I have started playing my first Assassin's Creed Game, it is Black Flag. I am loving it, after I finish it, what are other games in the Series i should play and what are y'all's thoughts on Black Flag as a game?
I have started playing my first Assassin's Creed Game, it is Black Flag. I am loving it, after I finish it, what are other games in the Series i should play and what are y'all's thoughts on Black Flag as a game?
Black Flag is probably my favorite but I think you should play the games in order of release if possible.
If you have Nintendo go and get the Enzo collection it’s three games in one
Hello there welcome to the Assassin's Creed Fandom 🙂
@Lacrossedeamon you're an Edward Kenway fan too, eh?
I just think it’s an all around strong game.
It’s the last game to have interesting development in the modern day until Valhalla.
The Templars have a good scheme to foil.
Solid supporting characters both historical and fictional.
And Edward has one of the better character arcs as a protagonist and at the time relatively unique motivations that doesn’t rely on a dead family member.
Not to say I don’t have any criticisms but overall I put it at the top.
It's a decent game, but I still like Odyssey the most.
Well you see i play off wii And wii u so id probably get the installments from those consoles
You should play them in order, but if not then play the brotherhood bro its like my favorite
What do you think?