game. 25.22% get credit for actually beating it, which means sitting through the credits. 1/7 people who beat this game get so annoyed at the credits they literally never play it again.
115 Votes in Poll