I just finish the game and I see that McDevitt expanded what he introduced in Black Flag. I find this interesting and it can confirm something I supposed for a time.
Return of Eve?
In the truth of Brotherhood, 16 said to Desmond to find Eve in Eden and that her DNA was the key. He also said something about his son. We know that he refers to Elijah who is a Sage of Aita, maybe Eve is also a Sage of some kind trap in Eden in some kind of device like Yggdrasil. Many clues point to this. In Liberation, the Prophecy Disk that "Eve will lead us through the war of generations." Maybe it literally through generations, by reincarnation. Another thing, in Dead Kings, Philippe Rose was approached by a guard who worked for a Lady Eve. Maybe a Sage and someone who tasked Arno to hide Germain's remains.
Loki's children
In the end, we discovered that Loki wanted to reunite his family and free his children. In mythology, he has three children with the Jotnar Angrboða: Fenrir, the giant snake Jorgumender and the god of the dead Hel. As Eivor's dreams are simulations of modified memories, maybe Fenrir was not a Wolf but a Hybrids or a subject of the Olympos project. The rope was not literal but some kind of cryogenic state maintaining him alive until today. Maybe a trilogy where we must save each time one child.
Animus, Yggdrasil and Grey
In Revelations, we discovered that 16 created an IA of himself in the Animus in the Black Room. As the Animus and Yggdrasil are based on the same technology, did Clay just created a Sage in the Animus. The Black Room was the earlier stage of the Animus, only creating simulations. Clay wanted to take Desmond's body, something Sage could do. On the Animus island, the gates to Desmond's memories recreated simulations of these, and look like the sealed room of Atlantis. Kassandra in the Fate of the Atlantis and Bayek in the Curse of Pharaohs entered in simulations through gates like Desmond and Eivor. In Unity and Syndicate, Juno wanted to use the Helix to connect humanity to the Grey. The Yggdrasil could connect four people at the same time in a simulation, so using Animi with the Helix server isn't a far stretch to connect every humans.
Twelve Hidden
In Unity, Juno spoke about the twelve hidden. Maybe they are the Sages. So we have Aita, the eight Aesir and Loki, so ten Isu. You could be the 2 others? I don't know if we can count Aletheia as a hidden. It seemed that Odin was aligned with Juno maybe only by interest, but he considered humans as inferior, another antagonist? Loki is allied with the Assassin but wants to beat Odin and saved his children, so maybe we could see some kind of civil war between the twelve hidden in the future games.