Beautiful ❤️
Hmm, interesting. I know a lot of games with scenery and graphics that rain usually doesn't mess up, ofc it might also just be differences in personal preferences with liking what rain looks like, in general.
@Violiina Would you mind telling me some of those? I'm curious if i would feel the same way about them. It's definitely personal preference, i generally like more colorful scenery and rain tends to make everything look very gray which is not my taste at all, but in certain environments such as modern cities i actually prefer rain, especially Cyberpunk 2077, also rain generally tends to look great for me at night.
But i love rain the most in games that have locations that don't change at all, that don't have day and night cycles or changing weather, Souls games are the best example i can think of.
Well, I would have said Valhalla, as it is one of those games where rain is made just nicely enough it brings in realism but without making it too rainy. It's kinda what I'd expect from England anyway, gray and sad. But I have to say I don't notice changes in weather too much in most games I play. It's just like irl really, the rain comes and goes, and sometimes it pours.
I mostly play (other than ACs) only Black desert and Horizon currently, but even they have very different graphics and sceneries, so the weather differs a lot.
(screenshot by a friend from bdo)
Batman Arkham Knight has fantastic rain 🌧️
@Violiina Unfortunely Valhalla is one of the games i dislike the most when it comes to this (along Elden Ring), but the gray and rain really fit England can't argue with that.
I just realized that scenery with less color only bother me if it's colorful most of the time but changes with the weather or any other reason, the snow areas in Valhalla for example don't have much color but i still like them a lot, Metro Exodus comes to mind as well, there are quite a few areas that are colorless (is that a word?) but i love how they look anyway.
Love the picture, lightning always looks awesome.
@Jordan isle You're right, i completely forgot about it, i think it's actually my favorite rain in any game.
I'd say the weather changes only work if it's a game with realistic graphics in general, but I don't play... basically any other type of game, so cannot say much on comparison.😅
Didn't have a vid or anything on Horizon myself, but found one on youtube (about 6:20 -->).
Horizon Zero Dawn - Realistic Rain and Gorgeous Nature - YouTube
Horizon 3 rain perfect like Batman Arkham Beyond rain if it's ever made
@Violiina I really like how it looks in the video, but also dislike it depending on were i'm looking at 😅.
The desaturated colors that are still somewhat colorful are what i dislike, like the green from the grass and yellow from the flowers, but the rest of the environment that turns almost black and white looks really nice.
Most games with a lot of nature look mostly like the first example i gave so that's why i tend not to like them with rainy weather, but i don't think they look bad it's just not my taste at all.
What do you think?