What time period or historical event would you want to see a game set in? There are so many good ones that would be amazing to see in a new game.
What time period or historical event would you want to see a game set in? There are so many good ones that would be amazing to see in a new game.
Not a game but a novel during early 1st century Roman Judea
The Dacian-Roman wars, set in Romania and Serbia, between 101-106 AD. This conqest is really important, not for Romanian history, but also the building of the Roman Forum
WW2 Germany
Or 000s ad Rome
This is my list. Not in any particular order:
Rome (other than Origins and only set in Rome)
Ottoman Empire
British occupation of India
Civil War
Tudor/Elizabethan era
Ancient China (other than Chronicles and Codename:
More of Japan besides Shadows
Definitely Roman empire, but it must be set after the year 80 AD, because the colosseum wasn't finished before that date. In my opinion a Roman AC game without the Colosseum would be just a wasted opportunity.
I would also love it if the player character is a senator who is secretly a Hidden One. That would allow a new kind of game mechanic where you can influence Roman politics and kind of change the game world around you.
You could for example influence the senate into discrediting a powerful member of Order of The Ancients in public, causing him to lose some of his allies and making him easier to assassinate.
Well both WWs, Rome, and Japan (30 years before Shadows) will be in the RPG; Ottoman Empire and British Raj might as well.
I really liked the idea about Rome and the player character being a Senator that is secretly a Hidden One. I completely agree about the game being set after the Colosseum is built. Being able to influence the city and politics, and see your changes influence things would be pretty interesting to see.
Welp we are getting 700BC Rome first
What makes you say that?
What do you think?