One thing i never understand in ac games that why ubisoft never showed haytham killing birch as revenge for his father. Even tho it was an important event in the story
One thing i never understand in ac games that why ubisoft never showed haytham killing birch as revenge for his father. Even tho it was an important event in the story
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Assassin's Creed III may not be everyone's favorite, but the game certainly has one amazing thing going on for itself: the dynamic between Connor and his father, Haytham. Haytham is easily the most memorable villain in all of Assassin's Creed. Instead of being another generic authoritarian templar with an almost cartoonish penchant for evil, Haytham is a much more complex character that blends elements of both a templar and an ex-assassin into one person. He's ruthless and precise like other members of his order, but he is also no stranger to humor and has devised some pretty funny solutions to his problems. Put that together with the naiveté and seriousness of his son Connor, and you get the best family duo Assassin's Creed has ever put out. There's nothing like hearing Haytham berate Connor for a good two minutes before throwing a sarcastic comment that completely goes over his son's head (along with a stray bullet). Yes, Haytham is actively trying to kill his own son, and his ultimate goal is to bend the world to the templars' will. However, can you really stay mad at him when he's just so positively nonchalant about every terrible crime he commits?
Haytham being revealed a templar and not a assassin in his sequence was shocking for who played AC3 and learned more of the reasons of aligning himslef with Ziio and her tribe, Kanien'kehá:ka.
Considering an the cut idea of Rogue to have more one of two sequences with Shay still as an assassin, say by the director in a interview, one of the possibilities i could imagine would be being a mission after 13 July 1755, Edward Braddock death date, and before Shay being send to Lisbon. A mission with Kesegowaase to certify a report from the Kanien'kehá:ka, who were allied with the Assassins, denuncing Ziio or just Ziio herself about the templar expedition group led by Haytham, saying how she unwittingly helped this new templar cell from Boston cause they pretended to be from the Brotherhood of Achilles.
The main overarching story of the Assassin's Creed series follows the conflict between the Templars and the Assassins. The former are usually depicted as cartoonishly evil autoritarian puppet masters, so your Assassin character doesn't have to feel guilty about killing them. The rare exception is Haytham Kenway. As the head of the New World Templars and both the father and the son of renowned Assassins, Haytham offers a unique perspective on the Templar-Assassin conflict that shows his order from a different, more objective perspective while simultaneously exposing the flaws in the Assassins' lofty goals of freedom and liberty. Throughout the game, Haytham never hesitates to point out to his son, Connor, that the idealistic mission of his faction has no basis in the real world, and as the American Revolution progresses, it becomes increasingly difficult to disagree with him. By the end of the game, Connor's fight for freedom forces his tribe to leave their ancestral lands, causes his childhood friend to die, and the democratic republic he aided in war ultimately refuses to give all of its people equal rights (to put it lightly). Haytham is long gone by then, but his snarky comments regarding the Assassins are really hard to unhear.
Can someone please explain to me where Haytham's right hidden blade came from?
The left hidden blade, took it from Miko in a confrontation, but where did the right one come from?
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Some missions on the VR games were leaked You have the name of some of them and the characters we could play.
-Kassandra: her missions referred to the Thirty Tyrants, an oligarchic government installed by Sparta in Athens after the Peloponnesian War in 404 BCE. I think Kassandra will return from Egypt to restore Athenian Democracy. Maybe the Cult or the Order are behind the Tyrants.
-Ezio: many missions referred to Monteriggioni and the Hermeticists. So I think it takes place between Brotherhood and Revelations, how he left the Colosseum password and learned about Altaïr's library.
-Ratonhnhaké:ton: it will occur between the sequence we saw in AC3. One mission is about the Siege of Boston, which takes place between sequences 7 and 8. Another referred to a Barton raid. During the Revolution, a Continental Major named William Barton captured British Major Richard Prescott in July 1777. Later Prescott was exchanged with an American prisoner ... Charles Lee. I always wonder if Connor was responsible for Lee's capture as in sequence 9 in Valley Forge, he asked Washington if he had any news about Lee, as he was imprisoned at this moment.
-Haytham: the only mission referred to the Lost Symbol. Surely a reference to Dan Brown's book, maybe a link to Freemasonry.
Maybe the red string about these characters is Hermeticism or occultism, as Kassandra is the daughter of Pythagoras, the founder of Hermeticism, Ezio fought them, and Connor and Haytham will maybe cross paths with Freemasons who are interested in any form of spirituality. Maybe it will connect with Hexe about more occult stuff.
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Dear readers of Assassin's Creed Wiki, I have for the past years been engaged in a petition to ask Ubisoft to fix and rehabilitate the Assaassin's Creed III Remastered game. At the moment, tens of thousands of people have already signed up, but I need help from you for something that is vital for this scheme to work, which is to get in touch with a member of the company, something that I do not have and I have failed to achieve
For those who doubt see this possible let me notify you, They did the exact thing with Ghost Recon Breakpoint, updated the experience, correct bugs and issues, they are hearing the community
These are some of the requirements that the petition offers to make it happen:
. The exaggeration of attention in redefining lighting
. The horrible redesign of the characters' faces and the absence of shading of the faces
The lack of synchrony of the lips with the dialogues of the characters
Clear evidence of old, unpatched bugs
Honestly being a remaster you'd think they would fix all (ok that's expecting too much from Ubisoft), ok maybe just one bug? BUT NO. ALL the FREAKING bugs we have seen in PS3 and XBOX360 still appear in the remaster.I send this petition as a request, as a humble and faithful fan, for Ubisoft to correct the problems mentioned above, maybe by a patch or a great update, believing that Assassin’s Creed III actually received when it was released in 2012, a deserving audience for a decent remastering at peak fan expectations liked the original game of 2012 and even those who did not like it but decided to give it a second chance.
So any of you know of any contact from someone at Ubisoft whose role is to interact with the community, please if you can inform, at the link below, and if you can subscribe and share with anyone who thinks you might be interested:
In my opinion a game about haytham would be sick