114 Votes in Poll
114 Votes in Poll
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93 Votes in Poll
88 Votes in Poll
I've seen some YouTube videos making they're own Hidden Guns but there not accurate the ones in the game. There designs is different then the one that Ezio Auditore uses.
Who were the assassins with Ezio, near the start of the game, at the top of the tower, before he did the leap of faith?
112 Votes in Poll
115 Votes in Poll
113 Votes in Poll
What game shall i play after im done with AC 2? (I think brotherhood?)
Why hasn't this set of robes been included in other titles following the release of revelations. Ezio's brotherhood has been the most included outfit in the series. I personally enjoy his revelations' robes more and think should deserve more attention and appearance outside of 1 game.
I was reading the Wiki and found on Ezio's page "Thanks to the Armor of Altaïr, Ezio survived with only a minor wound" but I don't understand, I understand that the armor is indestructible (from my understanding, that it can't be pierced either) and It clearly looks like Rodrigo stabs Ezio, someone could explain this to me, I also see that the design of the armor has a space, just where Rodrigo attacked
I would be very grateful if someone answers my question
I'm just curious that's all. But is syndicate looked as a good entry in the franchise now a days. Ive seen multiple tier list and rankings of the games online, syndicate varies from being in the bottom to being near the top, to somewhere in the middle, but never in a consistent position akin to the Ezio Games.
So just comment in the section below on your opinion on where it ranks (f - s tier) and why you think so.
Desmonds was able to do Ezio's memories although Ezio didnt look he had childs. How does this work? Or is Claudia Desmonds ancestor?
115 Votes in Poll
Good evening, can someone explain to me why Ezio's voice is heard in AC Valhalla, is there an explanation about it, or some theory, or is it just a reference to the character?