Black Flag
116 Votes in Poll
(Edited by administrators)
116 Votes in Poll
98 Votes in Poll
The Wikipedia for the Jackdaw ship says that it is a Brig. However, if you look closely at the Jackdaw it does not look like a Brig, but a Frigate.
A brig has bigger bulky back sails pointing out from each side, the Jackdaw's sails are more slim, pointing all forward, not very prominent on the sides.
(Similar to a Frigate.)
Obviously the Jackdaw is not a Man O' War, as when you board the damn thing your swivel can't even reach the guards unless there waves push you upwards. As well as the the sails of the Man O' War are humongous.
What are your thoughts?
46 broadsides + 4 chase+ 2 swivels + 2 mortars