76 Votes in Poll
76 Votes in Poll
89 Votes in Poll
116 Votes in Poll
In AC 4, if you defeat a agile gaurd you can pick up his weapon and you will get 1/1 dagger throws. Why? Whats the point of this? Those guards where you stole them from didnt throw them. You cant even uprade the max amount of daggers having in your 'inventory'. If this get more use later in this game tell it me pls. On this point it doesnt make any sense. If you can pick up their daggers, why you cannot get exploding bomb from brutes?
124 Votes in Poll
I personally thought it was about the best game, tied with Syndicate. Almost certainly the most rewarding and satisfying to 100%.
152 Votes in Poll
176 Votes in Poll
107 Votes in Poll
156 Votes in Poll
I like assassins creed black flag Bc I like the pirate feel to it. What’s your guys favorite?
I think following on the heels of Black Flag, Ubisoft wanted to make a game that further explored what the Duncan Walpole betrayal of the order would look like in detail. Had Ubisoft focused on Rogue more than Unity, either of the games would have done better.
So when i finish valhalla which assasin's creed game should i get next i played AC3 blackflag(so far my favorite one) Odyssey(also a fun one) and origins so which one should i play next
160 Votes in Poll
Just starting my play threw of black flag before I begin I wanted to know are there any storyline dlc that I could play and are they worth playing?
111 Votes in Poll
115 Votes in Poll