I no longer see them when interacting with him.
If they aren't my theory is that Ubisoft nixed them recently because it was 'costing' them microtransaction revenue, like how they abandoned social glitches in Syndicate.
I no longer see them when interacting with him.
If they aren't my theory is that Ubisoft nixed them recently because it was 'costing' them microtransaction revenue, like how they abandoned social glitches in Syndicate.
75 Votes in Poll
Do items that i already bought show up again in the store? Or only items they i don't have?
Here is my theory about Reda, a Character that appears in Assassin's Creed: Origins and Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, also on Reda's ties with the Isu:
As I mentioned, we meet Reda with Bayek in Egypt during the 1st Century BC but under unknown circumstances, we meet Reda again with Eivor in England during the 9th Century AD, it is impossible that a person could live from the rising of the Roman Empire and the end of the Viking age.
Reda was probably an Isu experiment which means that he witnessed the Great Catastrophe, I think that Reda was born probably born during the Isu Age, and he was one of those Humans that were kidnapped to do experiments but he didn't suffer any effects in his physical body but on his age did probably the Isu were searching for a way to live longer.
And he ended by warning Egypt so he saw the Building of the Pyramids, the reign of Tutankhamun, and Ramesses II, but Reda's life changed when he met Bayek, so Reda followed the Hidden Ones, I believed that Reda followed Kawab to Judea, there Reda became known as The Wanderer so Reda also met Jesus.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments below!
Here is my idea for a crossover between Assassin's Creed: Valhalla and Assassin's Creed: Origins, I'm doing this for fun:
The Legacy of the Hidden One:
Reda has been missing and things go bizarre in Ravensthorpe when Eivor meets Ghaliya, a merchant from Egypt who is famous for smuggling Ancient Egyptian artifacts and also has provided material for the Hidden Ones, Eivor sees that the reason why Reda is missing is that by an artifact that is related to Bayek and Aya.
Soon, Eivor and Ghaliya discover that a group is known as the Children of Olympus which is led by Kyniska who is also a member of the Order of Ancients that has Reda as a hostage at the Roman ruins of Vindolanda.
Can you save Reda from chaos?
In Assassin's Creed: Origins, we met a merchant named Reda but we re-meet Reda later in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, this cause me a lot of curiosity, so this is my Theory of why Reda is Immortal, warming there could be some spoilers ahead:
We meet Reda for the first time in Ptolemaic Egypt with Bayek but we remeet Reda in Anglo-Saxon England with Eivor, so we ask ourselves, Is Reda Immortal?
It sounds like a Comical touch to the game but What if Reda could be real?
By Reda's clothes, we can see that he was probably born in Pre-Dynastic Egypt or during the Fourth Dynasty, and Reda was probably an erudite sent to Uruk, and he was part of the court of King Gilgamesh and I think that Gilgamesh was a Hybrid.
And Gilgamesh thought Reda how to be Immortal without using an Isu artifact, and this could be the reason why Reda is Immortal.
And what do you think? Do you think that they are Immortal beings in the Assassin's Creed universe? Let me know in the comments below.
Ok I know I'm not the only person wondering what's going on with reda and confused on how hes still alive do you guys think hes a isu or something else that we don't know about yet put your THOUGHTS and theories in the comments
180 Votes in Poll
When I was playing Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, I saw Reda and I asked myself, How could Reda live so long?
I have many theories:
He is an Rune mage, I think that the worlds of League of Legends and Valorant are connected with the world of Assassin's Creed, he was born before the time of the Pharaohs (That means after the Isu era), he was probably Ryze's only apprentice on Earth and he began to wander the Earth forever, is why he could see him in Egypt with Bayek and much later in England with Eivor, and this theory leads that in reality Reda is the Wanderer.
The theory is that Reda is an Sage, he probably the incarnation of an Isu named Babi, in Egyptian Mythology is an Underworld God, or probably is the incarnation of another Isu like Hanuman or Sun Wukong, but we know that the Sages can die, but I wonder how a sage can live so long.
Is probably an Isu experiment that is unleashed, he probably witnessed the Human-Isu war and much probably the Great Catastrophe.
This are my theories I have about Reda, in reality I have a lot of theories of why is Reda immortal, What do you think? Do you think that we are going to see Reda in the next games?
So you guys remember Reda from AC: Origins as that special vendor? Well since he's back in AC: Valhalla as a shopkeeper again and since that game is set centuries after the events of Origins. I need to ask: How is he still alive and as young as he was back in ancient Egypt?
I have basically finished the main campaign of Origins and I’m almost done with COTP, so I basically just spend my drachmae on Heka chests trying to get legendary skins. Most of the time I get legendary weapons that I already have, and I’ve only gotten a legendary skin 1x from a Heka chest. My question is, is it a much lower chance to get a outfit from the Heka Chest instead of a weapon? Thanks guys.