Bayek is so badass he’s my all time favorite Assassins Creed Protagonist he has a good heart ♥️ and is generous as well as very loyal his story was so sad 😭 though but he’s a true Medjay warrior fr 😌✊🏾💯💯💯 let’s go Bayek of Siwa! For his son Khemu
Bayek is so badass he’s my all time favorite Assassins Creed Protagonist he has a good heart ♥️ and is generous as well as very loyal his story was so sad 😭 though but he’s a true Medjay warrior fr 😌✊🏾💯💯💯 let’s go Bayek of Siwa! For his son Khemu
Haytham being revealed a templar and not a assassin in his sequence was shocking for who played AC3 and learned more of the reasons of aligning himslef with Ziio and her tribe, Kanien'kehá:ka.
Considering an the cut idea of Rogue to have more one of two sequences with Shay still as an assassin, say by the director in a interview, one of the possibilities i could imagine would be being a mission after 13 July 1755, Edward Braddock death date, and before Shay being send to Lisbon. A mission with Kesegowaase to certify a report from the Kanien'kehá:ka, who were allied with the Assassins, denuncing Ziio or just Ziio herself about the templar expedition group led by Haytham, saying how she unwittingly helped this new templar cell from Boston cause they pretended to be from the Brotherhood of Achilles.
Why the West Indies and British colonial assassins didn’t have the beaked hood like the other brotherhoods from other games ? I remember that it was a tradition the assassins had.
For those who played AC3/III, and complained like me, there are a lot of time jumps when going from one sequence to another. Skipping entire years or more unnecessarily makes no sense and the passage of time feels very abrupt.
I've recapped the time blanks and will give my ideas (you can too) of sequences or more missions to add to the already existing sequences that the developers could have used to fill in those gaps in the story, by that showing more of the Revolution and of coarse Connor as a character. And if possible, see more of Sam Adams and Ben Franklin. And to be honest add more templars or associates of them, being final bosses of sequences.
YES, IK many these events form the bulk of the guild contracts, but it's such a waste.
And they could have add Philadelphia. I know it was already claimed that was cutted off because the city is too gridded and therefore it became boring; they didn't feel it would be fun to parkour through a city where everything is sort of lined up in a perfect grid. But still.
1771 - 1773: I think this time skip is justifiable, considering was during this time Connor was still training and repairing the Aquila.
1774: With the exception of July 11th, when the Hostile Negotiations mission happens Johnson, we are completely deprived of exploring the rest of the year, before or after the mission. Maybe it could have shown the creation of the First Continental congress, which is unlikely considering the shows the second one, scenarios created by the Intolerable Acts, the Powder Alarm Incident, Boston after the close of its harbors, the unification of the militias against the Parliament. Thomas Paine arrival in the colonies, being targeted by the templars, since he cooperated with the french assassins in the ACU coop mission. Or facing the British general Thomas Gage appointed, the newly appointed military governor of Massachusetts.
Late 1775 and early 1776 - Between sequence 7 (showing most major events of the first half of 1775) and 8. They probably could have shown more of the Siege of Boston, especially the Evacuation day. Maybe could be have been add to as a start mission to sequence 8, infiltrating Boston in search for more information on the plot to kill Washington, and then finding clues and going try find Hickey in New York. The Evacuation Day of New York, the fire that happened that year.
Most of 1777 - We only explore the end of December of this year, in the passing to 1778. There are a bunch of battles that happens on this year. I can't even count all of them, maybe showing some battles the Continental Army lost. But also need to be something PRIOR the winter of 1777, where Connor meets Aveline for the first time.
Second half of 1778 - IDK about this one, considering it was in the first half of this year that happens sequence 8, and was really agitated and emotional for Connor, iykyk. Not to mention the naval missions where Connor finally killed Biddle, Templar pillar in the naval front of the war.
1779 - United States forces, led by General Anthony Wayne, capture Stony Point, New York from British troops.
1780 - Not much to say besides the Benedict Arnold expansion for all platforms
Black arrow = Descendant
One-side red arrow = Kill
Two-side red arrow = Fight
Blue arrow = Ally/work together
Green arrow = Master/apprentice
Purple Arrow = Lovers
Dotted lines = Relive memory
Orange arrow: Met
I only put games, the movie and Dynasty. If I put the other books and comics, I think there will be so many lines that we won't see anything.
In the 16th century, the Protestant Reformation spread across Northern Europe, beginning with Luther in 1517 across the Holy Roman Empire, and in 1541, Calvin spread the reformed church in Geneva. After the wars, in 1555 the Peace of Augsburg established peace among Lutheran and the Catholic states in the empire. While in Southern Europe, the Counter-Reform and Inquisition stopped the development of Protestantism, in Western Europe, the religious division became the background of political struggles. In England, the three children of Henry VIII changed the ways of the Anglican Church. In Scotland, the reform of John Knox was supported by the pro-English party while the Catholics were more aligned with the pro-French alliance (House of Guise, with Mary de Guise Regent of Scotland and her daughter becoming the catholic Queen Mary Stuart). In the Spanish Netherlands, the rebels against the Spanish Empire, while in majority Catholics, became later Calvinists with the war. In France, The House of Guise and the House of Bourbon fought to influence the royal House of Valois, the Guise supported the Catholics and Spain while the Bourbon sided with the protestants and the Dutch rebels.
Reasons why it is the perfect settings
1) Many assassinations during the era. The Wars of Religion saw the elimination of many leaders and kings (William of Orange, lord Darnley, King Henry III, the Guise). During the period, the Monarchomach theories developed, promoting on one side popular sovereignty but also justifying tyrannicides against bad rulers in both religions. It could be interesting to see how the Assassins deal with that.
2) Many connections with the previous series installments.
We know that Mary Tudor was a Templar ally killed by the Assassins and that Elizabeth Tudor had Altaïr Apple of Eden which was in Masyaf the last time we saw it. Maybe a connection between the Assassins, the Turks and the Protestants which allied against the Habsburg empire (Turco-Calvinism).
The Italians influenced Western Europe politics in the 16th century. Catherine de Medici as Regent of France, David Rizzo was Mary Stuart's advisor before being assassinated, Alexander Farnese Duke of Parma was governor of the Spanish Netherlands, and even the Guise were descendants of the Borgia. The Prince of Machiavelli influenced a more pragmatic politic but was also criticized as immoral and Italians were often seen as traitors or liars, and in the Protestant view, they were supporters of the pope. During the French Wars of Religion, many commanders of the French army were veterans of the Italian Wars, like Francis of Guise or Anne of Montmorency. In The Witches of the Moors, we learned that the French Templars had the original shroud of Eden until 1593. As Francesco Vecellio had it in 1510, maybe it was taken during the Italian Wars. We could see the lasting influence of the war between the Auditore and the Borgia.
New World expeditions. While Spain controlled most of the Americas, the French and English Kingdoms sent explorers to the New World, like the Sea Dogs (English privateers and pirates), Francis Drake and Walter Raleigh among them, who participated in the Wars of Religion. In 1585, Raleigh went to Virginia and found the lost colony of Roanoke, which is referenced in AC3 MP as an Assassins or Templars colony. The game could link with the Kenway Saga. Also, the first Freemason appeared in Edimbourg in 1598, and we know they brought the Apple of Eden 3 to the Americas.
3) Theme Liberty vs Order: these conflicts are the perfect settings for the Assassin-Templar War. Two religions in the same state were seen as a danger to political order and both sides persecuted each other. Seeing how the Assassins and Templars influenced the conflicts and dilemmas on their methods.
Time et space
The timeline will take place between 1558 and 1598, covering the Wars of Religion in France, the Marian Civil War, and the beginning of the Eighty Years' War. As one character couldn't explore all the events (it would be too disjoint for a story), I think three characters would be better: a Scottish Assassin operating in Edimbourg during Mary Stuart's reign; a French Templar fighting both Assassins and corrupt Templars in the Wars of Religion (the First Black Cross); and a Dutch Sea Geuzen fighting the Spanish Army and sometimes allying with the Brotherhood and the Order.
For the map, I see 3 cities and 3 regions:
-Paris: many events occurred in the city as the fatal tournament of King Henry II in 1559, the Massacre of Saint Bartholomew in 1572, the Barricades in 1588 and the siege of 1589 by Henry IV. It would be smaller than in Unity and more Medieval-Renaissance.
-Edimbourg: during Mary Stuart's reign, Edimbourg was a place of conspiracy and political intrigues, as the assassination of David Rizzo and lord Darnley During the Marian civil war, the city was besieged by King's Men and two regents were assassinated.
-Antwerp: one of the richest cities in Europe with the Bourse of Antwerp and a high spot of the Renaissance. During the Dutch revolt, it was the capital of the Dutch Provinces and its own Calvinist republic between 1577 and 1585. In 1566 protestant riots occurred and the city was sacked by the Spanish in 1576 and 1583 by Francis of Anjou. It was finally taken by Alexander Farnese in 1585 after a siege. Maybe also have Gent and Brussel as they are close and had an importance during the revolt.
-The Loire: the longest river in France passing through cities like Orleans and Nantes but also many Renaissance Palace like Chambord, Amboise or the Clos Lucé, Leonardo Da Vinci's Manor. During the 16th century, the Royal House lived in these palaces and political events happened, like the Amboise Conspiracy (Protestant leaders trying to abduct King Francis II to save him from the influence of the Guise), Charles IX's Tour of France or the Blois' General Estate of 1588 where Henry III ordered the assassination of the duke and cardinal of Guise.
Château de Blois
-Highlands: Scotland is one of the parts of the British Islands we never explored in the series. There are many castles, churches, and cities that can be seen. The Reformation and many feuds between clans happened there, like with the Gordon and the Forbes. Maybe we could have references about the Children of the Highlands
-Low Countries/Channel Sea: The Coasts of the Low Countries became the battlefield of the Seagueuzen, beginning with the take of Brielle in 1572. In 1588, The Invincible was also "defeated" in the Channel Sea by the English and the Dutch. I imagine the map like the Caribbean Sea or the River Valley, taking the ship and going to ports like Calais (the last English port before being taken by Francis of Guise in 1558), Dover, The Hague and other mainland cities.
I also imagine other important places for single memories, like La Rochelle, a major French Protestant city besieged in 1573; Ireland during Desmond's rebellion; and North America during Roanoke construction.
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Sorry for not having published anything...the problem is that between my parents' divorce, my aunt with pancreatic cancer, my newly diagnosed ADHD I didn't have time
I'm still wondering if we're going to have a game set in the Roman Empire! Because it has become a trend.
Who were the assassins with Ezio, near the start of the game, at the top of the tower, before he did the leap of faith?
This information is not my author, all Credits to "Libez Wolf "via Twitter/X
Kassandra descends from King Leonidas I of Sparta, which means that Kassandra has royal blood, not only that, Leonidas was a half-breed of human Isu, but if we go to Leonidas' family tree we reach Eurysthenes of Sparta, possibly the historical king of Sparta oldest recorded, 1104 BC – 1066 BC, prior to him being a mere myth, however, there are records of the ancestors of Eurysthenes, his father Aristodemus, who is debated if he was king of Sparta and even his date of birth and death, his grandfather Cleodo, of whom only his name is known, his great-grandfather Hyllus... son of Hercules, And well, for those who are not illustrious in Greek mythology, Hercules is the Great-Grandson of Perseus, since Hercules is the Grandson of King Electrion, son of Perseus , who is also Canon in Assassins Creed, his first mention is in AC2 who was the first bearer of a sword of Eden, Perseus thought he was the son of Zeus however he is only a distant ancestor, a magazine that talks about the lore of the saga is where Jupiter is directly mentioned as Zeus, so Jupiter would be an Ancestor of Kassandra
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I'm new here and have never played an assassins creed game before; though I have played other games similar to assassins creed like Sekiro and Ghost of tsushima. But I do not know which to start with, so please inform me.